
Primodial daily life

primordial that existed before the start of the universe got bored and chose to reincarnate with some cheats

HaRsHiT_PirO · Komik
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7 Chs

Hipokute Grass

As they made their way towards the exit of the cave, Sakura and Sofia wore expressions of confusion, as if they had missed an opportunity. Sensing their unease, Ash turned to them with a knowing smile.

Ash: "What's wrong, Sakura, Sofia? You seem troubled."

Sakura: "Master, forgive us for our curiosity, but as slimes, you have a human form. We were wondering How."

Ash: "you know that both of you have human form while I don't so before reincarnation I made it so that I can have human form as well as a secondary form just like both of you."

Sofia and Sakura wore expressions of understanding and regret as they acknowledged a missed opportunity until.

"I feel more comfortable in slime form. Can one of you pick me up?" Ash said, transforming into a slime.

"Thank you, Sakura and Sofia," Ash said as he was picked up by the two, noticing the knowing smiles exchanged between them and their master.

Understanding their intentions, Ash could only respond helplessly, "How about you both take turns, one hour each, starting with Sakura?"

"Yes, master," Sakura and Sofia replied in unison, their commitment to obeying their master's orders unwavering. They acknowledged the compromise and understood the arrangement.

Continuing on, the three of them moved towards the entrance of the cave. However, just as they approached the exit

As they made their way towards the exit, Sakura and Sofia spotted a weed that caught their attention. Upon closer inspection, they realized it was a rare herb known as Hipokute Grass.

[Hipokute Grass: Raw materials of recovery medicine. Only proliferates in high magic essence density regions. Mixing the grass's juice with magic essence can create recovery potions. Grinding the leaves into pieces and mixing it with magic essence can create recovery ointments].

Aware of its potential benefits, Sakura and Sofia carefully gathered all the available grass.

Meanwhile, at the command of their master, Ash activated their unique skill, "Predator." With a swift motion, Ash devoured all the collected herbs, utilizing their skill to safely store the valuable resource for future use.

At the exit of the cave, the expansive view of the surrounding forest greeted Sakura and Sofia's eyes. Instinctively, they were about to transform into their magnificent dragon forms, ready to take flight. However, Ash, with a hint of concern in his voice, halted their actions.

Ash: "Sakura, Sofia, hold on a moment. Transforming into your dragon forms here would attract a lot of attention, especially from the three true dragons in this region."

Sakura and Sofia nodded, realizing the validity of Ash's cautionary words.

Sakura: "You're right, Master. We must be mindful of our actions to avoid any unnecessary complications."

Sofia: "Indeed, Master. We apologize for not considering the potential consequences."

Ash waved his hand dismissively, a mischievous smile forming on his face.

Ash: "Oh, no need to apologize, my dear maids. It's only natural for me to appreciate your adorable qualities."

Sakura and Sofia's faces flushed crimson at Ash's unexpected compliment.

Sakura: "M-Master, please don't tease us."

Sofia: "Y-Yes, Master. We're here to support you, not for your amusement."

Ash pretended not to understand their embarrassment, pretending to be puzzled.

Ash: "Tease? I didn't say anything unusual, did I?"

Sakura and Sofia exchanged glances, realizing they might have revealed their thoughts.

Sakura: "Ah, no, Master. It's nothing. We were just lost in our own thoughts."

Sofia: "Absolutely, Master. Let's focus on our next move."

Ash chuckled inwardly, pleased with their reaction, but decided to let the matter rest.

Ash: "Indeed, Sakura, Sofia. Let's teleport ourselves approximately 10 kilometers away from the city. It should provide us with a safe distance to avoid any unwanted encounters."

Sakura and Sofia nodded in agreement, their expressions now composed and determined.

Sakura: "Understood, Master. We shall proceed with the teleportation immediately."

Sofia: "Absolutely, Master. We'll ensure a smooth transition to our new location."

With a flash of light, Ash, Sakura, and Sofia disappeared from their current location, leaving the forest and the cave behind.