
Pretentious friends

Life may take you places you never thought of going and things you never expected you'd do, but you'll adjust, you'll get used it and that would be your lifestyle, just embrace it you can't out past it, it's you. Just be happy that you are living life to the fullest extent. Life is full of Surprises it's a thriller. Do you love college? Being a teenager? The gossip, the lies, the drama, the thrill and the fun, rush and The excitement? Oh I do, it makes life interesting fun but at one point you grow old and y'all have leave most of these things behind but sometimes your bad past comes back to get you, now you're a mess. They say you gotta grab life by the balls but what if you got a pussy? I'd say punch life where it hurts, your in control of your own future and you control you destiny. So if you're past comes back to haunt you that's your bad luck cause you were sloppy and good luck though. PREVIEW: "Shane are you sure we can go public?" I am having doubts being a undercover criminal. What if someone connect us? We would put everyone we love in danger. "See I told you it would work look how successful we are and everyone is happy and alive." Shane said with confidence or maybe he's being cocky. It's amazing to have people you can trust, people you can relay on, people having your back no matter what your not just friends your family and family fight for on another they don't fight against each other. Do you have people you can trust? Can you relay on them? Are they always there for you? Do they have your back not matter what? I trust her to have her in my gang I trust her enough to tell her things, she and Ashely is perfect so I'm kinda glad that Shannon and Amanda aren't going to join Not that I don't trust them but because they suck the fun out of everything. "Shane your the best f@#king friend I ever had, the only friend I had." PREVIEW OVER This story is series number two for FRIENDS OR ENEMIES this series story is base on fiction.

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When I heard that Shane is coming to my college I had to see for myself. Weirdly I forgive him for what he did "Hey freshmen, " I said to him and Amanda.

"Andy?? Andrew stroker????"

He asked weirdly.

"Yeah dude" I don't see why he asked I mean I haven't changed that much. "Why'd ask?"

"Cause you look and sound different. I mean to have in red dye in your hair at the tip.  Doesn't say you. Are you gay??"

Wow, he likes to put it out there, does he? Of course, it's Shane I'm talking bout here. This kid.

"Well yeah. Why?"  I'm so kidding right now.

"Wow. Well for one this look is ugly, your  tacky-"

"Anyway  that's good to hear but are you okay?"  Amanda asked cutting Shane off. Why is she asking that?

"What do you mean?" I asked weirdly.

"I know you were okay with Shane and all but."

I can't hold it in any longer. It's too funny.  I burst out laughing so hard they looked at me weirdly. "Guys I'm not gay, I'm joking. I'm dressed like this cause I'm in a group and I lost a bet so I had to wear this." I informed them honestly I could never be gay it's just ain't me. I'm straight very.

"Ohh good to hear buddy," Shane said patting me on the shoulder. 

"You know you play too much, let's go, man," Amanda adds duplicating the same thing Shane did with a pat on the shoulder. 

"Wait where are we going to??"

"The b-ball court" Shane answered. " by the way where is it?"

"Wait no you can't be In there right now!"

"Why not??" Shane asked. 

"Cause there's a dance audition in there" I replied. 

"Oh well too Bad we have grown they can't tell me shit. " Shane replied back. And kept walking.  Yup that's Shane alright.

Ugh, I'm gonna be in trouble...

We entered the gym and the dance co-captain stopped us. "And just where are you three going?" The girl asked, putting her hands on her hips.   "Auditions are currently in the process so if you don't mind leaving, now!"

"Who is this chick? Bitch this is a basketball gym it's open to the public now move." Shane replied back.

"This  nigga!"


"What tha f-" Shane said but I cut him off.

"Mia and Shane back up. Firstly you shouldn't call a black man nigga cause you're Mexican and Shane you shouldn't call a stranger a Bitch no matter how threatened you felt or rude you are."  A sigh of relief. "Can we sit and watch?"

"Uhh yeah sure."   She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah uuhh sorry for calling you a bitch earlier it sorta slipped out."  

"Right I bet" she walked off. And sat at her desk. 

We walked and sit on the stands.  

And the captainn which is my sister walked with a couple of girls. "Rebecca your up." She yelled.

"Ohh damn Andy, Manda are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Shane asked in a shocked tone.

"Yeah,"  Amanda and I said.

"How the hell is she here?" 

"Shane you're hating again" Amanda nagged...

"Totally am not I'm just a little surprised and a lot shocked. " Shane said as he slowly stood up as we watched her danced. "Surprised she can dance so amazingly. Cause the first time she didn't know left from right."   She was a cheerleader Shane. During her dance I saw a familiar look on Mia and Lauren's eyes, their jealous and threatened by her talent. She had finished her dance and Shane clapped, and Rebecca turned around and when she saw us she looked like her heart was gonna come out her mouth. "Who knew that Rebecca Amber Wright could dance like that? Wow." Shane said as she walked down the steps slowly.

