
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
133 Chs

Chapter 33:The sudden attack of the beast

However, as he would be thinking about it he heard the sound of something he didn't want to hear.


roared a few meters away.

When Henry heard the roar of the beast, his senses immediately became even more alert.

He started to look left and right in search of the beast that has roared not far from here.

He won't spot any beast nearby. This caused him to frown slightly.

"There isn't any beast nearby but the roar was really loud. It felt like the beast was nearby," Henry thought to himself.

He kept looking for the beast or for sometime useful but he won't find anything. This would cause him to frown even further.

"Maybe it was far away but it just roared too loudly. I think I should continue to move forward, "Henry thought to himself.

After that, he would be about to continue his journey. He began to charge into the forest.

He jumped from one tree to the other at an incredible speed. However, as he is jumping from one tree to the other, he noticed something odd.

"It's strange I am having a feeling that I am being watched by someone or something. Moreover, I am hearing some weird sounds.

These aren't the sounds of footsteps since if they were then would be louder even if they belonged to some beasts

Maybe it's the sound of the wind" Henry thought to himself

He thought about it for a second and then he just decided to forget about it. He would just continue his journey.

As he is continuing his journey he spotted a shadow below him.

"A shadow am I being followed, "Henry thought to himself

However, as he is thinking about it a notification appeared on his retina which will make Henry certain that he is being watched by some beasts.

He opened his interface and saw the details of the emergency quest.

(Wearing an emergency quest has been issued. If you fail to complete this mission, then you will receive a penalty.

Kill the one who is following you regardless of age, gender, or race to save your life.

Penalty:You will die)

When he sees it he will become shocked.

"I am surely being followed by some beasts, "Henry thought to himself.

Just as he was thinking about this, he would hear the sound of wind rushing towards him. The wind will be abnormally really fast. It destroyed branches that are attached to trees.

Henry took a look at the wind and saw that it has taken the form of a slash. He knew now he is being attacked.

"I should try to dodge but I don't think I can do it. Just maybe I can cancel it out with my sword slash" Henry thought to himself.

He flicked his wrist and then a sword materialized on his hand. He began to channel spiritual energy into the sword.

After that, a thin layer of blue aura surrounded the sword which is spiritual energy.

After that, he started to exert all of his strength on the sword by exerting as much power from his muscles, fibers, and bones.

"Now is the time to strike and if it fails then I will, "Henry thought to himself with a serious look on his face.

Henry moved from right to left with all of his strength then a blue slash started to charge toward the wind slash.

The slash collided with the wind slash. When they collided with each other, they produced a powerful shockwave that caused the branches of the tree to be cut off and the leaves of the tree to fall.

The wind slash would be destroyed, then Henry's sword slash passed through the wind slash after destroying it.

The sword slash will hit a nearby boulder and it will be cut in two.

However, he still won't relax since he knows the danger isn't gone.

"However I still haven't spotted who is following. Considering that it had used camouflage then I can say that it has some intelligence"Henry thought to himself.

As he is thinking about this a big shadow appeared behind him. He won't know the shadow is there since he didn't look back.

The shadow will raise one of his limbs. The limb will look like a hand with 4 enormously big fingers.

The four fingers would have long and sharped nails that looked like they can even slash a boulder in half.

The beast then pointed his fingers toward him and charged toward him with an incredible speed.

The nails would be directed toward the neck of Henry.

The nails would be moving at such an incredible speed that it's assumed that it will only take the beast a few more seconds to sever his head from Henry's neck.

The nails hitted Henry's body and the sound of the nails destroying the ground along with Henry's body resounded through the entire place.

The beast would let out weird smiles and then it started to roar.

*ROAR ROAR ROAR ROAR!!!!!"The beast let out a powerful roar.

The beast removed his nails from the ground. What the beast saw shocked him greatly.

Henry's body nor blood would be nowhere to be seen; only broken rocks remained on the ground.

This caused the best to blink its eyes in confusion.

*Roar Roar Roar Roar*The beast let out soft roars of confusion

The beast then began to look at the surrounding area to search for Henry but he won't find it.

The beast's eyes looked up in the sky and it saw a medium size dot slowly getting bigger.

This dot will be Henry. Henry scanned the surrounding area with his eyes as he took a look if there are any other beasts nearby.

He won't spot any beast nearby so his eyes locked onto the beast that's in front of him.

Henry would also heave a sigh of relief since he was able to escape from death's gate.

"Thank goodness I was able to escape from the beast. However, if I didn't have my ripping sword then I would have died without a doubt.

Since when I concentrated as much as possible then my mind cleared up and as I opened my eyes closed I felt that I was surrounded by only water.

I felt like I was in the ocean as far as I could see there was only water. Then all of a sudden I felt a disturbance in the water and the killing intent was heading in my direction.

Powerful waves with killing intent start to head in my direction. I dodged the waves by jumping up high at an incredible speed. My vision turned back to normal"Henry thought to himself

He forgot about all this at the moment and decided to scan the beast that's in front of him.

"I should now focus on the beast that's in front of me, "Henry thought to himself

He saw the physique of the entire beast.

"The beast has four limbs but he can stand up on two limbs like us humans. The color of the fur is pure white.

The beast has long and sharp nails that look like it can destroy anything. The legs are also the same. The beast is at least 10 meters tall.

The beast also has sharp fangs, however, the fingers look weak so maybe I can slash it "Henry thought to himself as he scanned the beast from head to toe.

The beast has a lot of similarities with a monkey and its fangs and sharp claws have similarities with a wolf. It is more like a hybrid form of a wolf and a giant ape.

Henry kept scanning the beast that's in front of him. He tried to find more points for the beast.

"The neck of the beast looks weak after I destroy its claws. I had to slash its neck and sever its head from its body.

"Henry thought to himself.

Henry fell to the ground at an incredible speed, he would fell at such a speed that his body started to heat up due to the air resistance.

As Henry fell to the ground, the dot that beasts saw got bigger and bigger.

"I will have to slash him as quickly as possible to kick it quickly, "Henry thought to himself as he concentrated even more.

When he concentrates, his mind became even more clear.

Henry will land on the ground a few dozen seconds later. The ground below him broke due to how powerful the impact of the fall is. The fall will also shook up his skeleton.

The sound of him hitting the ground resounded throughout the entire place. It will also be heard by the ape. He charged toward Henry to kill him.

Seeing this Henry will smile and will say.

"Come to your death"Henry roared out loudly.

The beast continued to charge towards him without stopping while Henry will stood motionlessly while he will close hai eyes.

Seeing this the ape will roar mockingly.

*ROAR ROAR ROAR ROAR ROAR roAr* The beast roared in a mocking voice.

Henry completely ignored the roar of the beast. He kept his eyes shut and will concentrated on his next strike.

"Calm down your nerves, fibers, and muscles. Also, let the aura of the sword flow into you and merge with your soul.

Hear the calming sound of the waterfall and then enter the calm ocean" Henry said to himself as he heard the sound of the waterfall in his head. Also as his body calms down.

Then he opened his eyes and spotted that he is in the middle of a calm ocean. He felt the disturbance in the water and malicious killing intent being directed towards him.

"You are dead now overgrown monkey," Henry said softly.

Hey guys sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was able to upload but then I realized that chapter 33 had been deleted somehow so I had to rewrite the entire chapter.

Anyway here is the chapter, I hope that you enjoy reading it.

Eternal_Soveregincreators' thoughts