

At the Lux Medical Centre, the sun is about to set. A patient laying in bed watches the sunset through the windows. Nurses would open the curtains for the patient to see on a daily basis.

A diary with his favorite pen sat beside the bed. He keeps a journal of his thoughts throughout the day.

"Entry No. 1896," says the patient. "I've been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma for 5 years. Today, despite my eagerness to take my medicine, I find myself speaking less to the nurses. It's as if my body is becoming unresponsive. I'm terrified, but I know that my time will come. I have a feeling it's going to happen." With a sigh, the patient dismissed the journal and pen over the table.

A nurse checks the patient after entering the room with a kit and closing the windows.

"How are you doing today, Mr. Ansel?" with a grin on her face, she asked.

"I was fine, not until I saw you." It's now his turn to grin at her scowling expression.

"Dammit! If you're not a patient, I would've strangled you a long time ago!"

He laugh at her misery. "Not in my lifetime, Zilan del Pilar!"

"You'll get to taste my fist next time, Ansel!" Zilan yelled, and stormed away silently shouting her frustrations while crossing the crowded hallways.