
Powers Of The Multiverse And The Ultimate Lust System.

WARNING FOR VIOLENCE,SEX,AND FREQUENT NUDITY. A man named Kyle dies and ends up in a dark room then a godly being made of lights walks up to him and says “Kyle in this room is many superpowers you may choose as many as you want before you spawn into the new world but at one conditions,you must hav sexual interourse with a woman,superhero,alien,NPC it doesn’t matter once a day and if you fail you’ll lose your powers and most likely be killed”,Kyle is shocked by this and confused but it sounds fun to fuck women all the time so he agrees,the room lights up and it’s superpowered items from comics,manga,and anime,from spiderman’s spider to thor’s hammer,to the speedforce,batman armor,ironman suits,saiyan DNA,potara earrings,MHA quirks,poke-balls,pokemon,to just plain old guns and many more,Kyle loved this place so he drank the saiyan DNA substance and he grew spiky wild black hair and a monkey tail,he took the spider from the tobey maguire spider-man movies and he had super strength and he can make webs,he took thor’s hammer ,he drank the ki-serum giving him the ability to use ki,he grabbed a nano tech mk85 iron man suit and gave it extra guns,and he even drank the kryptonian serum making him a kryptonian and a saiyan,once the god came back Kyle said he was ready,Kyle then spawned into the virtual infinite world which looks like a superhero/supervillian playground because it seems to be one giant modern city with some big desert wastelands to fight in and it all seemed to go on forever,but now with hs new powers and new system he was ready to beat some villains and fuck some big titty bitches.

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5 Chs

Chapter 4 (R18)

The city was under attack once again, and it seemed like there was no end to the chaos and destruction. But amidst the chaos, two figures flew through the sky, their bodies moving with grace and precision. One was a tall, muscular man with spiky black hair and piercing red eyes. He wore a black tank top with gray sweatpants and white sneakers, his outfit completed with a sleek black and red Iron Man suit with silver accents. This was Kyle, a powerful being with the combined powers of a saiyan, kryptonian, and the abilities of Spider-Man and Thor's hammer.

Flying next to him was Lila, a young woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wore a similar Iron Man suit, but hers was in a vibrant green color with a lantern symbol emblazoned on the chest. Lila was a level 10 low-class hero, but her skills were far beyond what her level suggested. She had the ability to create weapons out of thin air.

As they flew through the city, Kyle's watch suddenly beeped, alerting him of nearby activity. He glanced down at the device and saw a red dot blinking on the map. 'Looks like we've got some action nearby,' he said, his voice laced with excitement.

Lila's eyes lit up with anticipation. 'Let's go check it out!' she exclaimed, picking up speed and flying towards the source of the notification.

They soon arrived at a busy street, where a group of evil villain syndicate robots were wreaking havoc. The robots were tall and bulky, with metallic bodies and glowing red eyes. They were armed with powerful weapons and seemed to be programmed for destruction.

Without wasting any time, Lila created a sword out of thin air with her Iron Lantern suit and charged towards the robots. She moved with incredible speed and agility, her sword slicing through the robots with ease. She was a master at close combat and her skills were unmatched.

Kyle, on the other hand, took a more direct approach. He flew towards the robots, his fists glowing with ki energy. As he got closer, he could feel his saiyan and kryptonian powers surging through his body. He landed on the ground with a loud thud, creating a small crater on impact. With a roar, he unleashed a powerful blast of energy, obliterating a group of robots in one go.

The battle was intense, with the sound of metal clashing and explosions echoing through the streets. Lila and Kyle fought side by side, their movements in perfect sync. They communicated with each other through their headsets, their voices ringing out amidst the chaos.

'Nice work, Lila!' Kyle called out as he punched a robot with incredible force, sending it flying into a nearby building.

'Thanks, Kyle!' Lila replied, her sword glowing with green energy as she sliced through another robot.

They continued to fight, their skills and powers on full display. Kyle's watch beeped again, signaling that Lila's level had increased to 11. She was now a mid-class hero, and her powers had grown exponentially.

As they took down the last of the robots, Lila landed next to Kyle, her chest heaving with exertion. 'That was intense,' she said, wiping sweat off her forehead.

Kyle nodded, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. 'We make a good team,' he said, a small smile forming on his lips.

Lila smiled back, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. 'Yeah, we do.'

But their moment of victory was short-lived as a loud explosion shook the ground beneath them. They turned towards the source of the explosion and saw a giant robot emerging from the rubble of a nearby building. This robot was different from the others, bigger and more menacing.

