
Blind Date

After Molly popped her question, my hands automatically reach the tattooed part of my back, "It is actually feeling better each day. But there are these occasional pain though it is just manageable," I smiled and assured her. Gigi suddenly shivered on her seat as her phone blew up a loud tone indicating that a call is trying to get in.

"Who is that?" I silently mouthed to Gayle before she stood up and walk a meter away from us. From the looks of it, she is extremely happy taking the call while walking back and forth in a close proximity. It took her a good five minutes to come back to the table we are occupying. At this moment, Molly and I are already packing up our things back inside our respective bags because our one hour break is about to end. 

Gayle fanned herself as she sat down on her seat. She flipped her hair that was hanging in both of her shoulders backwards and exhaled, "Girls, we are going on a blind date!"