
Powerful Origins

HunnyBunny14 · Fantasi
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3 Chs


My eyes flicker open. The early morning rays blind me as I try to wake myself. I sit up and look around. I don't recognize this room but it's beautiful. I pull back the canopies and take a closer look. I pull back the satin covers and look around. It is a sight to behold. I hesitantly stand from the bed and i'm met with a cold, tiled floor. The bright seafoam green walls that glow in the natural sunlight, long curtains pulled to the side and neatly kept, a vanity set next to the cracked window, and the soft whistle of a soft breeze creeping in brought a smile to my face. It's as if I woke up in a fairy tale. There's a wardrobe tucked away in the corner of the room and the vanity is covered in beautiful lights. I walk around the room, casing every inch of it. I open the wardrobe and take a peek at the array of colorful clothes hanging inside. One outfit in particular caught my attention but as I reach for it there's a knock at the door. I jump back and run to the bed. I quickly slide under the covers and close the canopies.

"Adrian? Are you awake?" it's Jonah. Suddenly the horrors of what transpired the day before come rushing back to me. He'd drugged me and brought me here against my will. He doesn't wait for an answer and opens the door. I hide under the covers. "Adrian?" I can hear him inching closer.

"L-leave me alone!" my voice is muffled but I speak loud enough for him to hear.

"I know i'm the last person you want to see right now but I have a job to do. Even if you don't believe me, you are the most important person in my life and I never meant to hurt you. The boss wanted to meet you earlier than he said. You were supposed to be asleep when I brought you here…so that you didn't know how to leave." the bed creaks under his weight as he sits down next to me.

"You kidnapped me. You made it seem like you were so worried-kof-about me when you knew that you were the real danger." he sighs.

"Yeah, I know. I had to play my part. I even reported you missing to H.Q. after I brought you here. I can't blow my cover just yet. But hey, on the plus side, your cough is going away. It must be wearing off." I peek my head out from under the covers.

"What's wearing off?"

"The guy from before. His name is Eclipse. His power is like Mirror and a bit like yours, just the complete opposite of both. He's the reason why you were so afraid that you could barely speak. You said he grabbed you right?" I just nod my head. "Well, that's why. You'll be able to talk normally by the end of the day. Guess that's why they moved up the timetable." I pull the covers back and sit up.

"What is this all about? Why am I here?" he gives a confused expression.

"Your mother didn't explain it to you? I mean she is here for the ceremony." I shake my head in disbelief.

"You kidnapped my mother!? Are you fucking insane!?" he looks surprised and as if he doesn't understand what i'm saying.

"Of course not! She's been here for days, planning your ceremony. She thought you would be happy with all of this. To be integrated into the family business like the rest of us." it was my turn to give a confused expression.

"My mother did this? What kind of ceremony are you talking about? What-kff-do you mean?" he looks over at the door and then back at me.

"Your wedding. You're getting married to Eclipse." my eyes widen.

"WHAT!?" he winces at my shrill scream.

"I thought you knew. I mean, your mom has been planning this for months. She told you about your dad so I assumed she also told you about the organization and the role you play in it." I just sit in disbelief. What the hell is going on?

"I'm sorry but i'm not getting married." he narrows his eyes on me.

"I'm sorry as well because the only way you're getting out of here is by walking down that aisle. I don't think you fully understand the danger you're in right now. I'm trying to help you, Adrian." he reaches out to me but I slap his hand away.

"Help me by kidnapping me!? You're out of your fucking mind! I am not getting married!"

"Yes, you are." we both turn our attention to the door. A tall slender woman with long white hair and searing blue eyes stands in the doorway. She crosses her arms and makes her way over to the bed. "You poor thing. You must be so frightened by this…fraud. Pretending to be your friend only to betray you in such a harsh manner. You must have so many questions." she waves him away and he stands to leave.

"Who are you?" she sits and takes my hand in hers.

"I'm known as Void but you may call me Alissa. I'm sure you've heard of Eclipse, your future husband. I'm his twin sister." I pull my hand away from her.

"You're that psycho's sister!?" she nods.

"I'm so sorry you got stuck with him. If I had been born a few minutes earlier it would be me you'd be marrying. I could have made you so happy and now I have to watch from the sidelines on your wedding day." I slip from under the covers and hop off of the bed.

