
A New Horizon?

Primetime: Chapter 17


Welcome to Chapter 17 of Primetime.

Tags: Uzumaki Kushina, MILF, Corruption, Cheating, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism

Discord server (Sublime Vectors) invite code: nm8hVrk7zr


Well, here it is, and I hope you all like it.


Thank you to my Discord server members for their valuable feedback and suggestions. I hope you like some of them being taken into account.


If you liked the chapter, kindly take a minute of your time to leave a review. They help me and encourage me to write the next chapter.

Posted on: May 11, 2024


Chapter 17: A New Horizon?

It was morning, and Kushina looked out at the beautiful beach of the Uzushio through the window. 'The view is as beautiful as ever,' she thought, sipping on a cup of coffee. Still dressed in her robes, she had just been woken up by the hotel staff ringing on her door with some morning refreshments. It took her a few moments to recognize that she was in Uzushio and not at her home.

'I guess I will have to do it,' she thought, looking out the window and noticing a few of the KTV staff on the beach. 'How will everyone see it? Will I be able to compete with Kurenai-san?' she pondered.

Shaking her head, she spoke to herself, "Come on, I have to give my best. I can do it. Minato said I looked hot."

"But he always says so," she murmured further.

Her further pondering was cut off as her phone started ringing. It was Minato's call. Relieved, she picked up the phone.

"Kaa-chan," she was surprised to hear her son's voice from the other end instead of her husband's.

"Hello, Naruto, how are you? I hope you are not giving your Tou-san a hard time," she spoke.

"I'm good, and Tou-san is cooking breakfast. I'm already ready for school. I just wanted to talk with you," Naruto spoke.

"Oh, what is Tou-san cooking?" she asked.

"Um, some eggs and toast. He is being all American today. I don't know why," Naruto whined, and she couldn't help but smile. Minato, in his trips to the Western world, was now almost addicted to their food habits, especially American food habits.

"Bear with him, sochi. I'm sure you would like it," she replied.

"I will, but I called you to say 'ALL THE BEST.' Tou-san said today was important for you and asked me to give you best wishes."

"Thank you, sochi," she replied, surprised. 'Did Minato tell him what was actually today? I hope not,' she thought. It was embarrassing as it is, and if Naruto knew what she was doing today, it would be even more embarrassing.

The talk with her son was cut short as she heard Minato asking for the phone on the other end. "Hello, kushi-chan, how are you? I had asked Naruto to call and wish you to let you know we are all behind you. So, 'ALL THE BEST.'"

She felt her heart brim with gratitude and was a bit relieved that Minato didn't tell Naruto about the event today. "Thank you," she just replied.

"Well, do keep your promises about my reward and keep me posted on the latest updates from today's event," Minato whispered.

Her cheeks tinted red. "I will," she replied.

"Well, I'll talk to you later. I have to drop Naruto off at school and then visit the embassy for some of my work, but I should be free by afternoon. Can't wait to see what you send me. Love ya," he spoke as he cut the call.

Feeling good as she put the coffee mug on the table, she smiled, looking at the big mirror and her reflection.

"Well, let's do this," she marched to the washroom to get started for the day. Donning a fresh pair of underwear and a long Yukata, she came out of the washroom. While the shoot wouldn't start for the next couple of hours or more, she still had to do a few preparations before the shoot.

"I hope the layout hasn't changed much here," she muttered to herself. Opening her luggage, she quickly picked up a towel and some more of her clothes and placed them inside a smaller carry bag. Picking up her phone, she looked outside the window again before marching out of the room and locking it.

Placing the keys in the carry bag, she marched through the corridors with unmasked familiarity, memories of her past traversing through the same corridors flashing in her mind. Images of that time when she was a naughty little girl playing with her cousins and friends, running through those same hallways flashed in her mind, forming a smile on her face as a grin broke out on her face.

The room's placement was the same, but a few of the staff greeted her with a nod. A lot of them had changed, probably for the best. The lack of funds had made it difficult for the resort to retain staff, and she had heard it was even difficult to run daily schedules. It was good that no one recognized her. Her pondering was cut short as she reached her destination.

She looked at the writing on the board and sighed in relief as it read 'Gatous resort spa cum massage Center.'

'Thanks, Kami-sama, for small mercies,' she thought as she reached the destination in mind. She had seen yesterday how she was in need of waxing, and while she could have done that herself, she hadn't brought any relevant tools with her. It was true she hadn't thought there would be a bikini shoot on this trip. Thankfully for her, she remembered Uzushio resort had a splendid masse

use service in the past that provided all kinds of services from massage to cleaning, including skincare, pedicure, and of course, waxing as well.

"Oh, Kushina-san, you are here as well," she was surprised as she turned and saw Kurenai, dressed in a red short-sleeved Yukata, smiling at her. What surprised her more was that she was accompanied by Shiro of all people.

"Ohayo, Kurenai-san, Shiro-san," she replied to both.

The red-eyed beauty smiled and nodded back at the redhead. "Guess we had the same thoughts of utilizing the world-famous massage services of this resort," she looked at Shiro, who looked away. Smirking, she continued, "I should have known that you would be knowledgeable about the location of important services in this resort. I should have contacted you first," she smiled at the redhead.

At Kushina's questioning look, she continued, "Oh, I was going through the services list since last night after dinner and couldn't find this on their official services pamphlet. I got worried. Thankfully, Shiro-san here was present at the reception when I asked and volunteered to show me the place," she smiled.

"I assure you, Kurenai-san, you received the old pamphlet that was in use when we were upgrading the massage center. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience it caused you. And our services are one of the best in Japan, if not in the world," he replied and then looked at Kushina, "In fact, Kushina-san here can adhere to that. Am I right, Kushina-san?" he asked her.

"Yes, they were excellent last time I used the services, but I may be out of date since that was years ago. But I hope not," Kushina replied with a smile.

"You won't be. Gatou-san got most of the old staff from the Masseuse center rehired and had them train new staff as well," Shiro spoke with a sense of pride.

"Really?" Shiro's words, bright and enthusiastic, practically petrified the redhead, who froze with wide eyes and a smile she tried to maintain. Her heart lurched with fear and longing at the thought of seeing old familiar faces and being recognized as an Uzumaki.

"Yes, he wants this resort back in its prime. And once that is done, he plans to open and build a new wing," Shiro added.

"Oh, I see," Kushina replied, not sure if she liked the idea of Gatou building a new resort. While she liked how the old resort was now looking good, the idea of a new place didn't sit right with her. It was like he was making this old place rise just to fuel his new resort.

