
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

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42 Chs

Easy escape.

Issei on:

I feel my body aching all over, especially in the solar plexus and between the ribs, they in particular are aching every time I breathe, but.....how did I get like this ? And by the way, where am I? It's all dark. Come on Issei, try to remember how your body got like this. I force my memory and try to remember something and soon my memories start to appear. There is ! Yes.... I was at the hospital visiting Asia's mother with her, there we chatted with her for a while until visiting hours were over, then we went out together and I.....and... I proposed to her, I told her how I felt and... she admitted her feelings for me and we accepted each other's feelings and just as we were about to kiss, several police cars passed us and I found out that a crazy man in a rhino armor was causing chaos while looking for me. I then told her to go home and kissed her saying I was coming back, then I put on my uniform and went to where this rhino was causing havoc. I remember we fought and I got beaten up, I got beaten up a lot and that's where I got my ribs broken....yes....yes..... I felt them being broken with every punch and kick I took and for the first time I felt like I was going to die..... My memories end there, but taking into account that I ended up fainting, maybe someone came to my rescue and maybe took off my mask! Damn, I need to wake up, come on Issei, open your eyes. I force my eyes a little and with difficulty I open my eyes and see myself lying on a bed inside a room and with a window that illuminates the place. What? This doesn't look like a hospital room, in fact it looks like an apartment room and one of the expensive ones.

-Where am I? -He asked looking around and seeing that I was in an apartment room.

I then try to get up, but at that moment I feel a huge pain in my ribs and lie down again.

-Ai....that hurts....that hurts so much. -Gemo with a low voice due to the pain.

At this moment I will not be able to get up, but my arms are able to move and through it I feel something that worries me a lot! I am without my uniform, I am wearing only my underwear and long sweatpants and it seems to have bands on my chest, it seems that someone at least took care of my injuries, but took my uniform, my web launchers and my mask that is, this person must have discovered my identity and that is very bad, especially since I do not know his intentions.

-Damn..... I lost and almost died, I wavered too much.

I could easily lie there and wait for my healing factor to work to at least improve my condition, but I don't have time for that and because of that and with a lot of effort, I get up from the bed and sit on it. The pain in my chest is so bad that I can't breathe properly.

-Ai... come on Issei, you can't stand still, get up! -I say to myself with my right hand on my chest and sweating cold.

With difficulty I get up from the bed and then I look at the window and see a beautiful view of the city.

-"It's a nice view, but now I have to find out who brought me here. -I say looking at the bedroom door.

With slow steps I went to the door and to my surprise it's open and when I come out of the room, I find myself facing a living room with a sofa and a flat screen TV.

-Yeah, this is a luxury apartment indeed.

I then leave my room and start walking around the apartment, looking for my stuff or for someone and I actually find someone. In a room with an amazing view of the city, with a desk and a computer, a man wearing a black suit and silver hair looking at the city. I feel like I know this guy, but from where? Cautiously I approach him and all the time I'm paying attention.

???: I see you're awake. -He says in a very familiar voice.

That voice.....Vali ?! He turns and looks at me with a little smile.

Vali: I see you've regained consciousness, in record time even, a normal person would be dead or in a coma in your place. -He comments with a strange English accent.

It's cool.... this is bizarre.

-Vali, will you please explain to me what happened? -I ask confused.

He strangely looks at me confused as if he didn't understand the question and then smiles and giggles.

Steven: Hó ! More than rudeness from me, I'm afraid you were mistaken, my name is not Vali, but Steven Grant. -He introduces himself and makes me more confused.

It's cool..... I think he's gone crazy.

-That's cool.....va-Steven! Did you get me off the bridge? -I ask.

Steven: No, that was my friend jake lockley. -He answered.

-Jake lockley ?

Steven: Yes, one of our contacts and allies of the knight and lord of the moon, he is a taxi driver who luckily was on site at that time. He was the one who brought you here and took care of your wounds, he also brought your backpack and your cell phone. -He comments taking my backpack and my cell phone under the table.

I then approach and take them back and when I turn on my cell phone I see several messages from Asia worried. Hi.....ferrou.

Steven: Is there a problem? -He asks me.

-Yes.... lot of messages from my girlfriend. -I comment.

Girlfriend? Did I call Asia my girlfriend? As I realize this my face flushes.

Steven: Well, I suggest you go back to your room and change, Vali wants to talk to you and I have to finish some contracts. -He said, sitting down in his chair.

This is too weird for my taste, I'm starting to think that Vali is not just a person. Even with these doubts in my mind I go to my room and read I take a look first in my backpack and to my luck both my civilian clothes, my suit and my launchers are there.

-Phew, at least he didn't steal anything, now all I have to do is answer these messages.

