
President Han’s Aloof Wife Comes Back for her son

Six years ago the night of her graduation Lu Beicheng was drugged by her best friend and boyfriend and was arranged to sleep with an old man. But she did not walk into the room as planned instead she walked into another room only to find an equally drugged man. The next day when she woke she found herself in an unknown environment the bed sheets stained red. Memories of last night began to flood into her head, she had no memory of who the man was she only remembered her boyfriend leading her into a room. Lu Beicheng heart turned cold both her best friend and boyfriend had betrayed her but that was not all three months later she found out she was pregnant. Filed with guilt and shame she goes to France under the guise of studying to raise her child alone. However two years after her son’s birth he suddenly disappears, Lu Beicheng had searched desperately for son,slowly getting herself involved with the mafia and business hoping she would have enough resources to find her son. Three years later Lu Beicheng rushes to China save her father, she also had the hopes that she would that she would find her son here. After successfully removing her father from prison she is bamboozled by another problem their company’s stocks were falling,their customers were leaving,the company was on the verge of falling. Left with no choice Lu Beicheng seeks help from her third uncle and he told her”..Marry Han Zhanbei..” Excerpt “Daddy..where’s my mother..you promise me you’ll find my mummy..where is she, aren’t you powerful why can’t you find my mummy..” “Nian’er can you give daddy a little time, I will definitely find your mummy...” “Okay I’ll give you some time but you have to find my mummy as soon as possible I don’t want another mummy..” Lu Beicheng’s coming had alerted her enemies,will she be able to leave a peaceful life with her husband and son or end in terrible fate especially when she has a crazy psychopath breathing down her neck!!

Little_North_Star · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 7

”Mr Han I want to marry you.."

Lu Beicheng placed the file on the desk and stared at the man who sat on the chair like a king.

"Miss Lu you have some guts, do you think you have the ability to marry me.."

Han Zhanbei chuckled as his cold eyes roamed around her body before looking back at her face.

"If I didn't have the guts I wouldn't be sitting down here now would I.."

Han Zhanbei aloof face stared at the file on the desk, he picked it up and read the content.

He laughed afterwards making Lu Beicheng frown, did she write a comedy why was he laughing.

"No kissing, no intimacy..Miss Lu do you take me for a dog.."

Han Zhanbei flung the contract at Lu Beicheng, a chilly smile appearing on his face.

"There's nothing wrong, this marriage is mainly for mutual benefits, you save my empire and I help you keep yourself as the Han family heir.."

Han Zhanbei laughed yet again, what an interesting woman.

"Miss Lu, do you think I Han Zhanbei needs the help of a woman to keep my place as the Han family heir.."

Lu Beicheng lost her patience and slammed her hands on the desk, grabbing Han Zhanbei by the collar.

"Mr Han I asked you to marry me and I Lu Beicheng do not take no for an answer!.."

Han Zhanbei eyes glazed as his gaze slowly fell on Lu Beicheng hands.

Seeing his eyes which blazed inferno, Lu Beicheng shivered a little, she knew she was no match for this man but she needed to save her family's business.

"Miss Lu no woman has ever grabbed my collar, you sure are gusty!.."

"I will send a contract to you in three days, this contract marriage will go by my rules. If you don't like it you can send it back to me and look for another man.."

Lu Beicheng looked at Han Zhanbei, she could not meet another man no one was better than him currently.

"A word of caution Miss Lu you going through this marriage is like digging your own grave, I hope you are ready to enter hellfire Miss Lu.."

Lu Beicheng didn't flinch, her didn't falter either, she knew Han Zhanbei was cold and ruthless but she would not back down either.

"I've always been prepared.."

After saying this Lu Beicheng stood up and left the office, her hand which was holding her bag trembled a little bit.

When she got back home, she laid on the bed tiredly and rubbed her head.

"I hope you're ready to enter hellfire.."

Those words played in her minds as she couldn't help but shiver, was he really that scary.

"Young mistress, there's a package for you.."

The maid knocked on the door gently, Lu Beicheng got up and opened the door. The maid handed her the blue file with a smile and left.

Didn't he say three days? It had barely been a hour since she left.

She read the contract carefully and her lips twitched.