'It's like if someone replaced me with some younger girl,' a random thought entered her mind as her eyes unconsciously looked at Kurenai. 'What am I thinking?' She shook her head to get rid of that line of thought. 

"Let's go in, Kurenai-san," Kushina spoke.

As she marched inside the room, she faintly heard Kurenai thanking Shiro and bidding him farewell. Entering the room, her eyes widened. The whole layout and interior design had changed and had been quite modernized. She could see hints of the old layout, but it was hard to discern that. If anyone had come here for the first time, they wouldn't be able to tell that this palace had undergone renovation.

It was a large room with a sitting area; there were a few men talking among themselves. A few attendants, both men and women, roamed around dressed in attendant outfits. At the center of the room, there was a big pot with a Sakura Bonsai planted. The walls were decorated with traditional Japanese arts; she saw a map of Uzushio on one of the walls and the huge logo of Gatou Resorts on another. She looked at the logo with a sad expression; before, it had been the Uzumaki logo on the walls.

"Wow, this looks so much better than I was told it would. Guess that Shiro guy was telling the truth after all," Kurenai's voice from her side brought her back. She looked at Kurenai and smiled, feeling a somewhat proud swelling in her. The place might not belong to her anymore, but it was built by her ancestors.

"It is, and they have done some renovations to modernise it," Kushina said.

The man in his late fifties with brown hair that was halfway to turning white, dressed in a black Yukata with matching Hakama, with the Gatou Resort logo on the Hakama top approached them. Kushina immediately recognized the man. He was one of the senior masseuses when she had last seen him. She didn't remember his name, but she definitely recognized the old man.

His eyes lingered on Kushina for more than a few seconds, as if he recognized her. He smiled and nodded at her before speaking. "Welcome to Gatou Resort Masseuse, I'm Naburu Toika. What services would you like today?" The man asked. Kushina was thankful he didn't say her name; whether he recognized her or not, she didn't know for sure. She did remember seeing his face regularly when she used to come to the resort.

"We have a shoot today, so we are here for some massage and other services," Kurenai said.

"Oh, you are the esteemed guests Gatou-san brought. Well, services are ready. Just go in," the man spoke, pointing to a door marked 'Ladies'. "If you aren't shy, you can try mixed-gender services as well, though I don't think you will," he pointed to another door that had 'Couples' written on it. "Of course, the last door is for men," he laughed, pointing to the last door.

"You will find attendants in there; if you require any assistance, I'm here," he then pressed a button on his desk, and soon a beautiful female servant came dressed in a Yukata similar to Kurenai's, albeit marked with the resort's branding.

"Ah, Tomori-chan, please take these ladies for masseuse services; they would be in your care," the man spoke as he gestured for the ladies to follow the attendant.

The attendant, Tomori, looked at the two women, her eyes widened a bit as she recognized them, as she asked them to follow her.

As they turned to leave, the man spoke. "You have grown a lot, Kushina-san." Kushina's eyes widened, and Kurenai had a surprised look on her face, but she walked after the attendant, even though she was curious.

"You remember me?" Kushina asked and was glad that Kurenai had decided to walk away.

"Of course, Uzumaki-sama," the man bowed, calling her maiden name.

"Ah, I go by Namikaze Kushina now. Besides, I don't deserve to be called that name anymore; it has no power," she spoke a bit forlornly.

"It doesn't matter, you and your family will always be Uzumaki-sama to me and the old staff here. I'm so glad to see you again. You have grown even more beautiful," the man spoke.

"Thank you," Kushina replied sincerely as a blush crept on her face. Even as a 32 year old woman, Kushina could not help but be overcome by nostalgia and feel like a 15 year old girl again when talking to the old man.

"I hope you won't sneak into the men's side this time around. It was such a mess when you did that one time," the man spoke with a teasing grin.

Her face now turned crimson as she remembered that event. She had been a curious teenager, and she had seen a hunk of a man going into the men's side. Her desire to see more had won, and she had dressed up as an attendant and sneaked inside the men's side. She hadn't been wrong; she got a lot more than she bargained for. As she stopped thinking about the event, she replied, 

"Ah, no, I won't." she muttered, trying not to show her embarrassment. She didn't like to be reminded about it. especially because even with the trouble she caused, the scolding she got, the Kushina of that time didn't regret her actions in the slightest.

"I'm glad. It was such a hassle to stop and deny men asking for your service," the man spoke before stopping, noticing her flushed face.

"Enjoy your time here, Uzumaki-sama. You know what to do if you need anything," the man continued.

"I will, thank you. Also, please, if you see any old staff, ask them not to call me Uzumaki-sama in public," she said.

"Of course, I will let them know," the man nodded.

Reaching the doors of the women's side, Kurenai looked at her. "He seemed to recognize you. Do you know him?" she asked.

"Yeah, we lived in the same neighbourhood. A lot of the staff here actually lived in my area, so they may recognize me," Kushina lied.

"Oh, I thought there was something spicy," Kurenai said with a mischievous smile. "I mean, he may be old, but he has a good body, and he would have been younger when you last saw him," she added, leaving the innuendo hanging in the air.

Indeed, Tanaka-san was fit. But Kushina shook her head before her imagination could go wild. She refused to see the old Tanaka as anything more than a gentleman that she had fond memories with."Kurenai-sannnn," she wailed.

"Haha, I'm just joking," Kurenai spoke as she pushed the doors open. The sight that greeted her was similar to what had been outside. The place had undergone a makeover.

"We are here. What service would you like first?" Tomori, the attendant, spoke, getting the attention of both women.

They looked at each other, then at the surroundings. "We're here for some pampering before our photoshoot," Kushina replied with a smile.

"But first, we'd like to indulge in some waxing services to ensure we're perfectly smooth and beach-ready," Kurenai spoke, Kushina pleased that they both were on the same page.

Tomori nodded. "Of course, we have a range of waxing services available. We offer everything from Brazilian waxes to more targeted areas like legs, arms, underarms, and of course, private regions as well. We also have options for sensitive skin, so you can feel comfortable and confident."

Kurenai chimed in, "That sounds perfect. We'll both take the Brazilian waxing option, please. And while we're here, do you have any facial treatments available? Something to give us that radiant glow for our photoshoot."

