
Primordial Magic Academy

Sirius was transmigrated into a Magical Fantasy World with his previous life's memories intact. The Fantasy World, Zenix, had Humans, Elves, Demons, Dragons, Faes and even Angels living there. After transmigrating, Sirius awakened the Primordial Academy System, and created the Primordial Magic Academy. From accepting the first student, Sirius turned the Primordial Magic Academy from an unknown school to the strongest organization in the Universe. Gods, Demon Gods, Immortals and even the Undead wanted to enter Primordial Magic Academy. However, only the most talented juniors in the universe could enter the Academy. During all of this, Sirius grew stronger and stronger with the help of the System, becoming the strongest in the Universe. Watch Sirius's adventures as in the Mythological World of Zenix as he turns the Primordial Magic Academy into the strongest organization, slaying all his enemies on the way to becoming the strongest of them all while gaining valuable allies. ( There will be SMUT )

StrikerAuthor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

A New Life!

A gentle, serene breeze blew through the gigantic forest. Humungous, green vibrant trees could be seen all around. Magical Herbs of all shapes and sizes could be seen littering the elegant grassy floor of the forest. This place was full of vitality, and overflowing with the colour of creation and life.

It was night time, a blanket of darkness covering most of the sky as the only illumination was the expansive 3 moons that hung in the night sky, alongside the various beautiful stars that formed constellations. The forest was currently quiet, most of the predators gone for a night sleep.

 However, at this moment, a faint red figure could be seen in the middle of the forest. The figure looked young, no older than 25 years old, his breath was ragged as he exhaustingly looked around himself, his hand on his head as he tried to recall his memories.

"Ack!!" The Young Man, named Sirius, scowled in pain as a flood of memories crashed into his mind, a tsunami of information crashing into his brain as he tried to organize himself.

"I Transmigrated? Or Reincarnated? This is weird." Sirius said, his usually calm voice now laced with a layer of trepidation as he realized what had happened to him, his words hanging in the air as his brain recalled what occured.

His name was Sirius, he had no last name as he was an Orphan. In his previous life, he had worked his way out of the orphanage using his intelligence, earning a scholarship to a affluent University where he ended up getting his degree. However, the day before his 23rd birthday, Sirius was in a plane crash and ended up dying.

Sirius presumed he was chosen by some higher being, as his body had just transferred to this new unexplored world, and he had information about what kind of world it was. 

This New World was called Zenix!

The Magical World of Zenix was vast and expansive with a multitude of races living in it. Zenix consisted of One ( 1 ) humungous continent called the Zenix Continent and many smaller island, dimensions and habitats for races and people to live.

The Zenix Continent mainly housed Humans, who were the dominant race, but also housed many other races. The Elves were located in the Elven Domain in the west of the continent, the Demons were located in the Demon Empire in the East of the continent.

The Dwarves were located in an underground city they built. The Angels lived in a City floating in the sky in the Southern Side of the continent and the Fae lived in the Fairy Forest in the North.

The Smaller Islands surrounding the continent were usually home to the most powerful Clans and Families, the largest island was home to the Dragons, Emperors of the Skies. Various other races, clans and families took the rest of the land.

A vast expansive ocean separated the various islands and the continent, and deep in that ocean housed Atlantis, the Ocean Empire, home to the merfolk.

In the Center of the Continent was Zenix City, a city built by the combined efforts of every race as a sort of peace treaty.While conflicts certainly emerged, a peace treaty was signed by the various races to stop conflicts over a certain level, to avoid the extermination of races after a incident in the past.

That was all of the information that was given to Sirius during his transfer to this world. He knew he was currently towards the Southern Side of the continent in a forest. 

As Sirius was pondering what he should do, an unexpected occurrence appeared:

[ Ding! Host has awakened the Primordial Academy System. Does the host want to open the Divine Grade Newcomer Primordial Academy Package? ]

 An unfamiliar Golden Screen appeared before Sirius.

"System?" Sirius whispered, he had certainly heard of Systems before in his previous life. Sirius was a novel reader in his free time, so he knew Systems were very powerful and useful.

"System, what's your purpose? Will you impose any restrictions on me?" Sirius asked in his mind. While most systems in novels were very helpful, there were certain novels where systems would harshly punish and even torture their own hosts for failing missions and Sirius definitely did not want that.

 [ The Systems purpose is firstly to help the Host establish the Primordial Magic Academy and make the Academy a Powerhouse in Zenix and secondly to help the host life a Good Enjoyable Life! ]

The system's notification sounded in Sirius' mind, and calmed him down. That meant the system wouldn't punish him.

"Since there's nothing else for me at the moment, could you tell me the information I need to know about this system?" Sirius questioned.

[ The Primordial Academy System has many functions such as Status, Inventory, Primordial Academy and Missions. ]

" Status." Sirius said after, a Golden Floating Status screen appearing in front of his eyes, detailing his status currently.

[ Name: Sirius ]

[Race: Human ]

[ Mana Realm: None ]

[ Mana Technique: None ]

[ Bloodline: None ]

[ Physique: None ]

[ Elemental Affinity: None ]

[ Spirit Beast: None ]

"Hmm, so this is my status?" Sirius said as he inspected his status with a disgruntled look on his face. Although it was to be expected since this way his first day in this new world, anyone would be disgruntled seeing how useless and powerless they were. However, Sirius quickly cleared his throat and changed his attitude.

