
Pregnant At Seventeen Of Triplets

Amelia was the kind of daughter who is innocent and practiced abstinence until one day she found out that she's pregnant. For seventeen years old who always stays away from mingling found herself preg. This event changes her life and the lives of those around her. Unsure of the father to her unborn child she wonders whether she is cut out for parenthood... but the real test maybe when the father is revealed.

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67 Chs

Chapter 54: Husband

Amelia‟s Point a view

"Good morning Amelia" came the nurse's cheerful voice. I looked over at her and groaned. "I am back here again?!" I groaned "Yes, I was thinking about reserving you a permanent room," she said with a smile. "I am beginning to think that it might be a good idea," I said jokingly. I went to sit up when I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my pelvic region.

I look up at the familiar nurse and she looked at me sympathetically. I frown thinking about why I could be in here and it all came back to me. The strange man. An alleyway. Tears welled up in my eyes. "It‟s delayed shock sweetheart, how are you feeling really?" she asked sympathetically "Did he?"

"Sorry honey, he was gone by the time that somebody had found you. You have been in here for a while now" "Has my mom or Sophia been told?" I asked "No, not yet. Do you want me to go make the phone call?" she asked "Please?" I said, the tears falling slowly now. With that, she left the room and went to go calm down someone to let them know I was ok. I was raped.

I was thankful that I didn't remember but I still felt dirty. I put a hand to my head and grimaced in pain. There was a bandage around it, from when I had fallen and hit it. I sat there for a few minutes just looking over myself. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was. The worst was the pain between my thighs and the throbbing in my head. "Dear, are you still awake?" came the nurse's voice.

I looked up at her and smiled. "Yeah still up… did you end up calling my family?" I asked "Yes, I got a hold of your mother. She will be here soon; she seemed relieved that you were here" "Well I am guessing that I have been asleep for a few days, she might be worried. When will she be here?" "Oh, about fifteen minutes she said" I thanked her and she left to go about her rounds.


I sat there in my hospital room thinking about what had happened when a knock sounded on my door. It had not been fifteen minutes so I was curious. I called out that it was open and two police officers walked in, grim expressions on their faces. "Miss Amelia Smith?"

"Yes" I sighed "We are here to talk to you about what happened, is that ok?" one of them asked I looked at the two of them and nodded. This wasn't going to be a fun conversation. "Ok, do you remember what happened to you?" they asked I sighed, "Yes. I argued with my roommate/ babysitter so I decided to go out to think for a while.

I didn't want to bump into anyone I knew so I went to a place that I don‟t usually go to." They both looked at me and motioned for me to go on. "There was this guy that was sitting in the café, he kept looking at me; it creeped me out.

By the time I left he wasn't at the table. Halfway home I realized that he was following me. I- I took a wrong turn, and he- he- ah- he followed me" I said trying hard not to cry. "Do you remember what he looked like?" they asked kindly "Creepy?" I said with a half-laugh half sob.

"Ah, ok… he was regular looking I guess. He had dark brown hair and dark eyes, they were almost black. He was wearing normal clothes, but he gave me the creeps" I finished with a shudder. "Ok, thanks. If we get any leads we will call you"

"Hey!" I called out confused as they were leaving, "I never said that I was pressing charges" "No, your husband said that you were… was he wrong?" they both looked confused. "Husband?" now I was the one bloody confused what husband?

"John Keller. He is out in the waiting room with your mother" "John is here?" I just sat there trying to come to grips of what the police just said. John was outside, waiting for me with my mother