
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasi
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133 Chs

Chapter 17: Hunting the beasts(2)

"Come and die by my hands. Be the sacrifice for me to increase my strength" Henry said to the beats with a grin on his grin

The two beasts charged toward Henry at an incredible speed. The two beasts were moving so fast that it made the ground tremble slightly.

The two beasts looked at each with eyes full of hatred for each other. However, they put their difference aside for now since they both wanted to kill him

Henry jumped up in the air while exerting force at the tip of his feet. He released all the force. It created a small crater around the area Henry was standing.

When Henry jumped up in the air it made the beast a little bit confused about where he is going.

They were confused because their intelligence is not that high enough to decipher what he had done.

However, they weren't stupid enough to think that they would still be able to inflict damage on someone that isn't there.

So they wanted to both stop but he since they are moving at an incredible speed. They still had the same braking distance.

Henry started to calculate this braking distance and speed. He determined how long it would take to arrive just below him.

Then he used them to find the time it would take them to reach there.

"It will take them around the next 19 seconds to reach just below me, "Henry thought to himself with a serious look on his face.

He began to move toward the place where they were going to stop. He moved towards it by using the trees and rocks as a booster.

A moment later he was around 500 meters above them. Then he calculated how much time it would take him to reach them.

He realized it won't take them too long to reach the braking distance. After calculating for some time, he determined how much time it time it will take them.

"Since the acceleration in free fall is 10m/s per second. Then I will be able to hit them without missing them, "Henry thought to himself.

He didn't waste too much time on it; he just pointed towards the ground. Then he began to channel spiritual energy into the sword.

It produced a thin layer of spiritual energy around the sword. Henry continued to fall toward the ground at an incredible speed.

His blade started to heat up due to the friction that the air resistance has produced. His blade slowly started to turn red due to the sheer amount of friction acting on the blade.

He saw the beast also getting closer and closer with each passing second.

This second was the longest second in his entire life since he knew that if he misses this there is a high probability of death.

So he crossed his fingers and hope that he doesn't miss. A moment later slowly flames started to cover the blade of Henry.

The thin coating of spiritual energy made the flames a little bit golden in color slightly which made it look really beautiful.

The flames kept burning which were golden in color. It gave the flames a godly look.

He noticed this when he was feeling super hot while holding the blade. He took a look.

Then he saw such a state. However, he won't be shocked since he had expected and wanted this to happen

"Ok everything has been set up now I just need to wait for a few seconds before ending their life, "Henry thought to himself.

He tightened the grip on his sword. However the blade had became hot, and it burned his skin.

"Ahahahahahaha" Henry screamed out loudly.

A moment later he would be within reach of the beast.

Then he slashed a horizontally near the neck of the beast by 180 degrees.

Right when Henry slashed the neck of the beast. Blood came out like water coming out from a broken dam.

The flames on the sword also started to burn the neck area of the beast. It also burnt the internal part of his neck.

This caused the beast serious agony and pain. The beast let out a powerful roar in pain.

*Roar Roar Roar!!!*

The beast noticed Henry just about to land on his body. The beast used its tail to attack Henry.

Henry saw the tail approaching him. He just slashed the tail with his sword.

Henry didn't panic seeing the tail instead he turned his head towards the tail. Then he slashed the tail of the beasts with his sword.

The tail was able to hold back the sword for a split second. However, then the sword slashed through the tail like a knife passing through butter.

It fell to the ground and warm blood started to come out from the cut part. The beast let out a roar and would fell to the ground.

However, before the body of the beast collapsed to the ground. Henry used the body of the beast before it fell to the ground as a booster.

Henry charged towards the other beasts that are like a wolf. Henry kept rushing towards the beast.

Then he arrived in front of the beast within a second. He still wanted to stab the side of the beast with all of his strength but he failed to do so since the beast noticed him.

The beast also charged towards him which ruined most of his plan.

He wanted to retreat but he knew that he can't so he just sighed.

A moment later Henry was just a second away from colliding with the beast. The beast opened his mouth widely to eat Henry because it knew he can't stop now.

However, he stopped that from happening by using his blade to decrease his speed by dragging his blade.

It also produced friction on the blade which heated the blade even greatly. This caused flame surrounding the blade to burn at an even faster rate.

A few seconds later Henry's speed had decreased significantly due to this he was able to stop charging toward the beast.

He stood up by putting his feet on the ground. The beast immediately noticed this so closed his mouth and began to charge toward Henry.

A moment later the beast appeared in front of Henry. It used its claws to attack Henry but he swiftly dodged it.

He slashed the side of the beasts. However, Henry frowned after seeing this.

"The cut isn't deep enough it's probably because my sword skills are bad and my sword is slowly losing it's heat away"Henry thought to himself with a serious look on his face.

The beast didn't let out a roar even after he slashed him. Since this type of wound wasn't enough to hurt him even in the slightest.

The beast used it's tail to attack Henry at a incredible speed. Henry was able to dodge the attack of the beast.

So he used his sword to block it. He was able to block for sometime but then he won't be able to hold on for long.

Then he was be sent flying backwards. He slammed through tree until he was finally stopped by a large stone.

The beast would let out a powerful roar that resounded through the entire place.

*ROAR ROAR ROAR!!!!!* The beast roared.

Then something unexpected happened which caused Henry's face to lose all of his colours.