
Primordial Entity born as a human

In the shattered kingdom of Tenai, where ancient magic weaves fate and the shadows of betrayal lurk around every corner, a legend is born – Kal Launno, the human incarnation of a Primordial Entity. Destined to be more than a mere mortal since the collapse of Tenai, caused by brutal eugenic practices and a devastating rebellion, Kal emerges from a legacy of pain and power, marked by the blood of the innocent and the fall of a once mighty kingdom. Raised away from the conspiracies that tore his home apart, Kal grows under the guidance of Ella, a woman of unbreakable determination, who saved him from the ashes of his doomed lineage. With silver hair that reflects his unique nature and eyes that glow with the brilliance of the sun, he is the perfect synthesis between humanity and the primordial power pulsing through his veins. As Kal progresses on his journey, he encounters the vastness of the Nannu Empire, a world filled with ancient magic, political intrigue, and unimaginable challenges. Among the halls of the Imperial Academy, he finds friends and foes, love and loss, and the inevitable confrontation with his own destiny. Each step brings him closer to the truth about his origins and the role he must play in the battle between the forces that seek to control or liberate the primordial power he represents. But the path is treacherous, and the secrets of the past threaten to destroy the fragile balance of the present. As ancient enemies resurface and new alliances are forged, Kal must navigate the turbulent waters of loyalty, power, and identity. Will he be the key to salvation or the spark that ignites total ruin? "Primordial Entity: Born as a Human" is a saga of epic proportions, exploring the eternal conflict between good and evil, legacy and choice, the divine and the mortal. Prepare to embark on an adventure where the line between mythology and reality is thin, and where a young man may be the flame that lights the way to redemption or the darkness that consumes the entire world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So I'm gonna add an extra chapter with character images and descriptions. Every time I introduce a new character in each chapter, I'll include them in this extra chapter. That way readers can put faces to the names and get a better idea of who's who hope you all enjoy!

ThaiHonor · Fantasi
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108 Chs

King of Waters!

In the imposing stone castle of the Kingdom of Volcaron, the feared King Vermilion Heatak was listening attentively to his messenger's report. His usually severe features revealed surprise and curiosity.

"Dead-living protecting the enemy capital? This is intriguing..." - he said to the man waiting standing before him. 

"Immediately summon Black Snake to my chambers."

Soon after, a demi-human of reptilian appearance entered the royal hall. His yellow eyes revealed his sharpened predatory instinct. He had been specializing in secret investigations for years.

"My lord summoned me?" - he said in a raspy voice.

"Black Snake, I want you to leave immediately for Nannu in disguise. I want to know what is really happening there, and if these news are true. We may be facing a situation that could change the course of this war."

The demi-human nodded, preparing for the mission.

"I will leave at dusk, my liege. I will bring you the answers you seek, even if it costs me my life." 

Vermilion smiled, satisfied. If the rumors were confirmed, a new and mysterious war scenario could emerge in those lands.

In the capital Alnuum, within the basements of the Imperial Academy, some people were gathering around a lit torch. The atmosphere was tense and everyone knew danger loomed over the city. Suzannah is the one who speaks:

"I called you here because we need a plan to deal with this situation. Every night Morfrey and his army of dead grow in number and power. We must protect the civilians."

"We have no way to fight Morfrey, he is far beyond our abilities," interrupted the experienced General Marcus.

One of the nobles present stood up and said:

"Anyway, we must find a way to evacuate people from the capital. We could use the underground galleries to withdraw them in small groups, at night, under the light of the moon."

Everyone became thoughtful with the suggestion, however another noble also spoke up:

"Before the massacre there were two hundred and sixty thousand inhabitants in the capital. Now at least two hundred thousand people are still here. I don't think we could withdraw them all without the king of the dead noticing."

"We have few options," responded Suzannah.

"We must try to save them, even if some are left behind. It's the only way to ensure the survival of as many people as possible."

And so they began to elaborate a daring plan to extract the civilian population from the besieged city, amidst the shadow of the threat of Morfrey's immortal army.

"Since Morfrey's revelation, people have been hostages inside their own homes. The dead walk the city even during the day, even the sun has abandoned us. Removing them now would be almost impossible," said Marcus.

"However, there is a huge gallery underneath the city, maybe we can withdraw the people and shelter them there!" added the general.

"General Marcus is right, let's do this!" said Suzannah.

A more heated discussion erupted among those present. Some nobles argued that they should try to evacuate the city at any cost, while others saw the plan as too risky. Then Suzannah spoke again, seeking to appease spirits:

"I propose the creation of an organized resistance. Within it, we can establish new secure communication channels that allow us to transmit vital information, coordinates and orders even under enemy domination."

Everyone seemed to agree with her idea. Suzannah, nicknamed the "Red Queen" for her magic gifts, was an experienced 150-year-old witch. She knew that in times of crisis, unity and solidarity were the greatest weapons against chaos.

