
Pressurized Students

HELLO THERE! I am Rahul a College student and this is a story about me , friends and current situation of an Indian Student special. This story will be a eye opener for parents , education systems and the adults around us specially to a biased society near a teen . I will tell you about the various stereotypes and the method to escape from it . Make a future that is suitable to you and not society. But to understand this story you should be very concerned because it will be a dark reality. So let's start...

Unknown_Teacher · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

The beginning

I and my friend Shifa and Amit were very good friends. We studied the nursery to class 10 in same school and in same class . Our parents were also very good we all spend our weekends together.

Shifa was a class topper from nursery I cannot remember any class that she had not received any prize and on the otherwise I was a average student and not very fond to top there was no pressure from my parents side .And Amit was a below average student but very good in drawing . His drawing were always won a 1st or 2nd prize in various drawing competition .But his parents always want him to study .

If I tell about our parents My father was a regular office employee and my mother was a housewife.

Shifa's parents were both Doctors.

Amit's father was a office employee in my father's office and his mother was a teacher in the same school in which we study.So the pressure as a son of a teacher was very high for Amit to handle but what the my fellow friend do .

I and Shifa always teach him various concept so that he can barely pass but he has no focus except drawing .

This was a basic introduction but the suspense starts from the next chapter.

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