
Misunderstanding Zhai Heng

"You entered the entertainment industry to create an all-around persona, using my jewelry design and signing it with your own name," Jiang Nuannuan smiled faintly. "Have you forgotten?"

"I don't know." she turned her head, ready to leave.

Jiang Nuannuan calmly spoke from behind, "I didn't intend to expose you or Ji Yansen out of respect for him. However, I priced that design at one million, and I'll give you three days. If I don't receive the payment from you or Ji Yansen, I will publicly demand the debt from you."

"Jiang Nuannuan, how dare you!" This was simply robbery! Jiang Meng turned around in anger, and curious gazes from the surrounding people fell upon her. She forced herself to remain composed.

Yansen had told her that the design was Jiang Nuannuan's personal creation, but she hadn't signed it or made it public. After copying the design, it was deleted from Jiang Nuannuan's computer, leaving no possibility of being discovered.

Jiang Nuannuan picked up the champagne glass next to her and gestured, smiling innocently. Seeing Jiang Meng run back and throw herself into Ji Yansen's embrace, everyone thought she had been bullied again.

Jiang's father's face turned completely dark, and the rest of the family showed expressions of helplessness or disgust towards her, but apart from Jiang Yan.

Although she didn't care about these irrelevant people, Jiang Nuannuan still put down her glass and food, opened the glass door on one side, and turned to leave.

The curved balcony had descending stone steps that led to the backyard of the old mansion, where red roses bloomed abundantly. Jiang Nuannuan entered the garden, feeling the gentle breeze on her face as she exhaled softly. She was planning to find a place to sit and wait for Gu Tingyan to return, while she occasionally saw a couple standing under the pavilion ahead.

The woman was wearing a light green cheongsam, her eyes red, and she confronted a tall and straight man. If it wasn't her newly appointed boss, who else could it be? She raised an eyebrow and quickly crouched behind the rose bushes, listening at the corner of the wall.

"Tingyan, did you deliberately bring her here to provoke me? She looks so much like me," the woman's voice was gentle, tinged with pain.

"You know very well that I…" Gu Tingyan pushed away her hand as she tried to hold his, taking a step back with a dark and abyssal gaze, his voice filled with coldness. "Madam Fu, don't be delusional."

"You know very well that I married Zhai Heng out of necessity!"

"Who you married has nothing to do with me," Gu Tingyan turned to leave.

The woman's slender fingers tightly held onto the hem of his clothes, tears welling up in her eyes. "When will you stop hating me?"

Jiang Nuannuan, unable to resist, asked System 66, "What's going on? Why doesn't Gu Tingyan embrace or kiss her during their secret meeting? Why is he resisting like this?"

System 66 analyzed seriously, "Gu Tingyan's father went bankrupt at that time, and it was Mrs. Zhai who helped him financially. The Zhai family has shown him kindness, so even if he loves Fu Shiliu, he wouldn't do anything inappropriate. Otherwise, why would he be seeking solace in a substitute like you?"

"Hmm, he does have principles and doesn't engage in extramarital affairs," Jiang Nuannuan murmured.

"What are you doing?" A clear and melodious voice suddenly came from above. She was startled and quickly looked up, the moonlight shining on the person, revealing a fair and delicate face, as white as porcelain.

"Get down," Jiang Nuannuan immediately grabbed his wrist and pulled him down. The tall and slender figure was forced to crouch down. The man's sharp chin accidentally bumped into her round shoulder, causing him to cough lightly.

"Hush," she covered his mouth with her hand, "Don't make a sound."

He obediently nodded, and she slowly released her hand. "What are you doing, secretly spying on others?" he asked in a soft voice. A pleasant woody fragrance mixed with the scent of herbs wafted into her nose.

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head, her delicate nose brushing against the man's, and immediately leaned back, creating some distance, and whispered, "My boss is having a secret meeting with his lover, and I'm keeping watch for him."

System 66 interjected, "That person, he's …"

"Shut up, I'm busy now."

Jiang Nuannuan's heart blocked it back, only to hear the other person chuckle lightly, "Are you saying that Mrs. Liu and the Mr. of Gu Corporation are having a secret meeting?"

"Don't you have eyes? It's quite obvious." She pursed her lips and gestured towards the pavilion. The two of them were still talking, but after this interruption, she couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Host! Shut up!" System 66 shouted, "That's Zhai Heng! He's Fu Shiliu's so-called sickly husband!"


Jiang Nuannuan's expression slightly stiffened as she turned to look at the gentle man whose head was almost resting on the back of her neck. No wonder he looked like a delicate porcelain, fragile and easily broken.

"Clearly, that is not our Mr. Gu." She immediately put on a smile, subtly trying to block his line of sight. "I made a mistake."

"Is that so?" Zhai Heng half-lowered his gaze, his eyes filled with a hint of amusement, without a trace of embarrassment about his wife being with someone else.

"Our Mr. Gu would never engage in such unethical behavior of poaching someone else's partner. As his assistant, how could I not be aware of that?" Jiang Nuannuan realized she was still holding his wrist and quickly said, "I can see that you're not feeling well, sir. May I help you to rest?"

"But shouldn't we go and say hello?" he asked in a warm voice, his shallow breath lightly brushing against her face, tickling her.

"No need, it would be inappropriate and cause unnecessary trouble." Jiang Nuannuan smiled.

Zhai Heng looked at her for a few seconds, his thin lips slightly curved, a suppressed laughter stuck in his throat, followed by a light cough. "Let's go."

Thanks to the cover of trees and rose bushes, she helped the weak young man walk along the corridor, away from that pavilion.

"Are you Assistant Li by Gu Tingyan's side? I remember he should be surnamed Li." Zhai Heng asked in a gentle tone, with a few broken strands of hair falling on his forehead, adding a striking color to his porcelain-white forehead.

"Yes, his surname is Li, but I am a newly appointed assistant. My surname is Jiang, Jiang Nuannuan."

Jiang Nuannuan met his eyes, where a curl of laughter had never faded.

Witnessing his wife's affair, his only emotion seemed to be teasing her.

He was truly a strange person.

"Young Master!" The butler in a black suit met him and hurriedly came to support him, panting. "Why did you come out alone? Mrs. Zhai has been looking for you with people everywhere."

"It's fine, I was just strolling casually," Zhai Heng replied calmly.

Jiang Nuannuan released her hand and stood aside. "Then I'll leave first."

She smiled and nodded at the two of them, lifted her skirt, and left without any hesitation.

Zhai Heng watched her figure recede into the distance. "That's Jiang Nuannuan, the daughter of the Jiang family who has recently caused a scandal, right?"

"Yes, how did you encounter her? She's a very scheming girl," Uncle Wang cautiously warned him, afraid that his frail body couldn't stand.

Zhai Heng shook his head and smiled faintly. "Not necessarily. She doesn't even know who I am. It's quite amusing."

Uncle Wang looked at him in surprise, saying that the girl was scheming, and his young master, who rarely left his study, was easily deceived.

"Stay away from her, she's just pretending."

Back in the magnificent banquet hall, the faint scent of herbs lingered in her nostrils. Jiang Nuannuan asked a waiter for directions to the restroom.

Ji Yansen caught sight of her figure and used the excuse to leave, following her direction.

"66, why did Zhai Heng show no emotional reaction when Fu Shiliu was with other men? I hope nothing bad happens after what I just said."