"Excuse me but who the hell are you?" Lauren asked in an annoyed and upset tone.

"Lauren this is Shane Simpson and Amanda Doman from my old High school friends, and you've already met Rebecca."

"So you're Shane? " My sister blushes. "I've heard a lot about you. I'm Lauren, she's Lorna and that's Mia. I'm andrew's sister." 

"Yeah, he and I met," Mia said as she flipped her hair and placed her hands on her hips.

"Well, this dude looks gay," Lorna muttered...

"Yeah, I was thinking that too" Mia agreed with a smirky smile.

"Yeah  and so what if I am ?"

He asked in an upset tone. Please don't fight.

"Dude chill out your good."

"I am chill, but Andrew never told me he  had a sister."

I chuckled nervously. As he looked at me.


"Dude chill out your good"  I informed Shane. I could use Shane in case if want gets someone out my way or not make an emeny of him, It also looks like he and Rebecca aren't seeing eye to eye anymore, I heard they had a messy past. But if having him around and she on my squad that may cause drama and I'm not interested especially if it's some bull. "There's this party tonight I would love if you three could make it." I informed them. I think I'mma get them drunk, and maybe that will clear the air.  The party is for the college graduates.

~°~ A Few hours later ~°~

So they eventually showed up  and I introduced them to the rest of my rich gang possy which I grew up with. They're my friends our parents have a joint co-operation and every year they have a gala and we usually hang out and that's how they are super close to me and my brother.

"Lauren there is someone I'd like you to meet," Shane said interrupting my thoughts. "This is Ashley Karter, she lives next door to me well used to I moved."  I froze with a bitch stare on my face. I know this chick. When we were little and we were little ballerina she was new and she beat my best friends at the in house competitions, bumping Mia to second place, Lorna to third and one of the Bloomer sisters, Paige to fourth.  My girls were sad, she ain't even all that and she's not even high classed but her dad did made the dance studio and he's really good, he helped with a lot of our parents buildings.

"We finally meet." I said breaking the awkward silence.

"You two know each other?"

"Yeah, she and I danced at the same dance studio when we were little."  She replied.

Oh did I mention that the studio is Mia's mom own that he built.

"Cool." Was Shane's reply. You know I expect more from this drama queen. Looks like he's chilled. For real that's good.

"So Ashley you attend this college?" I interrogated.


My girls walked over to us with Rebecca and Amanda

"Who is the new girl?" Mia asked pointing on Ashely.

"She is Ashley Karter." They all froze. They were shocked. They were Speechless.

"Ashley do yo still dance?" Lorna asked.

"Yeah, do you?"

Lorna smiled but that wasn't a good smile. "No you killed it when you bumped me to third you talented bitch."

But third isn't bad, right. Lorna hated dancing away.

"Did she just call me a bitch?" Ashley asked in an upset and annoyed tone.

"Yeah I think she did, but she's not worth it." Shane replied and informed her. Shane's a smart kid But Lorna's a hot head she's gonna find that offensive.

"I see you two have a past, just let it go, it was a long time a go get over it."  He said calmly.

Saying that makes lorna gets anger, he should have zipped it.

"Shane no.--" I tired to say

"Listen freshman, nobody asked for your initial or input I get your being catious but I think you should shut up."

Uh-oh. Is that bad? Cause he was cool all night.

"This bitch! Are you serious?" Shane yelled making everyone one stare. And then two girls walked up to him..

"Wassup bro?" They asked.

Oh lord he has sisters?

"I was being nice, and she told me to shut up. Get her before I do." He complained like a innocent child.

"You wanna take this outside?" His sister asked. "Let's go!" They said as they took out their earrings.

"Oh no ladies please that's not necessary." I butted in.

"Okay listen, I am shanike I went to this college, let me tell you all something this boy right here is off limits. If he bothers you which he won't but if does his other sister Shannon goes here let her handle him. If any of you every take it on yourselves and do anything to him you will pay. Darely."

"Is that a threat?" I asked. Cause if that is I may have to file a complaint against her.

"Call it what you want." She turned to Shane.  "If you cause any problems here you know what will happen."

"Okay, one you were too extreme cause these are kinda my new friends but she's bitchy and never wanted to put her down but thanks. Second why the hell are you here?"

"This is a party for the graduate students."

I may have be cacious of the simpsons. They are crazy. Oh my God.

So they left and he was chilling with us.

"Shane don't ever get in Lorna's way when she's angry." I warned him.

"Right, yeah you see if anyone comes at any of my friends even if we're friends either I stop them from each other or they deal with me. So I'm saying that you can't tell me shit."

"I like this kid." Lorna smiles.

My family is consist of my brother and my parents, my mom is a part time nurse and a full time scientist, my dad is tech-scientist they work together they own a multi million dollar organization called Binomial science, they create lots of stuff which I have no idea about. They partnered with other organizations and they donate money to charity, they even build a shelter for the homeless and the have a restaurant that serve food the to needy.