
The Delightful Feeling of a Hunter

From the initial one-sided situation to the intense conflict on both sides, and then to a sudden reversal, not only were netizens left bewildered, but even Jiang Meng and her studio were deceived.

A large number of people immediately began attacking Jiang Meng's personal account and studio. They had always portrayed Jiang Nuannuan as a wicked supporting female character, but it turns out that the malicious woman was Jiang Meng herself, which is unacceptable to anyone.

Jiang Meng, who was still happily shooting, was suddenly interrupted by her grim-faced manager.

"Stop shooting! Stop shooting!" the manager urgently exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Meng asked her assistant, who handed her a glass of water.

"You said there was no evidence! What's the matter with your boyfriend? He actually went to Jiang Nuannuan and said he wants to support her! He even mentioned your affair! The internet is in an uproar!" the manager explained.


The glass water cup fell to the ground, shattering into pieces, splashing water onto her legs.

"How is this possible!" Jiang Meng snatched her assistant's phone and listened to Jiang Nuannuan's revelations. Her face turned pale. "When was this recorded?"

She rushed into the rest area, dismissed everyone inside, and quickly called Ji Yansen, her voice hysterical. "You went to find Jiang Nuannuan! What did you promise me? Ji Yansen!"

Before long, the phone placed upside down on the table began to ring. Jiang Nuannuan, holding a cup of milk tea, leisurely answered the call. "Hello?"

"Jiang Nuannuan, are you trying to ruin Jiang Meng?" Ji Yansen's voice came through the speaker, so loud that it made her frown and move the phone away.

"It's nothing, hang up," she said, about to end the call. The other party immediately lowered their voice. "Wait! Let's talk! Let's talk!"

"Talk?" Jiang Nuannuan raised an eyebrow, activated the speakerphone, and casually turned on the voice recorder.

"What do you want to tell me? I thought we made it clear," she said with a slightly melancholic tone.

"Don't you need money to live? I'll give you five million! Just admit to this matter!" Ji Yansen sneered.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the voice recorder and mocked, "Why should I admit to it? Should I take the blame for what you and Jiang Meng did? She's already playing the thief card, threatening to report me to the police."

"I'll handle the police matter. You know this is about the reputation of both families. It won't be good for anyone if it escalates," Ji Yansen hurriedly said. "If you don't admit it, I have plenty of ways to make sure you can't survive in Linggang. If you're sensible, you'll know how to choose."

She detested this kind of empty threat.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Nuannuan deliberately lowered her voice, speaking with a touch of sadness. "Alright, Yansen, I'm not heartless. Just tell me the reason why you insist on marrying Jiang Meng. As long as it's convincing enough for me, I'll help you clarify everything and face all consequences."

Ji Yansen thought she still had feelings for him, and ultimately couldn't bear to tarnish his reputation. So he poured out everything over the phone.

"I don't love Jiang Meng. Besides her background, what does she have that can compare to you, Jiang Nuannuan? She didn't even finish her third-rate undergraduate degree. By the time we slept together, it wasn't the first time for her. If it weren't for the need for a marriage alliance to achieve better business cooperation, how could I possibly marry her?"

After a string of words, he took a deep breath. "The blame lies in the fact that you're not a true member of the Jiang family. Otherwise, Jiang Meng would never have become an issue. The only person I've ever loved is you, so I shamelessly proposed supporting her in order to continue loving you."

As he spoke, Ji Yansen seemed to be moved by his own words. He sniffled and affectionately called her, "Nuan, I'm serious. I really, really love you."

"So you just had a superficial relationship with Jiang Meng in bed." Jiang Nuannuan chuckled and spoke calmly, "Well, I must have been crazy all this time to only now see your true characters, for which I am at fault."

"What about your response…"

"You help Jiang Meng clarify things, I don't want your money anymore."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Yansen thought that Jiang Nuannuan had agreed, so he quickly sent a lawyer's letter accusing her of defamation. At the same time, he also sent her a WeChat message.

He believed that this matter would only be trifle, and once passed, it would be over.

However, Jiang Nuannuan did not receive these words. She had already blocked him.

After all, Jiang Meng had the support of both the Jiang and Ji families, and the heated discussions on Weibo were eventually taken down in the afternoon, replaced by Ji Yansen's stern statement.

"He actually wrote in the lawyer's letter that everything I said was fabricated? Artificially synthesized? If I bring this evidence to court, I can make quite a bit of money, compensation for mental and time losses."

Jiang Nuannuan let out a light sigh. She wasn't in a hurry to expose them now. Let them be anxious for a day. She needed to sell her second-hand dress and buy some new clothes to prepare for her evening appointment with Gu Shizhou.

She wore the same yellow dress she had worn when she left the Jiang family, simply tying her hair into a bun. Jiang Nuannuan got into her new Audi and headed to the nearest department store.

In addition to buying some ordinary clothes, she also needed some high-end brands to accompany her for future outings with Gu Tingyan.

"Why are you buying cheap stuff?" 66 asked curiously.

Jiang Nuannuan paid for the discounted 30-yuan T-shirt in her hand and replied, "It's for Gu Shizhou to see."

"He will eventually discover your true identity. You're being too deliberate."

"What's there to fear? As long as Gu Tingyan doesn't reveal our affair, it won't become public. Even if Gu Shizhou finds out who I am, it will only be that I worked for Gu Tingyan when I was desperate. I won't let him know that I live in Sunshine Huating, so the two won't conflict."

"I still think it's not safe." 66 expressed some concern. "You can't reveal your true intentions from the beginning."

Jiang Nuannuan dismissed it with a single sentence, "I need to show a demand for him to dangle the bait and make me bite the hook. Understand?"

"I don't understand."

"I really don't know how you got this position."

System 66: "…"

Jiang Nuannuan stopped talking to it and found a high-end dry cleaner inside a luxury mall to refurbish her clothes worth five million. Only then did she start browsing these designer brands.

However, she couldn't help but feel that every time she entered a store, the shop assistants would secretly cast pitying or disdainful glances at her.

"Isn't that Jiang Nuannuan?" Ruan Dan nudged her friend's hand, and they immediately started gossiping.

"It seems like her. Wasn't she accused of defaming Jiang Meng on the hot search? And then she was taken in by some wealthy fat guy."

Ruan Dan chuckled lightly and sarcastically said, "No wonder she was eating instant noodles on the street one day and buying Hermès the next. Come on, let's go vent for Jiang Meng."

Just as Jiang Nuannuan had set her sights on a shoulder bag and was inquiring about the price, she heard it was over 60,000 yuan. She was still contemplating whether to compare it with the neighboring Bulgari snakehead design when someone took the bag from her hands.

"Give it to me." Ruan Dan smiled and tossed the bag to the receptionist, who glanced awkwardly at Jiang Nuannuan.