"Absolutely," Tomori replied, leading them to the spa's menu on one of the tables. "We have a variety of facial treatments tailored to different skin types and concerns. From hydrating facials to deep-cleansing treatments, we can customise the experience to meet your needs," Tomori added as she pointed at a page for face treatment services.

Kushina and Kurenai browsed the menu, considering their options. "Let's go for the deep-cleansing facial," Kushina suggested. "It'll help us both feel refreshed and rejuvenated," she added, having tried that in the past, and it really was her favourite.

"Agreed," Kurenai nodded. "And perhaps we could also indulge in a relaxing massage after our treatments. Something to ease any tension and help us unwind before the photoshoot," Kurenai suggested.

Tomori smiled. "Of course, we have a selection of massage therapies available, including Swedish, traditional Japanese, hot stone, aromatherapy massages, and much more. I'm sure you'll both leave feeling completely relaxed and ready to dazzle in front of the camera," she ended as she turned pages to massage services that were available to them.

"Wow, you've added quite a lot of new things," Kushina inadvertently remarked, surprised by the abundance of services offered, which seemed to have tripled. 'It seems the renovation was not just physical,' she thought to herself.

"Of course, Gatou-sama wanted the resort to offer all the services available in any world-class resort. Our own team went to various countries to get trained in new techniques," Tomori spoke proudly about the resort's upgrades.

"really? that's impressive" said Kurenai with admiration and joy for being in such good hands.

"certainly" replied Kushina with in the same manner as Kurenai, but in a slightly more tense and distant manner. Tomori's words were still hanging over her head. 

Kushina still maintained that the Uzumaki resort services were of the best. But they had never boasted that they were world class, or that their employees had had international training.

' Maybe the corporate changes and decisions that Gatou-san boasted so much about weren't just hype' Kushina thought.

"So, you want waxing services first, right?" Tomori asked.

"Yes," Kurenai confirmed.

"Follow me," the attendant instructed as she led them to a room equipped with lockers on the side. Kushina had seen something similar in the western hotels but was surprised to find them here.

"Please remove your clothes and any jewellery you have and place them in one of the lockers. You can also store your personal belongings there. Then you can set the lock code. Just remember the locker number. Only towels are allowed in the waxing and massage rooms or any of our service rooms," Tomori instructed.

As the ladies nodded, Tomori continued, "I will be preparing for services. Please stay here. I will come and collect you both in a few minutes." With that, she made her way out of the locker room.

Hearing the door close behind them, Kurenai walked to one of the open lockers. "This place is one of the best, and I can say it's even better than ones I have visited in the capital. These guys know what they are doing. I hope their services match all this infrastructure," she spoke as she opened the sash of her short kimono.

Kushina walked over to one of the lockers and began undressing. "Yes, the services here were world-class back in the day. I hope they have the same or better services now," she replied as she stood in her green underwear, letting her hair cascade down her back as she opened her ponytail.

"Wow, Kushina-san, you have lovely hair," Kurenai commented as she walked closer to the now scantily clad redhead. Kushina noticed that Kurenai had discarded her underwear as well and was walking towards her naked as the day she was born. Her eyes drank in the sight of Kurenai's luscious, shining skin. How her almost D-cup breasts jiggled with each step, how her slightly brownish nipples defied gravity. She noticed Kurenai's flat and somewhat toned stomach, topped by a cute navel button. 'Does she go to the gym or something?' Kushina thought, feeling a twinge of jealousy as she looked at her own rounder stomach. Her eyes then fell on Kurenai's hairless crotch. 'She doesn't keep hair there,' she thought, taking in the full view of Kurenai's lower lips. 'I hope I can be as confident as her walking bare.'

"Are you done checking me out?" Kurenai let out a giggle.

Kushina sputtered a bit, then nodded. "You are beautiful. Kami, I hope I had ten percent of your confidence," Kushina spoke.

"What are you talking about, Kushina-san? You are beautiful. In fact, you are any man's walking wet dream, Kushina-san. I'm so jealous of you, honestly. Look at your body, and you have a teenage son too. How did you do it?" Kurenai spoke as she came closer and trailed her fingers over Kushina's exposed navel. Kushina backed off a little, shuddering at her sudden touch, her back touching the cold metal of the lockers. She didn't remove Kurenai's hand from her body; in fact, she liked it.

"You are just saying it for the sake of it. I'm nothing compared to you," Kushina muttered as she looked into Kurenai's red eyes, her hand slowly trailing upwards.

"I don't lie, Kushina. I don't need to. You really are beautiful. In fact, you are what people define as Yamato nadeshiko. And you don't even put in the effort. I'm so jealous of that," her other hand reached behind Kushina's back and snapped her bra's hooks. Her breasts were eager to break free from their bindings.

"Ah," a small moan escaped her mouth as Kurenai pushed the loose bra over her breasts and pulled on her nipples.

"See, you are so sensitive. I bet many men would dream to do this," Kurenai spoke as she latched her mouth onto Kushina's nipples, her tongue slowly licking the sensitive nub.

Kushina arched her back as sensations from her breasts made her aroused. "Ah, Kurenai-san, what are you doing? I'm married, we shouldn't— ah— be doing this," she spoke in broken sentences. Truthfully, her experience with women was very limited. She had memories of her sexual encounters involving other women only once or twice, and that too when she had been part of an orgy during parties that went out of control.

"Come on, Kushina-san, no one is here. Besides, it's not cheating, I'm not a man. I'm just admiring how beautiful your body is and I always wanted to do this," Kurenai whispered as she pulled back from Kushina's breasts.

Kurenai looked into Kushina's eyes and leaned forward, pressing her lips against hers. Kushina widened her eyes as she felt her tongue running over her lips, asking for entrance. Kushina's mouth opened without a second thought and Kurenai wasted no time pushing her tongue in and exploring her mouth.

Kurenai grinned as she freely explored Kushina's mouth with no resistance or fight from her. 'This is too easy, I was worried for nothing. Such an amazing body and it's wasted on her. My spot is pretty much guaranteed,' she thought. Suddenly, Kushina's hand pulled on Kurenai's head, surprising her while at the same time, her other hand went around her back and pulled her body flush against hers, smashing their breasts. Kurenai widened her eyes in surprise as she felt Kushina's tongue pushing against hers and despite her attempts at fighting it, she lost and it was Kushina whose tongue was now inside her. Her hand slowly trailed to the Raven-haired beauty's ass from her back, grabbing a handful of her meaty flesh. She inwardly grinned as she felt Kurenai shudder as she began kneading and squeezing her ass. 