"You're just as insane as he is. As if i'd be thrilled to marry anyone i've never met."

"Well, then i'm sorry to tell you that you have no say in the matter. Your family's organization and mine have an agreement. Every new generation must join together. Your mother and father were the last generation and you and my brother are the next. You either say "I do" or your sweet mother is going to face the consequences in your place." I raise my hand and slap her across the face.

"Threatening my mother isn't going to make me bend to your will. It's just going to piss me off. And "organization"? Bitch please. This is a fucking cult! What's next? You're going to tell me that I need to drink blood and devote myself to satan? You're a fucking joke and quite a sad one at that." she gives me an offended look.

"How dare you? This is not a cult. It's a tradition over a thousand years old. No matter. You still have no choice in the matter. You can't leave without Eclipse by your side. Your mother made sure everything was going to be perfect. Even with that attitude of yours, you're still too good for my brother. He doesn't deserve you."

"Oh, and you do, huh? Don't make me laugh. I'm too good for you, too. I'm not getting married and i'm not staying here.." she just smiles.

"Well, then I guess it's time for you to meet the Boss. He's been dying to meet you. And since you're in such high spirits he'll be happy to hear about your…opinions. Jonah? Be a dear and escort the bride to the Boss for me." Jonah who was standing in the hall comes rushing into the room.

"Yes ma'am. Right away." he grabs me by the arm and pulls me along with him.

"Hey, let me go. Jonah! Stop!" he ignores me and continues to pull me into the hall. All the while Alissa smiles. I keep trying to get away as Jonah pulls me down multiple halls and around corners. This place is like a maze. Eventually, we stop at two golden double doors. He grips my arm tightly.

"Listen, I can't go in there with you so you have to behave yourself. The Boss doesn't play around. Just do what he says and he'll be good to you." without any warning he knocks, opens the door, and pushes me inside. The door slams closed behind me. I look around the room. It was huge. It had doors that led into other rooms connected to what I can only guess is a home office. Large pictures line the crimson walls. Pictures of me and my mother in golden frames. Pictures of me growing up.

"Hello!? Anybody there!?" there's a large desk by the far wall. Paper litters the surface and to the far right, there is a framed picture. I take another quick peek around before I reach out and grab the picture. It was a picture of a tall, muscular man with one arm around my mother and the other holding…me. They both look so happy. Like a real family. I'm so young in this picture. Too young to remember it.

"You were only a few months old in that one." I gasp and turn around so quickly that I lose my balance and fall to the floor. The man just laughs and walks past me to the chair behind the desk. I grab onto the edge of the desk and peek up at him. He looks like an older version of the man in the picture.

"So you're him, huh? The Big Boss? Everyone has been gassing you up. Heard you wanted to meet me and that i'm supposedly getting married." I stand and slam my hand on the desk.

"I see that you're angry but you still have no choice in the matter. Your mother and I have been planning this day since before you were born. And once I walk you down that aisle you can leave. With your new husband." I look down at the picture in my hand and back at him.

"So you're…my dad? You're the reason that everyone in my team hates me, the reason my best friend betrayed and kidnapped me, and the reason that some psycho was stalking me!? Congradu-fucking-lations! You managed to ruin my life without ever being a part of it." he chuckles.

"Only you think that. You don't need that stupid job. Working as a government lap dog with people who hate you doesn't sound like a dream job to me. I told your mother not to encourage you. Once you marry Eclipse you'll never have to worry about anything ever again." I slam the picture down so hard that the glass shatters and the frame breaks.

"What about what I want!? I don't even know this man and you want me to just marry him? Hell, I don't even know you! Have you lost your mind!? I won't do it!" he sighs and I flinch as he stands from his chair.

"You know…i'm quite fond of you and your mother. I would never hurt you. But you seem to care about Jonah quite a bit, yes? I keep him here for your sake but that can change. He can get hurt or worse in an organization such as this one." I roll my eyes.

"You mean your cult? You'd use Jonah's life against me?" he walks around the desk toward me.

