
Offering Generous Salaries, Exempting Five Insurances and One Fund

The noble man uttered to her, "If you can't bear it anymore, come and live with me."

His voice was so gentle that it bore no resemblance to the one she heard on the phone today.

Of course, these words were not directed at Jiang Nuannuan, but at Fu Shiliu.

"Normally, no one resides here. The CEO has arranged for a chef to come later. Miss Jiang, you can inform her of your culinary preferences," before driving away, the driver said as he boarded the car.

She surveyed the magnificent villa, her gaze limited to the living room. With its woody or gray hues, the decor exuded a sense of desolation, devoid of any signs of habitation. It was icy and silent, as if all sounds had been muted.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't receive a formal invitation, so she refrained from exploring the upper floors. Instead, she found a sofa and sat down, patiently waiting.

During this time, she glanced at the negative news about herself on the internet.

Currently, the most trending topic was the extravagant wedding of the rising star, Jiang Meng, who had forsaken everything for love and married Ji Yanshen, the scion of a wealthy family. The two accompanying subtopics were as follows: firstly, Jiang Nuannuan pushing Jiang Meng into the water, while Jiang Meng forgiving Jiang Nuannuan; secondly, the historical catchphrase of Jiang Nuannuan humbly pleading with Ji yanshen not to break up.

Casually clicking on the links, she was met with a barrage of repugnant comments.

"Jiang Nuannuan is truly disgusting. I hope she gets out of the Jiang family! Stop hurting our Mengmeng!"

"When it comes down to it, this fake heiress won't let go of Ji yanshen. It's all for the sake of capturing this rich husband. Greed and love of money are ingrained in her bones."

"Our poor Jiang Meng has suffered so much, growing up in exile and being framed by some unknown villain."

"Jiang Nuannuan, go die!"


The reason Jiang Nuannuan had become so infamous was closely tied to Jiang Meng's entrance into the entertainment industry as a genuine heiress.

Gu Tingyan helped her resolve the ordeal of imprisonment, but he didn't bother to handle her negative news along the way.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a computer at hand, so I had to transmit the contents of the voice recorder later.

Jiang Nuannuan expressionlessly turned off her phone, yawned, and lay down on the sofa to sleep.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, a Maybach stalled out in front of the villa.

Assistant Li turned his face and said, "We just received news that the chef had an accident on the way here and is currently in the hospital."

"Do we still need to find someone else? Miss Jiang doesn't know if she's still here," he pondered, uncertain of presidnt Gu's intentions. Most of the man's face was concealed in darkness, devoid of any emotions.

Gu Tingyan gazed at the unlit villa outside the window for a few seconds before softly saying, "No need."

He opened the car door, got out, and walked up to the porch. As he opened the door, a warm light illuminated the entrance hall, casting a faint glow that extended into the living room, gently illuminating the woman curled up on the sofa.

Gu Tingyan approached, observing the peaceful expression on the girl's sleeping face. With her collar slightly open, a slender and fair neck was revealed, completely defenseless in her slumber.

He slowly crouched down and fixedly gazed at her face for a few seconds. The impulsive words he had uttered earlier were a promise, and there was no reason to take them back. However, as he examined the face in front of him, he realized that it truly matched his preferences.

Jiang Nuannuan felt a bit uncomfortable in her sleep, as if something was constantly touching her eyelids. Subconsciously, she reached out to grab it, only to grasp a slightly cool finger. Just as she was about to throw away whatever she held in her hand, System 66 shouted in her mind, urging her to stop.

"It's Gu Tingyan! Watching your eyes makes him miss Miss. Fu. Don't shake him off! According to the script, it's best for you to pretend to be a bit dazed, that's when you resemble the female lead the most."

Hearing these words, she just felt money being delivered to her doorstep.

The desire to shake off his hand immediately dissipated as Jiang Nuannuan let out a soft hum, her eyelids fluttering, and she opened one eye slightly in cooperation.

She gazed hazily at the slightly blurred yet sharply defined handsome face before her, his voice as soft as a marshmallow. "Mr. Gu? You're back?"

Gu Tingyan's long eyelashes flickered slightly, and his elegant face showed a hint of rigidity.

In the dim light, the misty eyes of the girl overlapped with the eyes from his memories, like a lost lamb, filled with confusion and tenderness.

His slightly cool fingertips gently caressed the corner of Jiang Nuannuan's eye, and his voice, upon careful listening, carried a touch of warmth. "Why don't you go upstairs to sleep?"

"I don't know which room is mine," Jiang Nuannuan murmured, lightly humming a few times. She leaned back, tilting her neck, and softly whispered as she held onto his finger, "Stop touching, it's ticklish."

Gu Tingyan paused for a moment, retracting his fingertips slightly. Jiang Nuannuan slowly sat up, accidentally pressing the button on the remote control. Instantly, bright lights in the living room were illuminated, clearly revealing the features of the person in front of her.

Once fully awake, she was momentarily stunned. If Ji yanshen could be considered young and good-looking, then this mature Gu Tingyan was the epitome of a refined gentleman, a fighter among the elite. Among the elite, he was the best.

He had just finished work, still dressed in a tailored dark suit, with narrow shoulders and a slim waist. His deep-set eyes, prominent nose, and slightly lean face, though refined in contour, displayed flawlessness as if crafted by God.

Jiang Nuannuan stared at his warm gaze that had yet to subside, knowing that he was seeing someone else through her, but her heart was still screaming in madness.

This was a windfall for her! Not only could she make money, but she also had the company of an exceptional man. This place was simply heaven, oh, heaven.

As the spotlight shone brightly, it also dispelled the momentary misperception. Gu Tingyan stood up, his brows and eyes regaining their coldness. "I don't come here often. You can sleep in any room you want."

"I understand." Jiang Nuannuan sat up, her face blushing slightly. "Regarding the suggestion you made last time, is it still true?"


Gu Tingyan, towering above her, his face perfectly shadowed by the light in the living room, leaned down again, pressing his fingertips against her eyes without any emotion. "I lack a lover, undisclosed and nameless. Miss Jiang, are you willing to agree?"

"I come to you because I have no other choice, Mr. Gu."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled in response. "You are the only one to offer a helping hand to me when I face betrayal and abandonment. Of course, I agree, but I have two small conditions."

Hearing that she still wanted to negotiate conditions, Gu Tingyan released his grip and sat down on the sofa, taking out a cigarette and placing it near his lips, ready to light it. "Go ahead."

"For a duration of two years, I, Jiang Nuannuan, am willing to accept this relationship, but during this time, I hope you can pay me salary monthly."

Gu Tingyan's hand holding the lighter paused, and he turned to look at Jiang Nuannuan, his eyes filled with surprise.

How many people would do anything to have an affair with him? What did he just hear? Salary? Did she think he was recruiting employees?

Jiang Nuannuan continued with her professional smile, "Although this is an unconventional high-paying job, we still need to establish the details. You provide me with material security, and I become your intimate confidante, ready to serve you at any time."

Gu Tingyan put down the cigarette, his gaze fixed on her. "Are you in need of money?"

"I'm completely broke." Jiang Nuannuan nodded honestly. She didn't have a single penny right now. "But I only accept income from my labor. 100,000 yuan per month, and I will pay the social security and housing fund by myself. What do you think?"

Seeing her acting as if she were discussing a job, Gu Tingyan fell silent for a long time.


After a long pause, he finally lit his cigarette and responded, "We just take what we need."

System 66: "Alipay transfer received: 1 million yuan. Gu Tingyan's favorability towards you has increased to 2%. It seems he really likes the one who is obedient and suits their actions to the times."