To say Kurenai was surprised was an understatement. She hadn't expected this total sexual deviance from Kushina as she continued sucking on her mouth. Unknown to her, Kushina had shed all inhibitions and care and was now in her lust-induced zone, her past experiences coming in handy as she tried to replicate what men did when they were with her, and it was completely working as Kurenai was completely caught off guard.

As she got a bit of space, Kushina took the opportunity and completely wrestled whatever control Kurenai had over the situation. Kushina's tongue completely dominated the battle as she explored every inch of her mouth.. The hand on Kurenai's ass continued to knead her ass, while the hand that was on the back of her head slowly trailed down the ravenette's spine, sending bolts of electricity and pleasure through her body. It was her personal experience, and it seemed to work the same on Kurenai.

The black-haired one tried to regain control as she tried to corner the redhead against the lockers, but Kushina made her flinch as she lifted her leg and rubbed Kurenai's pussy with her thigh. Noticing how wet it was.

Finally, what seemed like an eternity but was only a couple of minutes, Kurenai pulled back and gasped for breath, her face now full-on red from the lack of breath as well as the arousal she was feeling. She hadn't been dominated by a woman like this ever. Her initial thought of an easy victory to secure the dominant spot shattered as she went over what she just experienced.Her plan for approaching Kushina for teasing and fun seemed to have backfired spectacularly.

"Wow, hah, Kushina-san, where, hah, where did you learn to do that, hah. You really are naughty, aren't you?" She muttered, trying not to show her weakness.

"I– I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."Kushina replied as she avoided looking at her and took deep breaths to calm herself down. Despite her growing mortification kissing another person behind Minato's back , so quickly after Taikin, deep satisfaction and excitement started to grow within her as she just dominated an attractive and younger woman like Kurenai. It seems she hadn't lost her touch which boosted her confidence.


Kurenai's eyes then landed on Kushina's breasts. It was the first time she saw them, and she could see faint marks, although she didn't know those were from Taikin. "Wow, you really are a naughty one, aren't you? Damn, what did you and your husband do to leave marks like those?" she whispered pointing at the faint marks.

Caught off guard, Kushina's eyes landed on her exposed breasts and nipples, but she controlled her expressions. "Haha, well, I can get carried away," she lied. 'Oh my god, she saw them, thank goodness she doesn't know the truth,' she thought as she felt herself being aroused under Kurenai's gaze on those marks.

"Well, ready for round two? You may have won this round, but I shall not lose again," Kurenai chided. 'She really caught me off guard. Damn, she kisses so well. This is getting fun, though,' she thought.

"Wh-what? Round two? I think we should stop, besides it's inappropriate." Kushina said as she took a step back.

"Come on, I already told you it's nothing. Besides we both are women. It's just kissing and touching and It's definitely not cheating between the same sex. Also" Kurenai added this time adding more authority in her voice. 'Come on accept, I cant end it like this' she thought.

Kushina looked into Kurenai's eyes, unaware of her thoughts, and gave in. 'It might be a good idea before the show. Besides, I am all heated up now, this definitely due to all the teasing with Minato last night,' she thought as she nodded.

 "Wait a moment," Kushina spoke as she pulled her bra away from her body and then slowly pushed down her panties down her legs. Now she too stood in her birthday suit.

"Damn, you are making me so jealous, Kushina-san," Kurenai muttered at the sight of the now naked redhead. She liked how she was meaty in all the right places and how her body seemed so natural, and her moves looked so effortless. It was the kind of woman she was jealous of, the kind of woman her boyfriend Asuma liked having commented on and asked her about the redhead when he had seen the redhead during one of his visits to the KTV office. Never mind she was cheating on him so much these days, but that was talk for another time. But she didn't like that he was more interested in other women than she was.

Kushina smirked as she then leaned forward. "Let's continue," she spoke with newfound enthusiasm and lust.

She leaned forward, Kissing women was new to her as well. She followed her instincts. Kurenai was too willing, grinned, and leaned forward as well, and soon their lips met again, and Kurenai was ready this time as their tongues wrestled against each other. Their naked bodies now sticking and pressed to each other, their breasts were smashed against each other.

 Kurenai's hand mimicked Kushina's movements as she cornered the redhead against the lockers again. Kushina's hands were playing with Kurenai's ass, and it was the same with Kurenai's hands.

With their mouths pressed against each other, and their tongues wrestling for dominance The ladies continued exploring each other's mouth with their hands wandering over each other's body. Kushina was the dominant lover, so was Kurenai. Both were not willing to give each other space to win. This battle was not just for lust but for wills as well.

'She's not a man, and it's not cheating… right?' Kushina thought with no apparent interest in seeking the answer to that question.

They both shuddered at the intrusive touches, their hands going further south, very close to their now very wet and aroused snatches. Both were lost so much in their ministrations they almost didn't hear a knock at the door. They quickly separated and scrambled to pick towels as the door to the locker room opened.

Just then, the door to the locker room opened and Tomori came in and saw the two women with flustered faces and tying towels around their bodies. She didn't speak but had enough experience at this spa centre to know what might have happened. She kept her professional demeanour and spoke. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, we are," Kushina spoke, feeling hot and bothered. She could already feel some wetness between her thighs. "I would definitely need some cooling off now. Kamai-sama, help me," she thought as she locked the locker.

"Okay, follow me," Tomori spoke as she opened the doors of the room. As they both followed the attendant out of the room, both women felt more aroused and heated.


Coming out of the locker room, Tomori led them to another room. The atmosphere in the room was serene, with soft lighting and calming music playing in the background. It was quite spacious, with high ceilings adorned with traditional Japanese artwork. The walls were decorated with intricate paintings depicting scenes from nature and Japanese culture, interspersed with Gatou's logo subtly incorporated into the designs.

In the centre of the room were four massage benches, each adorned with plush cushions and soft linens. The benches were strategically placed at equal distances, offering enough privacy and tranquillity to each guest. Surrounding the benches were various massage equipment, including heated massage stones, aromatic oils, soothing lotions and other things she wasn't able to recognize..

Near one corner of the room, there were several pedicure basins, filled with warm water and adorned with fragrant flowers. Kushina recognized the special types of fish tanks she had seen before when her family controlled the resort. The tiny fishes were special; they nibbled away dead skin, leaving feet feeling soft and rejuvenated.

Along another wall, there was a designated area for waxing services, equipped with comfortable chairs and tables with all the necessary tools and products. 