"I killed my entire team of Heros on a whim. I knew them for years and they were like family to me but even they couldn't escape my wrath and neither will Jonah if you don't do as I say. You will be getting married or you will lose Jonah. Make your choice. He's right outside that door, isn't he? I'll be sure to tell him it's your fault he dies." my eyes water as I realize that Jonah's life is in my hands. I may be angry at him but I don't want him to die. This man has taken the lives of people who loved and admired him just because he knew he could. Jonah is too afraid to even walk through those doors. He doesn't stand a chance. If I don't say yes he'll die because of me.

"Fine, i'll do it. Leave Jonah out of this." he reaches out and caresses my cheek, whipping away a fallen tear.

"I knew you'd come around to see things my way. Your wedding is scheduled to happen in two weeks. Until then you'll be spending time with your husband-to-be, getting to know one another, and whatnot. Jonah will escort you back to your room and i'll bring Eclipse around later." he grabs my shoulder and pushes me toward the door.

"Wait! I want to speak to my mother." he opens the doors and pushes me out.

"Fine, i'll call her. Go back to your room." before I can say anything else he closes the doors.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you? What happened? What did he say?" Jonah pounces on me and starts checking me for any injuries.

"Stop! I'm fine. We just spoke and came to an understanding. I guess that tantrum I threw didn't amount to much because it looks like i'm getting married." we both sigh.

"I'm sorry, Adrian. C'mon, i'll take you back to your room." I just follow behind him quietly. When I return to my room Alissa is still there waiting for me.

"Poor thing. You look dejected. Guess that means I was correct. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the "Boss" but my father says he's ruthless." I suck my teeth.

"Yeah to everyone but his wife and child apparently, you fucking rube. I'm his son." she gives a shocked expression that she quickly covers up.

"That's news to me. I didn't know that you were a direct descendant. My father said that he had no children." I just roll my eyes.

"Whatever, Alissa. Just get out. I'm tired and my day still isn't over. Your crazy ass brother is coming and I have to speak to my mother. So if you don't mind, kindly fuck off!" she doesn't even try to argue and just leaves. I flop onto the bed and begin to contemplate my existence. Just as I was thinking of ways to end it all I hear loud footsteps rushing up the hall toward my room. Just as I sit up my mother bursts through the door.

"Oh, my goodness. When your father said you were here I didn't want to believe him but here you are. He was supposed to wait for me to go get you myself." I jump from the bed.

"What the hell is going on!? I was stalked, drugged, kidnapped, and threatened and you were nowhere to be found. And don't get me started on my long lost father and never seen before stalker Fiance." she groans and buries her face in her hands.

"None of this was supposed to happen this soon. I was meant to set up a meeting for you and Devon to meet in two weeks and then you would get married next year but your father had different plans. He heard about how you were being treated by the other Heros and moved up the timetable. I'm sorry, honey." I ignore everything she says and focus on one thing.

"Who the fuck is Devon?" she furrows her brow at me.

"Your Fiance. His name is Devon. I can't believe no one told you that. Look, I know this isn't ideal and you don't want to do this but you'll learn to live with it. And maybe one day you'll learn to love him like I learned to love your father. I didn't want this for you but I also have no choice in the matter." I run my fingers through my loose curls.

"I understand. You're a victim in all of this as well. I'm sorry that we both were born into this fucked up family." she laughs.

"Me too. Even so, your father was always good to me. He's devoted to our family. He loves us in his unique way. A-anyway, your father should be on his way with Devon any minute now. I should go. I'll be taking Jonah to help me set some things up so the two of you can spend some time alone." I hate the idea of being alone with Devon but I don't want to make things harder on my mother. The two of them leave without another word and I am left to wait. I roam around the room and find myself at the wardrobe door again. I open it and my eyes drift back to the outfit on the far right. It's hidden behind everything else yet it is the only one that I can look at. A black sleeveless, turtle-neck women's bodysuit that connects between the legs paired with a black loincloth. Gold lines meet around the edges of the loincloth. It's a beautiful outfit yet it shows way too much skin. Why the hell is this in my wardrobe?

"That would be your wedding dress." my heart nearly jumps out of my chest.

"What the ever-living fuck is wrong with you people!? Have none of you ever heard of knock-" I turn around and met with the most handsome man i've ever seen. A man who is barely wearing any clothes. He is wearing nothing but a loincloth around his waist. He's fairly built and with every small movement, his muscles flex. I can feel myself overheating.