"With strategy and cooperation, we can still resist and protect civilians," she continued confidently.

"We need to map alternative routes, stockpile food, weapons and supplies. Morfrey thinks he's already won, but we will show him we still have strength to fight."

The resistance was beginning to take shape. Remains to be seen if it would be able to contain the threat of the army of darkness under the command of the former king of the dead.

In the castle once alive now plunged into darkness. Lilla and Relon locked in their room, having only each other amid the solitude. Relon watched his sister crying, not knowing how to soothe her pain. He himself wondered where Morfrey, his beloved brother, had gone so wrong.

"Kal..." Lilla whimpered softly in a fetal position on the floor. 

Then they heard a noise in the hall. Relon ran to the door and peered through the magic eye, seeing a familiar figure approaching. With a quick motion, he opened just a crack in the door.

"Quick, take this!" the figure whispered, shoving something inside.

It was Aster, their sister. She brought a bag full of provisions and news from the outside world:

"I heard that a resistance has begun to organize in the city. I managed to tear a secret path inside the castle to bring hope."

Lilla clung to her sister's arms, crying in relief. For the first time in days, they felt less alone. Aster gave a comforting smile:

"We'll be together again soon, brothers. I promise we'll escape this darkness!"

Her gesture brought a breath of courage to those tormented hearts. There were still some true bonds from another time, when love still reigned in those ancient stone walls. Before Morfrey, Aster acted with cruelty and arrogance, pretending to agree with everything he said. But away from her brother, she did the opposite, secretly working to protect Lilla and Relon. Just like the twins, Aster had also never been able to accept the tragic death of her parents. To see Morfrey, once a beloved brother, transform into that monster was a shock. But to keep Lilla and Relon alive, she needed to pretend loyalty to the King of the Dead.

At this moment, upon finding the siblings in the room, Aster confided:

"Pay attention, we don't have much time. My actions before Morfrey are just a farce. I'm on the side of the resistance and I will get you out of here safely." Lilla and Relon finally understood their sister's game. Hope was reborn in their hearts, even though they lived under the yoke of Morfrey's terror. As long as he did not suspect, Aster would bravely fight the darkness to protect what remained of her family. The bonds of blood, despite appearances, still persisted firmly between them.

At the Imperial Academy, the gathered group listened attentively to the words of Arthan, an urgent messenger sent by General Marcus.

"Morfrey has cast a curse on the lands," he said, breathing heavily. 

"A plague of death begins to spread more ferociously by the hour. If we do not act quickly, there will be nothing left to save in the capital."

Suzannah received the news in a state of shock. Then she made a decision:

"Students, you need to train harder. We must prepare for battle immediately."

Clara, Lua, Gwen and the others rushed out. The witch then turned to Arthan:

"Take this message to your father: we will resist as much as we can. We have few options, but we will not surrender."

Meanwhile, she would search books and manuscripts for any clue that could reverse the plague. Her gaze had a renewed flame of hope. Despite the darkness, the dawn of freedom could still dawn for Alnuum, if they fought bravely and ingeniously. Victory or end were about to be sealed in the central square, under the glow of swords and the shadow of death's wings.

In the halls of the former Aquarion Palace, now dominated by darkness. Morfrey sits on his bone throne, summoning General Marcus to his presence.

"General, how is our war against Volkaron going?" asks Morfrey arrogantly, his dead eyes shining with morbid satisfaction.

"My men are deserting every day, my lord," responds Marcus, trying to hide his resentment. 

"Since you murdered Emperor Mordret and dominated the dead-living, troop morale has collapsed."

Morfrey lets out a high, sinister laugh that echoes through the hall like a shadow.

"What failures! They cannot withstand the true power of darkness!" he says impatiently.

In a fit of rage, he hit his hand on the throne, breaking the bones. Marcus shuddered but remained steadfast.

"I will send a special detachment to counterattack Vermilion's men. I want their heads impaled on the border!"

"As you command, Your Majesty," Marcus responded emotionlessly. Inside, he planned how to use that force against Morfrey himself, the tyrant of a destroyed empire. Revenge was taking shape amid the darkness.

In the shadows of night, Aster met with Lilla and Relon in their rooms, bringing backpacks with provisions and rudimentary weapons.

"The time has come. Come with me, but stay silent," she whispered.

The twins nodded, terrified but willing to trust their sister. She led them through empty corridors, avoiding the patroling dead guards. Aster took them to the dungeons, where she kept prisoners the guards loyal to Aquarion. With a secret key, she opened the cells.

"Flee to the underground city. Find the resistance," she ordered the grateful men, now freed.

Before leaving the castle, they passed through the royal crypt. Lilla sobbed before the empty tombs of her profaned parents. Aster briefly consoled her. They followed to the catacombs under the castle, an ancient labyrinth full of surprises. A patrol of the dead raised the alarm, and soon they were surrounded.