In the opposite corner, there was a section dedicated to facial massages and treatments. Luxurious reclining chairs were set up, with soft blankets draped over them for added comfort. Various skincare products lined the shelves, ready to be used for customised facial treatments tailored to each guest's needs. She saw a woman already receiving facial treatment.

Her eyes landed on one side of the room featuring a huge glass window, offering a breathtaking view of the beach below. Kushina noted that they had a clear view of the beach through the window, realising they were on the third or fourth floor of the resort.

"That's new" Kushina muttered a bit skeptical, now getting services here in front of this big window.

"Yes it is but don't worry Kushina-san, it's a one-way mirror, Your privacy is of utmost importance. The window while protecting privacy provides a scenic vista"

"Really" Kurenai spoke as she walked close to mirror looking down the scene below 

"Yes," Tomori replied.

As they looked around a bit more another attendant entered the room. "Ok we are ready, Kushina-san follow me. Kurenai-san Setsuna-san will attend to you" Tomori said, getting their attention. 

Tomri led Kushina to one waxing point, she noticed the other attendant taking Kurenai to another waxing point. 

As Kushina settled onto the waxing table, she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the meticulous and painful process ahead. Tomori, the attendant, stood beside her with a reassuring smile, ready to begin the waxing session.

"Alright, Kushina-san, let's start with your legs," Tomori said gently, gesturing for her to lift one leg at a time onto the table. Kushina complied, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness coursing through her veins.

Tomori positioned herself at the foot of the table, her movements precise and confident. "Could you please drop your towel and lie bare for me?" she asked softly, her tone respectful yet matter-of-fact. 

Kushina's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she nodded, "O-Of course," she stammered, quickly complying with Tomori's request and carefully folding the towel beside her.

'Oh I hope she doesn't see the wetness' she thought

Her body was exposed to Tomori's professional gaze. She saw Tomri give her a slight nod. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious as Tomori prepared to wax her legs, her skin bare and vulnerable beneath the warm glow of the overhead lights.

With her legs now exposed, Kushina tried to focus on the task at hand as Tomori applied the warm wax with practised precision. The sensation was oddly soothing, despite the nerves fluttering in her stomach. She felt a strange sensation wash over her. It wasn't just the heat of the wax against her skin that made her feel warm—it was something deeper, more primal. She felt a fluttering in her stomach and a tingling between her thighs, a response she hadn't anticipated.

"You're doing great, Kushina-san," Tomori reassured her, her voice calm and soothing. "Just relax and let me take care of everything." The heat of the wax seeped into her skin, sending a tingling sensation coursing through her veins. She felt a flush of heat spread across her cheeks as Tomori's skilled hands moved with precision and grace. 

With swift yet gentle movements, Tomori pressed a cloth strip onto the waxed area, allowing it to adhere to the hair. Kushina braced herself for the inevitable tug as Tomori swiftly pulled the strip in the opposite direction of hair growth. "Here we go," Tomori said reassuringly, her voice calm and steady.

The sensation was sharp but fleeting, leaving behind smooth, hair-free skin in its wake. "You are doing great, come on, we will be done in no time ." Tomori praised her, helping to ease Kushina's nerves as she had closed her eyes due to pain..

Tomori repeated the process methodically, working her way up and down Kushina's legs until every inch was silky-smooth and hair-free. With each strip of wax removed, Kushina felt a sense of satisfaction and relief wash over her.

 As Tomori removed each strip of wax, Kushina felt a surge of pleasure mixed with a hint of pain. The sensation was intense and intoxicating, sending waves of heat coursing through her body. She couldn't help but squirm beneath Tomori's touch, her skin prickling with anticipation.

 'I hope all this pain is worth it. Why do I feel pleasure though ' Kushina thought.

Next came the arms and underarms, with Tomori delicately removing unwanted hair with precise movements and expert technique. The warm wax and gentle massage helped to soothe any discomfort, leaving Kushina feeling pampered.

Finally, it was time for the most intimate part of the waxing session—the bikini area, or rather, Kushina's pussy. 

"Ok Kushina-san spread out, it will be slightly more painful but relax. I will take care of everything"

Kushina felt a flush of embarrassment wash over her as she lifted her hips slightly, allowing Tomori better access to the area. She hadn't waxed this area in a long time, and the thought of exposing herself in such a vulnerable position made her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Kushina-san, I'll make sure you're comfortable throughout the entire process," Tomori reassured her.

With practised skill and professionalism, Tomori applied the wax in small sections, ensuring thorough coverage while maintaining Kushina's comfort. As warm wax fell on her strip of pubes, Kushina shuddered, feeling a surge of arousal shoot through her body. She hoped Tomori didn't notice her wetness, but the slick heat between her thighs betrayed her body's reaction to the intimate touch. She felt warm wax over her pussy lips and she shuddered how surreal it felt. 

Despite the inherent awkwardness of the situation, Kushina found herself relaxing into the process, trusting Tomori to handle it with care. With each strip of wax removed, she felt a strange mix of pleasure and discomfort, the sensation sending tingles of sensation racing up her spine.

As the last strip of wax was removed, Kushina couldn't help but marvel at the transformation. Her eyes landed on her now bare crotch. Her skin felt smooth, shiny and soft, free from the burden of unwanted hair.

"This is truly great. You didn't let me feel the pain that I expected the process to be," Kushina praised Tomori, feeling a newfound sense of confidence and empowerment. As she stood up and picked up the towel to cover herself back.

"Thank you, Kushina-san, but we are still not done. I still have to give you a massage," Tomori said as she pointed to a nearby massage table.

"Oh," Kushina muttered as she walked to the pointed table.

"Okay, lie down on your back. Let's get your whole body to relax and rejuvenate," Tomori said.

Kushina did as instructed and lay down on the massage table.


After a rejuvenating massage and facial, Kushina indulged in some pedicure services with Kurenai. As Kurenai paused for additional hair conditioning, Kushina made her way to the showers area, feeling the heat of arousal coursing through her veins. Tomori's gentle touches during the waxing and massage had ignited a fire within her, leaving her body primed and yearning for release, she could feel heat between legs and hoped the cold shower would cool it.

"Here these are Showers Space, " Tomori said as she led to a door just outside the spa room. 

The showers area was a spacious big room, 'Definitely a new addition' she thought as looked at the big space that was reminiscent of those found in luxurious Western hotels. It had several shower stalls, each equipped with sleek fixtures and adorned with soft, fluffy towels. With soft lighting casting a warm glow over the space, it spoke of relaxation and tranquillity. One side of the room featured a massive mirror, stretching the length of the wall, offering a reflection of anyone who stood before it. 