'We're not done yet,' Kyle said, his voice filled with determination.

Lila nodded, and they both flew towards the giant robot, ready to take it down. But the robot was powerful, and it seemed to have an endless supply of weapons and defenses. They fought with all their might, but it was clear that they were no match for this giant machine.

'We need to come up with a plan,' Lila said, dodging a laser beam from the robot's eye.

Kyle's mind was racing, trying to come up with a strategy. Suddenly, an idea struck him. 'I have an idea, but we need to split up,' he said, his voice urgent.

Lila looked at him with concern. 'What are you thinking?'

'I'll distract the robot while you fly around and look for any weak spots. Once you find them, use your lantern powers to create a construct and hit the weak spots. That should take it down,' Kyle explained quickly.

Lila nodded, understanding the plan. 'Okay, let's do this.'

They split up, and Kyle flew towards the robot, drawing its attention. He used his powers to create a shield around himself, protecting him from the robot's attacks. Meanwhile, Lila flew around the robot, analyzing its structure and looking for any weaknesses.

She soon found what she was looking for, a small opening in the back of the robot's head. She quickly created a construct in the shape of a giant hammer and flew towards the opening, hitting it with all her might. The robot let out a loud screech as it started to malfunction.

Seeing an opportunity, Kyle flew towards the robot and punched it with all his strength, causing it to collapse in a heap of metal and wires. They had done it, they had defeated the giant robot.

As they landed on the ground, they were greeted by cheers and applause from the people who had gathered to watch the battle. Lila and Kyle smiled at each other, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

'Looks like your level increased again,' Kyle said, pointing at Lila's watch.

Lila looked down at the device and saw that her level was now at 12. She couldn't believe it, she had gone from a level 10 low-class hero to a level 12 mid-class hero in just one battle.

'Thanks to you,' she said, giving Kyle a grateful smile.

Kyle shrugged, trying to hide his own sense of pride. 'We make a good team,' he repeated.

And as they flew back to their headquarters, they couldn't help but feel excited for the next adventure that awaited them. Together, they were an unstoppable force, and nothing could stand in their way.

'Looks like we make a great team,' Kyle said with a smirk as they flew away from the scene.

Lila laughed, her large breasts bouncing with the movement. 'Yeah, we do. But we've still got a long way to go before we reach South City.'

As they flew over a vast wasteland, Kyle's watch beeped again, this time with a different notification. 'Looks like it's time for our daily...maintenance,' he said, winking at Lila.

Lila blushed but didn't object. She knew that Kyle's powers required him to have sex once a day to keep them from fading away. And she was more than happy to help him with that.

They landed in the middle of the wasteland, away from prying eyes. Lila's Iron Lantern suit disappeared, revealing her petite frame and big breasts. Kyle's modified MK85 nano tech Iron Man suit also disappeared, leaving him in a black tank top, gray sweatpants, and white sneakers.

Without any hesitation, Kyle pulled Lila towards him, their lips crashing together in a passionate kiss. Lila moaned as Kyle's hands roamed over her body, his touch igniting a fire within her.

Their clothes were quickly discarded, and they fell to the ground, their bodies entwined in a frenzy of desire. Kyle's red eyes glowed with an intensity as he thrust into Lila, his saiyan and kryptonian powers enhancing his stamina and strength.

Lila's moans grew louder and more desperate as Kyle pounded into her, his pace relentless. She clung to him, her nails digging into his back as she reached her peak, her body shaking with pleasure.

But Kyle wasn't done yet. He flipped Lila over, her back now pressed against the ground as he continued to thrust into her with even more force. Lila's moans turned into screams as she came again, her body trembling beneath him.

Finally, with a loud roar, Kyle reached his own climax, his body shaking as he released inside Lila. They lay there, panting and covered in sweat, their bodies still connected.

'That was...amazing,' Lila said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kyle chuckled, pulling out of her and lying next to her on the ground. 'It always is with you, Lila.'

They lay there for a few minutes, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow of their intense lovemaking. But soon, they had to get back to their journey.

As they got dressed and prepared to leave, Kyle's watch beeped once again. He looked down at it and saw that his power mastery had increased, and his stats had improved.

'Looks like our little break was worth it,' he said with a grin.

Lila laughed and stood up, her Iron Lantern suit reappearing around her body. 'Let's go, Kyle. We've got a city to save.'

And with that, they flew off towards South City, ready to face whatever challenges and battles awaited them.