
Beating a Child

"Stop, stop! Zhai Lin!" She quickly grabbed Zhai Lin's raised fist, throwing herself into his arms, tightly restraining his thin waist to prevent him from attacking the child again.

A fierce anger emerged on the man's face, transforming his angelic features into a menacing devil. His gray eyes glinted with a ferocious light as he exclaimed, "Let me go! I want to beat him to death!"

"Someone, come quickly! He's beating a child!" A woman cried out, kneeling on the ground and holding a wailing child in her arms.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced over and could still see clear red marks on the boy's face. "Zhai Lin, calm down."

Jiang Nuannuan looked up, her chin unavoidably resting against his chest, and spoke sternly, "Don't forget that you finally got a chance to come out. Don't ruin everything."

He lowered his gaze, his jet-black eyelashes trembling slightly. Annoyed, he clicked his tongue against his palate and slowly lowered his clenched fist.