"I will be outside Kushina-san" She heard Tomori mutter as she silently closed doors behind her.

As Tomori excused herself, Kushina found herself alone in the big shower room. With a hesitant glance around, confirming her solitude, she felt a surge of boldness wash over her. 

'Should I ?' she thought.

'No one is here,' she thought to herself.

"Feeling bold today, aren't we?" she muttered out loud with a sly smile and eyes shining in with enthusiasm and her hands swiftly undid the knots of her towel. The towel slowly fell down revealing her naked body in all its glory. She took a few steps forward towards the mirror.

Standing before the mirror, Kushina couldn't help but admire the sight before her. Her reflection stared back at her, every curve and contour accentuated in the soft lighting. She ran her hands over her smooth skin, revelling in the sensation of her own touch. The sight of her smooth, hairless pussy, a stark contrast to the landing strip that had been there before sent a thrill of desire coursing through her. Her reflection revealed a She ran her fingers over the silky smooth skin, revelling in the newfound sense of cleanliness and femininity.

 She could feel the heat between her legs surging to devour her whole body. Her hands unconsciously moved down towards her core. 

With a breathless chuckle, Kushina leaned closer to the mirror, her fingers tracing the outline of her lower lips. She shuddered at the sensation as her fingers touched sensitive skin as she savoured the sight before her. "Well, look at you," she murmured to her reflection, a coy smile playing at the corners of her lips. 

Her reflection offered no response, but Kushina imagined it nodding in agreement, sharing in her sense of liberation and empowerment. Her mind went back to what transpired earlier between Kurenai and herself and she felt a rush of arousal rising within her. Strangely enough, she felt no guilt or regret over what she did. "Round two, huh? Why not?" she thought to herself, her gaze lingering on the reflection of her own lust-filled eyes. "Life's too short to be shy."

Lost in the moment, Kushina allowed herself to revel in the beauty of her own body, 'If I had known waxing and massage service would have so much effect on my appearance I would have tried it earlier.' she thought as her hands continuously traced her now smooth shiny skin with each touch sending ripples of pleasure coursing through her. 

 'Why didn't I do it before?' she thought.

'Damn I could have clicked some pics of myself and teased Minato.' she thought. 'Too bad the phones are all locked in lockers' she thought as she pinched her nipple looking at her reflection and suppressed her moan. Her eyes looking again at her shiny lower lips, she could barely make out marks from Taikin's act. The same could be said about her ass. The waxing had done wonders removing whatever was left of dead skin, hair and more importantly marks on her body.

'Will he like it ?' she thought as her fingers slowly went down again at her now hairless cunt trying not to touch again seeing it was very sensitive. 

She imagined his reaction as she closed his eyes. Imagining him going down on her. She imagined how it would feel again as he sheathed inside her. 

While Kushina was busy with herself she didn't notice the shower door open nor did she realise she was presenting a show.


Yami stood on the sandy shore, watching with eager anticipation as the workers bustled about, setting up the area for the upcoming beach shoot. Camera men scurried around, adjusting and setting up lights in case they needed them. The cameras were also being mounted and set up, ensuring every angle would be captured perfectly. Railing was being set up to demarcate the shooting area, while workers arranged props and backgrounds to create the ideal ambiance for the photoshoot. He noted the big Background had Gatou resorts' logo all over the place. 

As he watched, Yami's mind raced with excitement. He couldn't wait for the moment when the ladies would arrive, clad in their bikinis, ready to strike poses. But it was Kushina he wanted to see the most.

'Kurenai-san is hot as well, and I won't mind if I get a hand on her too but Kushina is what I want today'. He thought as he imagined getting hands on her.

The thought of Kushina in a skimpy bikini sent his imaginations wild, conjuring vivid images of her MILFY curves accentuated in skimpy bikini. He imagined the poses she would do in front of the cameras or if she would enter the sea. His mind raced with vivid images of the MILF adorned in small proactive bikinis in various states and enticing poses.

He hadn't anticipated a beach shoot upon arriving, but considering Jiraiya's involvement, he should have guessed. If Jiraiya was renowned for his work in the film industry, he was equally famous for his photoshoots. He published his works with top models twice a year across various settings.

Yami reminisced about Jiraiya's previous editions, particularly tha last one. The snow-shoot with scantily clad models dressed as santa. That had been scorching hot, and he wished for something similarly steamy today.

"What are you thinking? Ready to lose?" Jin's voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked at the grinning face of his cousin. "I will take them both right before your eyes." Jin continued.

"You wish. It'll be like most of our bets—where I win and you just cry in the corners," Yami retorted with a smirk.

Jin gritted his teeth at Yami's remark, knowing it held some truth. "Just you wait; this victory will wash away all my past losses," Jin replied defiantly.

Yami smirked, poised to respond when Jiraiya's voice chimed in from behind. "Did someone mention a bet? I want in," he declared with a wide grin.

Both young men were caught off guard, unsure how to respond. Yami recovered first and spoke up. "It's nothing. We just bet on what you have planned for today's event," he explained.

"Yeah, he says the women will be doing normal beach shoots, and I bet it will be more," Jin added, a smirk playing on his lips.

Yami shot Jin a glare at the undiscussed but not an unwanted addition, but he could do nothing but nod in agreement. Jiraiya looked at them, his grin growing wider.

"I like you boys. So, how much is in the betting pool, or what's the wager?" Jiraiya inquired.

"Oh, we haven't bet money. The loser has to give up his favourite car," Jin added, unlocking his phone to reveal a picture of his prized possession. It was the same car Yami had won from him in a previous bet and later lent to Taikin when he had come to Konoha. 'The bastard is lending her to everyone like a whore,' Jin thought with a mix of annoyance as he glared at Yami.

Yami looked at the picture and was amused. Yami's plan was clear—he didn't drive the car personally; instead, he lent it to guests, his friends, and then informed Jin. Jin had been fiercely protective of the piece and never allowed anyone else to touch it well until he won it from him. It was always entertaining to see Jin's face when Yami brought up the car.

"That's a nice one. A limited edition from Uchiha Motors, I believe. Whose car is that?" Jiraiya asked, pointing at the image.

Jin pointed to Yami. "And what is he betting?" Jiraiya turned to Yami.