He had a system that would help him become the strongest in the world, why should he be sad right now. With the help of the System, Sirius knew he had a bright future ahead of him, and the first step towards that bright future was Mana Cultivation and working with the system.

"System, can you explain the key functions for me?" Sirius said in his mind.

[ Of course Host. Firstly, Status allows the Host to check his and his Students personal Status. It also gives host information about various skills, herbs, weapons and other items. ]

Sirius could easily understand this. In simpler terms, the Status could be called an Advanced Inspection skill from Webnovels in his past life that was done by the system to help him gather helpful information. Sirius also made note to try and find out any potential limits of the Status.

[ Inventory - Inventory is a Dimension where the Host can store any objects, treasures, resources, materials, or even herbs without limitation. The size of the Inventory is infinite and the only restriction is no living beings can be stored within the Inventory. ]

Sirius could understand the concept since it was very common to see such a function in novels. It was essentially an infinite storage space for whatever he could want, and it wasn't restricted to things such as Storage Rings or Bracelets. Sirius had seen too many novels where characters have their storage devices stolen after defeat, and although he was confident the system would make him powerful enough to not fear that, it was still a helpful feature to not need to rely on any storage device.

.[ Primordial Academy - The Primordial Academy function is one of the major functions of the System. It encompasses everything related to the Primordial Academy, from Academy Buildings such as Libraries, Classrooms, Administration Rooms, Training Rooms and Dormitories. The Primordial Academy also has its own Dimensional Farming Space. The Farming Space is a separate dimension where herbs, plants and trees amongst others can be grown infinitely. The Time Rate is adjusted to a ratio of 1 day of time in the real world to 100 years in the Dimensional Space. The Farmland will have the highest tier of soil which will increase the health and growth rate of anything planet in it. Water Cans filled with unlimited life water which enhances the plants health and effectiveness and decrease the time needed to mature. ]

Sirius could easily understand this. For Mana Cultivators, Spiritual Herbs, Trees and Plants were incredible resources. Just devouring them raw would have very beneficial effects, and if Alchemists could turn them into Herbs, they would be even greater. The Older a Spirit Herb is, the more effective and useful it is to the Mana Cultivator. A 1000 year Herb would dwarf the effectiveness of a 10 year herb, to the point that even Emperors and Empress' would wage war over the right one.

Missions - Missions are essentially Quests or Tasks that the Primordial Academy System will periodically give for the Host to complete. Completing Quests will give a cariety of rewards to the Host and failure to complete the Quest won't result in any punishment. ]

Reading the countless information from the various features of the System made Sirius excited about all of the possible things he could do using the help of the System. With the resources, Sirius would be able to make the Primordial Academy into one of the strongest organizations in the Universe easily.

Without wasting any more time, Sirius decided to open the Newcomer Academy Package given to him by the System. Clicking on the gift bag, Sirius received the rewards.

[ Ding! Congratulations for opening the Divine Grade Newcomer Primordial Academy Package! Host has Received Origin Chaos Phoenix Bloodline and Racial Card, Body of Chaos Physique, Primordial Fenrir Spirit Beast, Origin Chaos Mana Technique. ]

 Sirius immediately inspected the various rewards, becoming more and more shocked as he read them.

Origin Chaos Phoenix Bloodline & Racial Card - This Card transformed Sirius' race into an Origin Chaos Phoenix and gave him the Bloodline. The Origin Chaos Phoenix was the first living thing to ever exist, born from the Primordial Chaos itself. It possessed limitless power and at it's peak strength, could slaughter even gods. The Origin Chaos Phoenix is a Form and Representation of Life, Fire and Rebirth. ]

[ Body Of Chaos Physique - The Strongest Physique Created from the Primordial Chaos itself. Allows its owner to absorb the purest natural mana in the world and covert it to elements of any attribute. Host will have unmatched comprehension and near instant mastery over anything.]

Primordial Fenrir Spirit Beast - The Primordial Fenrir is one of the Primordial Spirit Beasts born at the beginning. Known as the GodSlayer, GodDevouring Wolf, Vanguard of the End, Wolf of Destruction, God of Wolves and more, the Primordial Fenrir was known as a beast of slaughter and destruction. ]

Origin Chaos Mana Technique - The Origin Chaos Mana Technique is a Cultivation Technique born from the Primoridal Chaos itself. It perfectly complements the Body Of Chaos. It is the Strongest Mana Technique in existence. ]

"System, can I accept these rewards here without issue?" Sirius asked. In various novels, accepting rewards this powerful would usually draw loads of attention, or worse backlash against the person, so Sirius needed to be informed.

[ Ding! Don't worry Host. The System will create a Temporary Dimension to shelter the Host while he accepts the reward. Host will be unconscious for one week while accepting all of the various rewards. ]

Sirius read the System message and hurriedly nodded, barely able to curb his immense excitement as he yelled in his mind, "Merge with the Rewards!"

Immediately, Sirius felt his vision going black, and he could feel his body being pulled into a separate dimension just like the system said.

 He was surrounded by complete darkness. Sirius could feel himself floating, not touching the ground at all, he felt as if he was in an eternal abyss.

Nothing...There was Nothing!

Before Sirius could sigh, he felt the entire space tremble, like a god like being had appeared. Sirius himself felt an unusual intense pressure compressing onto him. Turning around, Sirius saw it.

A humungous Rainbow colored Phoenix, larger than the size of the Earth was staring at Sirius directly in the eye, and all he could say was,

"Holy sh*t!"