

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

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50 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

As soon as Denzel wakes up, he sees destruction and chaos outside of his room window. Denzel stands up from his bedroom while saying "That's big ass explosion, it's worth investigating that explosion as this is unusual". Then suddenly a man is thrown at the window where Denzel is, Denzel sees the man and dodges it as soon as man crashes in his room. Denzel is surprised and says "Hey, that's rude".

Man has some injuries and scar on his eye, man then slowly stands up while saying "Sorry dude, but this monster is no joke" as he points to mysterious figure who is smirking while looking at Denzel and man. Denzel looks at mysterious figure and says "Don't think your tough", Denzel then tries to kick mysterious figure who is floating but in process Denzel falls down as he jumps outside of his window and makes a huge thud noise as he gets smashed on ground, mysterious figure goes for kill towards Denzel but man interrupts him while shooting at the figure.

Figure pauses and then takes a look at man's face with a huge smirk, man then jumps down in an intention of taking figure down but figure dodges the attack with ease, man then lands on the ground while grinding his teeth. Denzel struggles to stand up as he is injured beside man, Denzel then somehow stands up with difficulties and looks at mysterious figure with a awe-inspiring expression on his face towards figure.

"Interesting... I haven't seen anyone like this figure before" Denzel says but man interrupts while saying "Of course, you dumbass, you haven't seen this type of figure because you only saw humans and that's all" Denzel then look at man with a normal expression and says "Well, your not wrong though". Man then shoots bullets at figure but figure easily dodges the bullets and with an immense speed, figure grabs the face of man and smashes him towards near-by buildings.

Debris flying everywhere as man gets smashed to the building. Figure then lands on the ground with ease as it starts to walk slowly towards Denzel. Denzel sees the figure approaching towards him, which makes Denzel take a fighting stance. Figure's smile gets even wider as it sees Denzel take a fighting stance.

Denzel then starts to run towards figure, as soon as Denzel gets closer to figure, Denzel starts to throw punch and kicks towards figure, but to Denzel's surprise, figure easily dodges all the attacks thrown by Denzel, after dodging, figure then grabs the punch of Denzel and then hits him with the knee in the stomach with being kick as follow-up targeting face, after beating Denzel with this combo, figure grabs the throat of Denzel and toss him far away causing Denzel battering against ground and rocks.

Figure stands there unsure of what to do as it turned half city in debris. Denzel has deep fatal injuries after getting tossed around with his face covered in his own blood. Man is also injured but he has strong body from which gives man enough energy to still be able to move around, man jumps from the building where he was crashed and land in front of figure.

Figure then look at man who is right in front of it. Figure slowly starts to walk towards man. While man sees Denzel trying to stand-up. "You fool, you are heavily injured, just lay down for a rest and wait for some doctors to come so don't push yourself as if you try to do then you will die!!!" man yells and then Denzel responds with "I-I-I... don't.. ca-re, t-this figure's demise I-I-is... by my. hands", "You fool, as I said, this figur-" as man is saying, he gets kick in the face by figure which sends him flying across, however, man manages to get full balance of himself mid-air and lands on the ground while getting slipped backwards.

Man then materializes bazooka and starts shooting figure with it. As bazooka bullet hits figure, an explosion happens that causes a smoke where figure was walking, as smoke starts to fade away, figure is standing there unfazed by bazooka. Man is shocked but at the same time has a expression on his face that makes it expected to happen.

"Th-this is im-im-impossible, our world should not have supernatural powers or beings" Denzel says while laying down while panting. "You have been brainwashed then, kid, this world have infinite possibilities, it's just humanity logic is stupid and dumb" mysterious figure then says in reply to Denzel. In an instant, figure grabs man's bazooka before he could even react to the speed, with a smirk on figure's face, figure grabs the bazooka and toss it away like it's kids play.

Man is shocked but he knows this figure is not someone to be underestimated. Man takes his defensive pose hoping to block the figure's attack, however, figure had other plans. Figure disappears from the sight of man and Denzel with leaving no trace for presence. After few moments, figure re-appears, but as soon as figure tries to hit man, man smirks while activating his trap which successfully traps the figure with a rope, figure and Denzel's eyes are wide open as they see the trap working successfully.

Man then puts few layers of seal on the trapped figure so that it could not escape. "You thought you were tough, huh, well too bad then, the A-tier demon, Zaroketh, Bystander of Destruction is your name according to our database" man says with cold expression which to reply, figure says with a smirk "Humph, this trap and seal is oddly familiar with certain organization, but in the end, yes that's correct as indeed I am A-tier demon Zaroketh, human. You started working under that being after my retirement, what a slave your so-called Outline Preserver of Humanity organization is under that being, but know this, you won't be able to experience freedom if you worked under him".

Man narrows his eyes as he listens to Zaroketh. "Enough chit-chat" man says and then teleports Zaroketh to a room full of darkness. Zaroketh finds himself in the dark room with no lights but a voice echoes in the darkness which speaks "Welcome to our server... Welcome to our headquarters... Welcome to the darkness, Zaroketh".

Zaroketh stays silent as he knows that this headquarters is none other than those of "Outline Preserver of Humanity". In the dark room, light starts to turn on making darkness in the room cease to exist. Zaroketh sees the same man who sealed and teleported him here. "Allow me to introduce myself here... My name is Caelum Vexley, and since we both know who you are so without wasting any time I am going to ask you few questions and then after Q/A section is done, we are going to seal you forever in the void that is even beyond outer-space where we currently are then the rest would be you and the void only" man says.

Zaroketh tilts his head upwards and looks at Caelum with a serious expression and speaks "Do you think that you would get rid of me after sealing me, if that's what you think so then your mistaken, human" which to reply, Caelum says "I know that since you were considered demi-god in old age, it would be hard to overpower or compress your immense power to stop you" man then continues and says "Without wasting any type of time, I am going to ask you question and answer with honesty"

Man then speaks out question 1 "If a threat so strong was to appear and we failed to stop that threat, then are we allowed to use your power in this urgent situation?" as Zaroketh hears this question, he looks up at Caelum and pauses for a moment. After few time, Zaroketh speaks his answer "You are not allowed to use my power because fuck humans, why would I work with humans in the first place, demon and humans can never get along, no matter how much these two race of beings try"

Caelum then looks at Zaroketh and says "As expected, anyways moving on next question" Caelum then asks second question "Why do you love to cause destruction, in-short terms, why are you so downbad for causing chaos and destruction". Zaroketh smirks and then answers "Humph, because it's fun, seeing humans run for there life while crying and screaming after seeing unknown is fun, especially when they are sceptic about supernatural"

Caelum then looks at Zaroketh with a serious expression and says "So you do all of this just for fun" Zaroketh in reply says "Yes". Caelum then looks at Zaroketh and says "I said couple questions but now I don't wanna ask you and now I am going to seal you in the void, so it's going to be a lot of time your gonna be sealed for" as Caelum says this, he seals Zaroketh in the void.

During the last moments before Zaroketh gets sealed in the void, Zaroketh looks up at Caelum with a serious and cold expression, while Caelum looks down at him while saying "We will meet again until certain point of time and I can assure you that you will be changed, until then, bye Zaroketh" and then Zaroketh is successfully completely sealed in the void.

Ah, Well Second try, I guess, Here we go again, LOL

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