"I haven't decided yet, but it will be something equivalent and pleasing," Yami replied with a smile, his gaze lingering on Jin. Jin recognized that smile all too well. 'I have to win this bet anyhow. I don't know what he will ask if he wins, but he will forever rub it in my face.'

"Well, I don't have a beauty like that, but how about letting me wager as well?" Jiraiya proposed. "I know you might be wondering how I can participate as the director here. Don't worry; We won't be making the same bet. We'll create a new wager." The young men looked at him with intrigue

"A wager?" A new voice came in.

They turned around to see Gatou standing there with his guard.

"Gatou-san" They all spoke and greeted the tycoon.

"So, what's the deal? I like to gamble," Gatou announced, joining the conversation.

"Well, in my shoots, I sometimes like to go for prompt on-the-spot ideas. So this is the wager. Each participant has one attempt to suggest an idea and try to implement it in the shoot. If their idea gets implemented, they'll earn points based on its success. " He looked at all of them and then continued " The prompts should be agreeable to all participants. If all parties agree, then only can it be implemented. And yes, the proposer of the idea has to be the one that has to make all the efforts to get the idea implemented," Jiraiya explained, his grin widening.

"Are you in?" he asked the men.

"Hell, yes! So, we can suggest some events in the shoot, right?" Jin asked eagerly.

"Of course, but we'll all have to agree on the idea first, and then the models must also agree. If you fail to convince the models, you FAIL. If the models agree, we'll evaluate how well they executed the proposed task," Jiraiya clarified.

"I'm in," Jin said, rubbing his hands together eagerly.

"Me too," Yami replied, trying to hide his eagerness.

"I'm in too! I have some suggestions," Gatou chimed in.

"So, what's the betting pool?" Jin inquired.

"Well, ¥1,000,000 seems fine, along with a favour from each party. Does that sound good, or are you going to chicken out?" Jiraiya asked with a smirk.

"What kind of favour?" Yami asked, not keen on betting on something so vague.

"Hah! Chicken," Jin laughed. "I'm in," he added.

"Not chicken; I just want to know the terms", Yami replied glaring at his foolish cousin.

"Just a favour, and it won't be personal or monetary. You'll have the right to decline," Jiraiya reassured.

"Then I'm in, I guess," Yami added.

"I'm in too," Gatou spoke up.

"Now this is what I call an event! What's an event without a bet?" Jiraiya grinned. 'Hehe, I will eat you all up, haha.'


Kurenai, finished with her hair, decided to join Kushina in the showers. Coming out of the masseuse room, Tomori had pointed her in the direction of the showers just as she had done with Kushina. Like the redhead, Kurenai too was feeling a stirring arousal, the memory of their actions before massage playing vividly in her mind.

As she pushed open the doors to the showers, her eyes were immediately drawn to the sight before her. There stood Kushina just in towel, bathed in the soft glow of the room's lighting, her reflection gazing back at her from the expansive mirror along the wall. The angle of reflection was as such Kushina couldn't see Kurenai yet.

She was about to call the redhead when her breath caught in throat as Kushina dropped the towel. Unconsciously, Kurenai licked her lips, her eyes roaming over Kushina's body with unabashed desire. 'Damn, she really is something,' she thought, unable to tear her gaze away from the captivating sight nude and now more alluring redhead before her. 

Kurenai couldn't tear her gaze away as she watched the redhead move with a sensual grace, her curves highlighted by the soft light of the room. A rush of heat flooded through Kurenai's body, her pulse quickening at the sight as her eyes landed on her jiggling meaty ass of Kushina she took a few steps forward. 

As Kushina continued to play with herself in front of the mirror, Kurenai felt a primal urge building within her, a desperate longing to join the redhead in her sensual exploration. Her fingers twitched with the desire to touch, to explore every inch of Kushina's body, to lose herself in the intoxication.

She stood there, mesmerized by the sight before her, her thoughts racing with a torrent of desire. "God damn, I wish I could record this," she thought, her heart pounding in her chest. Each movement from the redhead as she played with herself only served to heighten Kurenai's arousal, her body aching with the urge to be closer to and jump at the seductive redhead.

Finally as she saw Kushina closing her eyes and lost in her world. Kurenai decided to grab at the provided opportunity and slowly walk towards the redhead. Smirking at the lost redhead she slowly traced her hands over the smooth skin of her ass as she grabbed her . 

Kushina nearly jumped at the sudden touch and intrusion, her eyes wide with surprise as she caught sight of Kurenai's towel-clad form in the mirror. Panic threatened to overtake her as she realized what Kurenai must have seen, her cheeks and face flushing with embarrassment.

"Well, well, well, look at you, Kushina-san," Kurenai teased, a mischievous glint in her eye. "All waxed and ready for action, I see. But I would ask you to remain patient; the skin there will be a tad sensitive, if I have to say." Her fingers trailed over Kushina's belly, her gaze lingering suggestively on her snatch.

Despite her embarrassment, Kushina couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at Kurenai's words. Controlling her breath and gathering her courage, she decided to play along, her smirk matching Kurenai's mischievous grin. Normally she wouldn't have reacted like this but her body arousal and her bubbling old playfulness coming back she acted without thinking. With a swift motion, she reached out and tugged away Kurenai's towel before the ravenette could react.

"Thanks, Kurenai-san," she replied, her voice laced with amusement. "And I have to say, you're looking pretty smooth yourself." She admired Kurenai's equally shiny smooth body, her eyes lingering on Kurenai's aroused nipples and shiny lower lips before her.

Leaning in closer, Kushina locked eyes with the red-eyed beauty, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Why don't we explore each other's bodies a little more, huh?" she suggested, her voice husky with desire.

Without hesitation, she closed the distance between them, capturing Kurenai's lips in a fiery kiss. Kurenai was caught off guard once again by the redhead's boldness and aggression, her body responding instinctively to Kushina's dominating presence. With each passing moment, Kushina's hands traced the curves of Kurenai's body, reigniting a fire within her.

"Ahh, Kushina-san, what's gotten into you…" Kurenai moaned, her words breaking as pleasure coursed through her body. Just earlier on, she looked pretty hesitant for round two but now she was coming at her with such aggressiveness that she was having trouble keeping up.

Kushina withdrew from the kiss with a mischievous grin, trailing kisses down Kurenai's shoulders and neck. She moved lower, capturing one of Kurenai's erect brown nipples in her mouth, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from the ravenette.

"Ahhh, please don't bite, Kush— we have a shoot… ahhhh," Kurenai moaned, her words a desperate plea as she felt Kushina delicately licking and teasing her sensitive nipple.

