

What can we say about life? It's a Russian roulette, well, I think yes, because at one moment you're happy and the next you're not.

let's start with the beginning we are all born for a mother, sometimes she is affectionate, sometimes she is loud, sometimes she takes care of you a lot or sometimes she doesn't even care. But what really matters is how your family is: your grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, because they can help you in any kind of problem when you are too young to protect yourself.

For example in my case, my parents separated when I was 4 years old, at the beginning it was a very hard blow for me, I felt insecure I remember that I cut myself with my grandfather's razor, I even cut my hair by myself .

But hey, that's in the past. Let's talk about when I was 2-3 years old and how I solved it. My family helped me. I don't know if they wanted to help me or not, but my aunts helped me more than anything, because my mom wasn't there. in the city for work, one of my aunts helped me with my homework, another played with me, I had a lot of fun, but well, the aunt I played with couldn't play with me anymore because she had to work.

My other aunt could only help me with my homework just because she was studying, she was not my favorite aunt at that time I only felt like a teacher but more strict, well at that time my cousin arrived with whom we played all day we did homework easy with her because we studied at the same school, well and that was my life at the moment I studied for my homework I played with my cousin you must when my other cousins ​​came, I didn't talk much with them because they were older than me, well and that It was my life until I was 4 years old when my parents separated...