"I'm sorry. Your father told me you'd be in here and that I should just come in. I'm Devon, your Fiance." he holds his hand out to me. I narrow my eyes on him and close the wardrobe before reaching for his hand. He grabs my hand and pulls me into him. My body slams up against his. At this point, i've become completely flustered.

"I-it's nice to meet you. I'm Adrian." his hands slide down my back and rest on my hips. My body shudders as his fingers tighten around my waist.

"I've been waiting to meet you for so long. I was told as a child that we'd been engaged. I'm glad to finally meet you." I rest my hands on his chest and look up at him.

"And you're okay with that? They aren't even allowing us to choose who we love. We've never even met and we're supposed to get married? What would even come out of that? We're both men. We can't have children." he looks down at me and his deep blue eyes almost seem as if they're glowing.

"We've met. I was there when you were born. I held you as a baby just as i'm holding you now. We played together as children. And on that note, you're wrong. There is a way for us to have children. My mother has the power to warp other's bodies. She'd just change your inside so that you can have children." I try to push away from him but he tightens his grip on me.

"Let go of me. I thought you were crazy before but this puts you over the top. I don't want to marry you, let alone have your child."

"Then why did you agree? If you're so opposed to the idea of being my bride, why marry me?" he pushes me against the wardrobe roughly. 

"I have my reasons. It's not because I love you, that's for sure." I struggle to push him away.

"Don't act like that. We were just getting along so well. You'll learn to love me. At least that's what your mother said. She hand-picked that wedding dress you were admiring moments ago." I glance behind me at the wardrobe. 

"That's my wedding outfit? Where's the rest of it and why isn't it white?" he presses his body up against me. His right right hand slides down, grabs my thigh, and pulls it up and around his waist.

"You expect me to believe that you're still pure at this age?"

"You have such little faith in your bride-to-be, huh? I've never been with anyone." he smirks.

"Really? Not even Jonah?" I scoff at him.

"No, not even him! No one! Now let go of me." he studies my face for a moment and then backs off.

"I'm happy to hear that. Glad to know that i'll be your first." he seemed so innocent when he walked into the room and now all of that has melted away. Usually, people wait until after they're married to show their true colors but he wasted no time.

"Keep dreaming. I'm not going to sleep with you." he walks over to the bed and sits down. Even while behind the canopies I could feel his gaze on me. I hesitantly walk over to the bed. 

"You are so naive, Adrian. Once we're married it'll only be the two of us. You'll want me at some point. I can already see it. I want you and it's all a matter of time before you want me, too." I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

"That's what you think. This marriage is a business deal and in no way will I be committed to you. This marriage is for show." he reaches out, grabs my arm, and pulls me in.

"You feel that way now but you'll change your mind. I love you so I wouldn't dream of hurting you. But if you were to cheat on me, whoever you were with dies. You're mine." I slap him across the face.

"I don't belong to you! Making threats isn't going to make me love you. Why should I care about others?"

"You're so much like your father. It's an honor to become a part of your family." I groan.

"It isn't. My family sucks. And so does yours. Your sister is a real bitch." his eyes widen.

"You've already met my sister? I'm sorry. I know how she can be. She's always hated me since she found out about our engagement. She wants to be your wife." 

"Yeah well, I hate you both." he just laughs.

"Okay. you should get dressed now. We have to head downstairs soon. Your parents want to throw you a welcome party. Wear the dress in the wardrobe. I'll tell your mother to get a better one in white." I look over at the wardrobe.

"Why the dress? And why a loincloth and not pants?" we both look down at the loincloth he's currently wearing.

"Loincloths are the traditional clothing that we all must wear. Most of your clothes will be replaced with them once you get used to wearing them." I look him up and down.

"This is as close to a naturalist club as I want to get. Fine, go wait in the hallway while I get dressed."

"Why? We're about to get married."

"I don't care. I just met you. I'm not about to strip in front of you. Get out!" he stands from the bed and walks over to the door.

"You sure you want me to leave? I could help."

"OUT!" he sighs and walks out into the hall, closing the door behind him. I fall back onto the bed. If only he had a better attitude I wouldn't be so opposed to this marriage. I mean, he's handsome, fairly built, strong and he just had to ruin it by speaking. What a shame. This has been the longest two days of my life and I slept through one of them. How am I supposed to get through two weeks of this?

Sorry It's so late.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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