
Male Lead Zhai Lin

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "Can I still get it back? They want to cause trouble in the stock market, will they really make money?"

"No." Gu Tingyan coldly smiled, skillfully taking out a cigarette case and lighter from the nearby groove, "If they want to disrupt the market, it will only end in chaos."

How could he allow them to manipulate the stock market? It was just a small company trying to bind a listed company with inflated stock prices, he would simply sit back and watch them fall to pieces.

Jiang Nuannuan pressed down on his hand, taking the cigarette and lighter away first, "You've been drinking tonight, so smoke less, it's harmful to your health."

Gu Tingyan stared at her face for a few seconds, ultimately giving up on smoking.

He turned his head to look out the window, the lingering fragrance of the woman beside him teasing his senses, stirring his heart.

Not smoking was difficult for him.