"There should be intimacy if both parties agree, hand holding is allowed, both parties will stay in the same house, both parties will show love when needed and signing the contract means Miss Lu has agreed to treat the Mr Han of his illness.."

Han Zhanbei was sick and he wanted her to treat him.

Lu Beicheng grabbed the file and rushed back to Han Corporation. She quickly asked the receptionist if Han Zhanbei was around.

"Yes you're in luck..."

Lu Beicheng thanked the receptionist and rushed to the elevator, she closed her eyes and waited to hear bell indicating that the elevator had stopped.

"Miss Lu is here again.."

Song Yan smiled and lead her to the office, Han Zhanbei's eyes were cold and his head was laid back on the chair.

"Is he asleep, did I disturb him.."

Song Yan shook his head and walked out the door, closing it softly behind him.

Lu Beicheng gripped the file in her hands and walked towards Han Zhanbei slowly.

She place a hand on his forehead, it was hot seems like he wasn't lying when he said he was sick. But why hadn't she noticed it when she first came here.

She wanted to check his pulse when a hand grabs her's, she looked up to see his red eyes, eyes that threaten to kill her on the spot.

"What are you doing.."

Lu Beicheng gulped as she tried to remove her hand but it only made the man angrier and his grip tightened.

"You're hurting me.."

Lu Beicheng bit her lips and struggled to remove her hand, she didn't like when someone held her wrist tightly. It made her remember that night where the man refused to let her go no matter what.

"Mr Han I only touched your forehead because Mr Han stated in the contract that he had an illness. If you want me to be your doctor how can I treat you if you won't even let me touch you. Mr Han don't forget I have any interest in your body.."

Han Zhanbei finally let go of Lu Beicheng's hand and stood up, Lu Beicheng watched him leave as she stared at her wrist. It was bright red.

"Here use this.."

Han Zhanbei placed their ointment in Lu Beicheng hand and leaned in the desk, seeing his handsome face up close Lu Beicheng felt breathless.

Lu Beicheng pursed her lips, she was expect him to say sorry to her first and not just giving her ointment. She was a doctor she knew very how to make the redness in her wrist go away.

"What! We're you expecting me to apologize to you.."

Han Zhanbei chuckled and grabbed Lu Beicheng's small face, he liked the way her face felt in his hand.

"Yes you hurt my wrist, you're supposed to apologize to me. Besides if you want be to be your doctor you had better apologize to me.."

Han Zhanbei had a smile that wasn't a smile on his face, was she threatening him now.

"Miss Lu you sure are gusty!.."

Lu Beicheng rubbed the ointment on her wrist before looking back at Han Zhanbei, since he didn't want to apologize, she wouldn't drag the matter.

He was too arrogant anyways!

"Mr Han said he was suffering from an illness what kind of illness is Mr Han suffering from.."

Han Zhanbei sat down on the chair and muttered.."schizophrenia..." hearing what Han Zhanbei said Lu Beicheng nearly fell off the chair.

Schizophrenia! What kind of childhood did Han Zhanbei pass through for him to develop such a illness.

"How pitiful.."

Lu Beicheng muttered as she couldn't help but look at Mo Zhinian again before saying.."How many personality do you have.."

"Just two.."

Lu Beicheng was conflicted she only knew little about Schizophrenia and it was her master that had been able to successfully treat a schizophrenia patient.

"Can you tell me about these two personalities.."

Han Zhanbei shook his head he didn't remember anything all his memories were blurry.

"I see..and that's why Mr Han wants me to live with me to experience these two personalities for myself.."

"Yes and also because I have a son.."

Lu Beicheng lips twitched he wanted her to be a hua doctor and take care of his son, she couldn't help but think of her son as well.

"Mr Han is very open, usually women don't want to be stepmothers.."

"Of course husband and wife should have no secrets..."

Lu Beicheng eyes slowly fell on the contract, she picked her pen and signed. Her signature was neat and beautiful it matched Han Zhanbei's perfectly.

"Mr Han can you save my company now.."

Han Zhanbei shook her head and looked at her intently.

"You should call me by my name..."

After saying that Han Zhanbei stood up and signaled Lu Beicheng to follow him, she was curious as to where they were going to.

"Where are we going to.."