
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

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31 Chs

Chapter 05:All Blue

After leaving his siblings Red went to his room then he just took his bag then left the room and went to Zero "well old man since you're itching to chase me out ,well let's go I've took everything" Red looked at Zero.

Zero felt helpless and at the same time he was happy to be getting rid of this calamity son of his. Zero soon gathered his thoughts back then he looked North and said "Agamemnon take Red to the All Blue" one of Zero's nine rune knights came out from the shadows and stood in front of Zero.

Agamemnon is the leader of Zero's nine rune knights, Agamemnon had strange origins. He was known to only listen to Zero.

Agamemnon looked at Zero then Red and after that he turned around and said "let's go your master is waiting for you at the All Blue" he then started walking. Red knew that trying to talk to Agamemnon was useless because Agamemnon would talk only when he wanted to or only if he needed to,he was simply a man of a few words so Red could only follow Agamemnon, when Agamemnon reached outside he made some turns as he headed to the horse stable where he whistled and his rune horse Larva came out,all the other horses could only bow their heads to Larva since it was quite big and it had a temperament of lava so it would quickly erupt if it was provoked.

Agamemnon jumped on top of Larva then he looked at Red and said "get on". Red squinted his eyes then he just grabbed Agamemnon's leg and used it to climb onto Larva's back.

Agamemnon commanded Larva to heard to the extreme North so they could go to the All Blue where Red will stay and learn magic and become a mage. The All Blue could be said to be a dream haven for all the mages of the Star Continent, that's because the All Blue had everything the mages needed ,it's said that the All Blue even had more equipment that suits mages than all the big Empires of the Star Continent.

The owner of the All Blue was paid to be Red's master since she liked wealth very much one could buy a spot to be her apprentice, its said that she has two apprentices currently and Red will be the third one to added. The master of the All Blue is also the Guardian of the Crimson Empire,its said that she is a very strong Legendary mage and not many people in the Star Continent can compete with her in terms of wealth or fighting prowess

Agamemnon commanded his horse to take the fastest route to ensure that they reach the deep blue in three days,Larva listened to the commands of Agamemnon and followed the directions that were given to it and three days latter they arrived at the All Blue and it was as its name describes it ,it was filled with the blue colour, Red didn't get a chance to enjoy the scenery as he was taken to the highest tower if the All Blue,on the way to the highest point of the tower they were checked by a lit of mages then as they reached the four of a luxurious hall two mages stopped them then asked about their purpose in coming to the AllBlue , Agamemnon explained to them and they were allowed to enter the hall.

The hall was created from a lot of magic crystals and some rare jewels from the sea,the hall described what true wealth was . At the utmost front was a delicate Lady looking to be around seventeen to eighteen years ,she was a kingdom destroying beauty,she was sitting on a chair made with beautiful jade and magic gathering crystals.

Agamemnon looked at the woman and said "your Excellency Electra I have brought Red here" as he said so he looked at Red.Red didn't do anything but staring at Electra.

Electra looked at Red and said "I'll accept him as my apprentice and tell Zero that half of the income from his planes in Star Continent time for ten years will be given to me".

Agamemnon quickly replied and said " your words will be relayed,now your Excellency I shall take my leave" he turned around and just like that Red was lest with Electra alone in the hall.

Electra said"someone will take you to your place of residence and will give you your uniform, you'll have a maid assigned to you and tomorrow classes start for you so make sure to go to them …ow they'll also bring the time table of how your classes are arranged so make sure you do your best at those classes

To be continued