
Escape pt. 1

The boy snuck through the mansion and came to a room with sounds coming from inside, he looked left and right before slowly opening the door to see Truffle on top of a young slave. The boy watched with blank eyes and no expression, he looked into the room and didn't notice any guards.

The boy silently crept into the room before he stood over the bed, casting a shadow over Truffle and the girl. Truffle felt someone staring at him and turned to see the boy. He was instantly enraged as he said "You! What are you doing here?! Go back to your room! Where is Mar-" the boy shot his arm forward and grabbed Truffle's face, crushing his jaw as he said "Shut up." Truffle tried to scream but the boy grabbed his tongue and ripped it out of his mouth, throwing it to the floor as he threw Truffle to the ground and looked at the girl.

The girl covered her face and whimpered, curling up into a ball and started crying. She looked at the boy and said through whimpers "Kill me… Please…" The boy looked at the girl before grabbing her neck and snapping it with a crunch, killing her instantly.

Truffle backed away on the floor, staring in horror at the boy, who now turned to him and was walking towards him with surprisingly light steps, barely even making a sound.

The boy looked down at Truffle and shook his right arm, letting his chain down before whipping it around Truffle's neck. The boy looked into Truffle's eyes before pulling violently and ripping Truffle's head off.

He looked at the corpse of his master's father for a brief moment before leaving the room and closing the door silently. After scanning the area, the boy jumped from a window and landed on the street.

The rattling of his chains made him alarmed and he wrapped them around his arms before moving through the streets, hiding in alleyways. Observing everything that was going on. He moved like a shadow through the night before getting to the gates of Hell.

The boy looked at the gates and spotted a couple guards on watch. He hid against the wall and jumped to the wall, crouching on top of it, ignoring the pain of the spikes on his feet as he waited for the guards to stop paying attention.

To his surprise, they were almost immediately called back to the city and the boy moved immediately. He ran as fast as he could to the elevator and caught a ride down to the bottom of the giant wall the city was built on.

He kept his head out and looked at the bottom, it was slightly difficult to see in the darkness but he could make out guards at the bottom, waiting for the elevator. The boy turned to the back of the elevator and squeezed through the panels at the back, holding on to the outside wall, riding down to the bottom before slowly sliding into the water and swimming to the only ship at the dock.

The boy popped his head out of the water and watched as a fat man rubbed his hands talking to a guard while other men brought boxes onto the ship. The ship wasn't the biggest ship but a medium sized trader's ship, the boy speculated that the fat man was the merchant and swam to the ship's bow before climbing up the side where no one was.

He got on the deck and snuck through the ship to the cargo before opening a crate and throwing some of the fruits into the sea. It was only enough for him to get into the box and hide in it.

As the boy was hiding, alarms rang in Mariejois.

Guards were running frantically around the city to Truffle's house. Not only his but Clarence's aswell. The guards notified the higher ups, who called the marines, who started sailing to Mariejois immediately.

Inside Truffle's house was the gruesome scene of Truffle decapitated along with the dead slave, who no one paid attention to, and Marie, who claimed she had been raped by a slave and she wanted the slave back so she could punish him herself.

Meanwhile at Clarence's house, it was a bloodbath. Bodies strewn about with Clarence's arms ripped off and a face full of horror. The guards put both crimes together and got a description from Marie.

While all this was happening, the merchant ship was being checked by the guards. The guards on the ground didn't particularly mind the alarm and assumed it was a normal Celestial Dragon complaint. These things happen every now and then. There were some new guards who were adamant about searching the ship.

And they did.

The guards obliged the new recruits while complaining that the newbies needed to relax. As the guards were searching, the captain of the ground guards was talking with the merchant, "Relax, Asmodeus. Just a routine check, you won't be off schedule." Asmodeus was having none of it, however, "Listen, Krill. If I'm off, they'll have my head! You know who we're dealing with! Pirates!"

Krill rolled his eyes and patted Asmodeus' shoulder, chuckling "Yeah, yeah, I know." before turning to the deck and shouting "Boys! That's enough! Come on back."

Inside the cargo space~

A new guard was checking box by box, opening them up and moving the goods around, checking with a lantern, making sure everything was correct.

The boy heard approaching footsteps and his muscles tensed, ready to pounce at any moment.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped right in front of the boy and the creaking of the box was heard. The boy's ears twitched as he stared through the cracks in the fruit, as soon as he saw light, who would attack.


"Boys! That's enough! Come on back."

The voice sounded in the cargo space and both the boy and the new guard paused for a brief moment. The creaking continued but more footsteps approached along with a voice "Keith! Let's go, Captain wants us back."

The man, Keith, replied to his friend, "Kev, I'm almost done here." Kev shook his head and said "Cap doesn't care, Mariejois is the safest place in the world. Nothing can happen here, let's go. Drinks on me!" Keith sighed and closed the box.

The boy heard the footsteps getting farther and farther away along with Keith's voice "Wasn't there a rebellion one time?" then Kev's "Yeah but that was a long time ago, heard it was some fishman or something." which was followed by Keith's query "Fishmen? Whe-" but he was cut off by Kev's laugh "So many questions bro, who has the answers? Let's just go drink! I heard Cap brought women!"

The boy couldn't care less what women they were as long as they left. So he waited and waited until the ship finally started moving.