
Chapter 155: like my wife

Chapter 155: like my wife

Waylen's POV 

"I have to call you back, Cassie….well, I don't know why my wife wants to have a conversation with you and honestly, I really don't care…okay, listen Cassie, I took time out of my busy day to spend time with my children not to argue with you…got to go, I am here now…sorry, you are breaking up…I can't hear you, bye!" I hung up and exhaled as I pulled my car over at the restaurant. 

I looked at the backseat through the mirror and found my son looking at me intently.

"Why are you mad at grandma Cassie?" Xavier asked me. His little nose crinkled like it always does when he is trying to figure something out.

"Buddy, I am not mad at Cassie and you don't have to call her grandma" I said as my eyes went to the documents I had to drop off at Joey's later.

"Mama said we have to but is she not our grandma?" Miracle asked me.