

Losing two million dollars is a trivial matter compared to the potential impact of Fei Jinzhao's grandmother's actual passing.

After careful consideration, she had dinner alone. Once the newly purchased appliances arrived, she had the installation technician place them in a corner. While she tidied up the kitchen and covered the untouched leftovers with plastic wrap, storing them in the refrigerator.

In the evening, Jiang Nuannuan left Fei Jinzhao's house and headed straight to the hospital.

She remembered that his grandmother was sleeping in the corridor, and her memory quickly led her to the hospital ward. After a slight delay outside, she finally entered the room.

Fei Jinzhao's grandmother had already been moved to a private room. He sat by her bedside, pressing his forehead with disheveled hair, wearing a dejected expression.

"Knock, knock."