"Run! While I hold them off!" shouted Aster, wielding two daggers despite not knowing how to properly fight.

She battled as best she could against the dead, giving time for the siblings to get away. Finally, she surrendered to exhaustion, wounded. But thanks to her courage, Lilla and Relon escaped to the underworld, where they would find refuge. Lilla screamed her sister's name at the top of her lungs as she was left behind, while Relon only held his sister and pulled her away with tears in his eyes. However, the light of hope resisted, even in the deepest dungeon of that cursed palace. Aster smiled, satisfied, before fainting in the arms of darkness.

After days of fleeing through the catacombs, Lilla and Relon emerged in the Underground City, hundreds of meters below the surface. It was an ancient complex of tunnels inhabited by outcasts and refugees. Exhausted, the twins were found by spy children of the resistance. Soon they were taken to Suzannah, who awaited them with other group members.

"I praise your courage, young Aquarions," she said, relieved.

"Come, we have a safe camp prepared."

There they received hot provisions and clean clothes. But their situation was still one of mourning and terror.

"We must save our sister! Morfrey captured her," said the emotional Relon.

"For now we must strengthen ourselves. The final battle approaches," soothed Suzannah.

The next day, the twins were received with affection by other survivors from the besieged capital, now united in the fight. Children played, the wounded were treated. Lilla reunited with some teachers from the Academy. Relon began training weapons with warriors. Among the community, they felt less alone in their grief. They were among friends, willing to do anything to reclaim their home from darkness. Led by Suzannah, they would forge an army capable of facing Morfrey's legions. The chance of victory was reborn in those profane caverns.

In the galleries of the Underground City, Lilla and Relon observed the training sessions led by Terona, the courageous half-orc who taught fencing at the Academy. Despite her fierce appearance, Terona was fair and wise. She commanded the aspiring warriors with a firm hand, correcting postures.

"The sword is merely an extension of the arm. You must feel the balance as part of your body," she explained.

The twins yearned for training, but strangers whispered about their cursed lineage. "They are relatives of the Dark King," they said. When class ended, Terona approached and placed her hands on their shoulders.

"Don't pay attention to ignorant gossip. Arrive early tomorrow and I'll give you a chance," she said with a kind smile.

Eager, Lilla and Relon were the first in the morning. Under Terona's watchful eye, they wielded wooden swords. At first they floundered, wary of the whispers. But the master encouraged them: "Focus on your abilities, not what they say." Training hard, the twins soon stood out. Over the days, they earned respect from the other students, who came to see them as equally capable. Thanks to Terona, they learned they only needed the support of those willing to judge them on their own merit, not their kinship with darkness.

Suzannah gathered all the resistance while they awaited the leader's choice. Suzannah spoke:

"We must choose a capable leader to guide us!"

Though some expected Suzannah to take the lead, she would not do so. Instead, the crowd screamed for General Marcus, a war hero known for his fairness and honor. However, Suzannah raised her voice louder:

"Marcus would make an excellent commander, I understand. However, the blood of the first hero flows in Relon and Lilla's veins, and as our ancestors did long ago, we must pledge loyalty to he who holds such blood! It is time for a monarch to return, not an Emperor like Mordret was, but the King of Waters, as before."

Suzannah's speech moved the hearts of the people gathered, though not many, rescued by the resistance. All rose hopefully that a king of waters might lead them to an era of glory once more! However, Lilla opposed the choice:

"I want to fight, not command. I long for the day I find Kal alive again." 

Relon, realizing he was the last of his line, was terrified. He whispered to his sister: 

"I am the weakest. My blood is not as strong as yours."

At that moment, Marcus stood up and said loudly:

"Relon Aquarion, the blood of heroes flows in your veins. Your heart has shown compassion when few others did, and leadership when this city needed it most. A true king should rule not through force but through heart."

The general kneeled before the young man, surprising them all.

"Follow this noble prince! His lineage makes him worthy to lead our people to freedom."

One by one, the warriors also kneeled, swearing loyalty. Even Lilla curtsied, proud of her brother.

Relon, moved, saw in their eyes the true meaning of courage. It was not about strength or skill, but about caring for those he loved. He was worthy in heart, not mattering what they said of his once house. Now, as leader, he would chart the path toward light. And just as it was with their father Mordret in the past, the people cried out as one!

"Hail Relon Aquarion! Hail the King of Waters!"

At that moment Relon felt a way he had never felt before, and then a faint blue glow appeared in his eyes, though almost no one noticed. And far away in the armory of the palace, in the Hall of Kings, the sacred artifacts of Aquarion, Wavebringer and Leviathan glowed faintly as well, recognizing and accepting their new wielder. The new King of Waters!

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