I then change my clothes first and put on my civilian clothes, then I answer Asia's messages saying that I had asked for my cell phone and that's why it took me a while to answer. She soon replies and mentions that she was worried, but I quickly mention that she doesn't have to worry because I will be back soon. Right after that I remember that I put a tracker on Rhino, besides I recorded the fight and even though it was a fight that I caught, I think I can get a note if I sell it to Clarin, now about the tracker, I think I'll need Azazel's help to track it. Suddenly the door to my room opens and Vali emerges this time wearing the clothes he wore when we first met.

Vali: Sorry I'm late, how are you?

-Except for the pain in my ribs, I think I'm at least okay.

Vali: Oh good, then we can talk a little about some important matters.

-Let me guess, you think that guy dressed as a rhinoceros was sent by the King of crime and you want me to be part of your little club of lunatics to go after him?

Vali: Not really! At least the first part, I don't think that guy "Rhino", is a henchman of the King of crime, it's not like him to do something like that with someone he doesn't consider a threat and that someone and you. -He comments with a serious voice. Vali: Now referring to the fact that I still want to recruit you into our.... "little club of lunatics" ? That is true, although Konshu and the knight believe that I am wasting my time with you, but I do not believe that and in reality I think you would be and will be a great help in the fight against him, so I convinced Jake to get you off that bridge, take care of your injuries and bring you to Steven's apartment, but of course Konshu kept telling me to throw you away all the time, but luckily for him I ignored him and continued to ignore him.

This guy is really crazy, I'm thinking that this Jake and himself and I also think that this "Konshu" that he talks so much, is just a thing of his imagination and he is schizophrenic and has multiple personality disorder.

-Well.... I thank you for everything you've done and for still believing in me, but my answer remains the same. -I get up from the bed and with a serious face I look at him. -"I'm not going to kill anyone and I'm not going to help you kill.

He makes a disappointed face and then turns around.

Vali: In that case I have no choice but to leave you trapped in this apartment until you change your mind and before you think about asking for help, know that I have blocked internet access in the building and if you happen to think about breaking the window and escaping by swinging, know that they are armored and even if you break them, you are still too hurt to go around dropping webs and doing acrobatics. By my calculations, you will need a full week to be 100% recovered.

-I can knock you down and walk away. -I say, jumping on him.

But he easily grabs my arm and knocks me to the ground. I feel a huge pain and he looks at me with a debauched smile.

Vali: I don't think so. I'm going out and I'll be back at 20:00, maybe by then you'll change your mind. -He says leaving the room and closing the door with the key.

Damn, I was clumsy and forgot my current state. My ribs are now hurting more than ever and I really think about soaking for a week until I'm ready to run away, but I change my mind when I see a ventilation duct on the ceiling of the room and luckily it's quite big. A confident smile appears on my face and I get up from the floor.

-You know Vali, I think you forgot that spiders also walk in ventilation ducts. -I say with a little smile looking at the duct.

I then take a deep breath and jump on the ceiling, open the duct and get inside it and to my surprise here it is all very clean even.

-It's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic. -I say walking straight down the pipe.

I go straight ahead in the duct until I reach a fork with two entrances. And now, where do I go? I think about which way to go until an idea pops into my mind.

-Uni duni te, salame mim guê, o sorbet colorore foi, você ! -I say pointing to the paths with my eyes closed and choosing the one on the right.

Well, I guess to the right then. I follow the path through the duct on the right and keep following the path until I reach an end, but just below there is an exit.

-Hum, I think this is the exit. -I say leaving the duct and falling into a room without any furniture and with an elevator on my side.

What the hell is this place? I keep walking around the place looking for something, until suddenly the wall opens when I get close to it and I initially get scared just seeing the moon knight, but everything was just a costume along with various equipment of the same.

-Wow! I almost had a heart attack, I think Vali and the knight are really the same people.

I start to take a better look at the knight's costume and equipment and there I end up picking up a kind of boomerang that I saw him using and that has a crescent moon shape. Wow, this thing is heavy for its size, besides it doesn't seem to be a common metal.

-Hum.... I think I'll take this to Azazel. -I say putting that gun in my backpack.

Right after that I go to the elevator and press it down to where I believe the exit is. The elevator closes and I begin to wonder if everything is not being too easy. The elevator stops and the door then opens and I find myself in a garage full of sports and luxury cars and motorcycles, almost all of which are white or silver. I get out of the elevator and start walking around the garage, until I see a Ducati panigale v4 motorcycle from the year 2018, red and black and with a helmet and keys on top of it.

-More what is this? -I ask approaching the bike.

I then see that there is an exit nearby and initially I think about just leaving the gate, but I end up not resisting and putting on the helmet and getting on the bike. I'll go faster this way, so I won't feel so much pain in my ribs. I then start the bike and carefully I manage to get it out of the garage and luckily I can learn to ride it on the lock. I pull out of the garage and onto the road and then I speed off to Azazel's house. It's not that hard to ride, and with ribs like that it's a lot easier to ride a motorcycle than to drop webs and jump from building to building. I have to find that rhino as soon as possible and get back home before Asia gets any more worried.