But Kushina paid no heed to her words, her hands now tracing and parting lips of Kurenai's freshly waxed pussy.

"Ahhh, it's sens—itive… Kush—" Kurenai attempted to speak, but her words were lost as Kushina captured her mouth once again, their lips again melding together in a passionate kiss.

Kushina didn't know what came over her but she wanted to overcome desire. Driven by the primal desire that consumed her, Kushina's actions became more urgent, more fervent. She wanted to lose herself in the heat of the moment, The desire that was burning her and Kurenai was providing a perfect release. 

The couple of naked horny and aroused ladies lost in lust and their whereabouts. The room was filled with the sounds of their moans and the intoxicating scent of their arousal as they lost themselves in each other, their bodies moving in perfect synchronisation. Soon, Kurenai too surrendered to the overwhelming sensations, her hands started exploring Kushina's body.

They looked at each other, their eyes shining with lust as Kushina slowly pulled Kurenai into a nearest shower stall. She turned on the water, letting it cascade over their aroused bodies, turning them into walking wet dreams for any onlooker.

Their bodies pressed together, skin against skin, drenched by the warm artificial shower rain that fell on them as they revelled in the sensation of being so close. Boobs pressed against boobs, nipples brushing against nipples, and their shaved pussies almost touching. They gazed at each other with hazy eyes filled with desire, lost in the moment of sensual bliss.

Kushina's hands roamed over Kurenai's smooth skin with the delicacy of an artist, tracing the contours of her breasts and the curve of her hips with reverent fingertips. In return, Kurenai's hands traversed Kushina's supple skin, her fingers dancing over every curve, as she took Kushina's big, supple boobs in her hands and teased her nipples.

A surge of warm wetness pooled between Kushina's thighs, her pussy throbbing with need as Kurenai's fingers trailed lower, tracing the sensitive skin around her slit with maddening slowness. The anticipation was almost unbearable, a sweet torture that left Kushina's body humming with desire.

"Ahh, don't tease…" she muttered, her voice thick with desire.

Grinning mischievously, Kurenai, now in control for the first time, pushed her fingers into the slick entrance of the redhead. With a gasp, Kushina arched her back, her body instinctively seeking more of Kurenai's touch. Their lips met in a fervent kiss once again, as Kushina moaned into the kiss, her hands tangling in Kurenai's hair as she tried not to surrender herself completely to the overwhelming sensation.

Soon Kushina shuddered as she had mini-gasm, they stood there, the warm water cascading over their bodies. Kushina leaned in closer, her lips grazing against Kurenai's neck as she whispered "ooh that's it… ah.. You are so good at this" she moaned as she felt Kurenai's fingers twisting which were still inside her slit.

Kurenai's breath hitched as she felt Kushina's fingers trail and move inside her own slit, her own desire igniting at the suggestion. Kushina's fingers moved with a controlled aggression that bordered on desperation. 

"You aren't too bad as well ah ah" Kurenai's hips bucked against Kushina's hand, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she rode the wave of pleasure building inside her.

As her shuddering subsided, Kushina locked eyes with Kurenai, her gaze shining with delight. With a hungry look in her eyes, Kurenai sank to her knees under the flowing shower, feeling the gentle droplets caress her nude back. As she knelt before the redhead, Kushina instinctively parted her legs, granting Kurenai better access to her glistening lower lips. Despite the constant flow of water, Kurenai could clearly see Kushina's arousal,

'Damn, she's dripping' Kurenai thought.

Trailing her fingers slowly along the soft skin of Kushina's thighs, Kurenai could feel the anticipation and impatience radiating from the redhead. Finally reaching between her legs, she parted open Kushina's hairless pussy lips, revealing the soft, inviting pink colour from within. 

 'DamnI can't believe she has had a child, she looks so tight ' she thought as her fingers entered Kushina's slick folds, relishing in the warmth and wetness that greeted her touch.


Locking eyes with Kushina, Kurenai then turned her gaze to the view before her, her own arousal throbbing with temptation. Though she had done this several times before, this situation felt entirely new and thrilling. Slowly, her face descended towards the pink delight before her, her mouth finding Kushina's pussy with eager anticipation. Her tongue traced circles around Kushina's swollen clit, teasing her with deliberate slowness as she relished the sounds of Kushina's pleasure.

"Aha ahaha just likeeee tha yess" Kushina moaned, her back arched, her hands clutching at Kurenai's black locks as waves of pleasure washed over her. The sensation of being eaten out by another woman was entirely new and intensely pleasurable for her. With each flick of Kurenai's tongue, she felt herself unravelling, her voice breaking free in uninhibited moans.

Meanwhile, Kurenai continued her oral ministrations, eagerly latching onto Kushina's pussy, her tongue delving deep inside to taste her sweet essence. With each stroke of her tongue, she drove Kushina closer to the edge of ecstasy, and it was soon she felt the redhead's whole body shake and the grip on her head tighten as she felt her being pushed more in the redhead's pussy.

Soon she felt redhead's juices fill her mouth, her mouth trying to devour it all. 'Goodness, she is delicious.' she thought as she greedily drank all her sweet nectar. Finally Kushina's shuddering subsidend her grip on Kurena's head relaxing.

Kurenai moved her mouth away from the redhead's wet slit. 

"That was funnn" Kushina voiced out, her voice still vibrating with brim delight her legs feeling weak. As she slowly fell on her knees as well. Looking in red eyed beauty she took her lips in her mouth again. Soon her own mouth filled with the taste of her own juices. 

The kissing continued, as the nude ladies continued to explore and satisfy their unhinged lust. As they finally pulled away, breathless and flushed but their desire somewhat fulfilled. Kurenai grinned mischievously. "Looks like our beach day just got a whole lot more interesting, Kushina-san, I gotta say again you are quite experienced in this" she teased, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. 

"Interesting would be a bit underwhelming I would say " Kushina spoke, her voice dripping with mirth and naughtiness. Her eyes landed on Kurenai's erect nipples and she added "And , you aren't bad yourself," Kushina added cheekily, her violet eyes shining with lust and enthusiasm despite the situation. 

"But we should move out soon. We definitely will continue in the evening, right?" Kureani added as her fingers flicked on Kushina's nipple.

"Ofcourse" Kushina replied.


Ok, here's chapter 17 of Primetime. What do you think? What should I do next? What happens next?


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MrVectorPath Out!!