
Potter's luck

Plot: When the last descendant of the Peverell family cries out for help, two beings answer his call: one is a legendary sorceress, and the other is the goddess of death, among tags: sex, immortality, space, personification of death, relationship development, other planets, group sex, dystopian themes, alternate universe, imaginary beings, educational institutions, femslash elements. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 28


- Hello Fleur. What can I do for you? - Trying not to look rude, Harry said. Potter looked at the French woman with a slight degree of distaste. He didn't like arrogant people, and Mademoiselle Delacourt had that nasty character trait. The Frenchwoman Veela smiled seductively.

- You don't have to try, Fleur, your charms don't work on me," Harry said, wincing slightly at Delacourt's attempt at Vayla's charm. The girl was very puzzled but didn't show it.

- 'Mr Potter, would you mind showing me around Hogwarts while we have some time before the grand opening of the Tournament? - The French girl said with a smile.

Mentally muttering to himself, Harry was forced to agree.

"Well, why would she want to do that?" - Potter mentally wondered. But still, he was forced to go along with Fleur's wishes.

Walking under the French girl's arm, Harry was showing the foreign visitor around Hogwarts. The pair were so absorbed in the process that they didn't notice the blonde-haired Slytherin girl watching them. At the same time, Potter was forced to answer various questions from the girl. Gradually Harry concluded that Fleur was not a bad conversationalist. Potter even tried to ignore the fact that the French girl was a bit arrogant. After giving the foreign guest a tour of Hogwarts, Harry took Fleur to the Beauxbaton carriage.

- 'Thank you for the tour, Mr Potter,' Delacourt said and kissed Harry on the cheek. Looking at the dumbfounded Slytherin, Fleur laughed and got into the carriage. After standing outside Beauxbaton's carriage for a bit longer, Harry turned around and walked back to Hogwarts. Once back at the castle, Potter made his way to the Great Hall. Sitting down at his faculty table, Harry began to look around the room.

- 'Potter, I see you've become a professional tour guide,' Daphne said, sitting down next to Harry.

- Daphne, what's got into you?

- Nothing," Greengrass replied sharply and turned away from Potter.

I wonder what's got into her, Harry thought.

Gradually the Great Hall filled with Hogwarts students. Soon the international students appeared. The Durmstrangs sat next to the Slytherins and the Beauxbaton girls sat next to the Claws. While Potter and the other Slytherins chatted with the foreigners, Daphne looked incomprehensibly in the direction of the French girls.

"You're not getting it, Harry. Froggy. He'll be mine," Greengrass pondered.

Finally, everyone took their seats and the teachers reached for the professor's table, with Morgana, Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime closing the procession. Seeing their headmaster, the Charmbatonians hastily stood up. Laughs broke out at the neighbouring tables. But Madame Maxime's charges stood nonchalantly on their feet until the giantess lowered herself into the chair to the left of the Hogwarts Headmistress, who stood behind the table and waited for silence.

- Good evening ladies, gentlemen and ghosts, and most importantly, our guests," Morgana finally began, smiling radiantly at the international students, "I am very pleased to welcome you to Hogwarts! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time with us. I'm sure you've already enjoyed the comforts of our castle!

After a few seconds of silence, the Headmistress of Hogwarts continued her speech:

- The official opening of the Tournament will take place tonight, right after dinner. Help yourselves, dear friends, to a feast. Eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!

And the feast began. This time the Gryffindors tried hard, eating neatly, even Weasley tried not to slurp as he usually did.

"Professor McGonagall had time to have an 'edifying talk' with Sixth," Harry thought to himself. Distracted from his musings, Potter noticed Fleur heading towards the Gryffindor table.

- Would you be so kind as to pass the bouillabaisse, please? - Delacourt asked loudly to the Gryffindors sitting next to her.

- Please," Hermione pulled the dish towards her. Ronald, on the other hand, was staring at the Frenchwoman with a completely dumbfounded expression on his face. The sixth even blushed. The redhead even wanted to say something, but instead of words, he made a meaningless gurgle. The fourth year would have started drooling over Fleur, but the Frenchwoman, noticing the lustful expression on the redhead's face, picked up her plate and dish and hurried away from the Gryffindor table.

- She looked like Veela! I wouldn't mind messing around with her," Sixth said lustfully, trying not to let any of the guests hear him. Granger, seated next to him, glared at the redhead.

Finally, the golden plates were emptied and the Headmistress of Hogwarts rose from her chair once more. The hall froze in anticipation.

- The solemn moment had arrived - the Three Wizards' Tournament was about to open. Before I present the trophy, I would like to briefly explain the rules of this Tournament. But first, let me introduce those who don't know yet: Mr Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. And Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports," said the Hogwarts Headmistress, after which most of the English students applauded happily. Harry, like many Slytherins, did not succumb to everyone's enthusiasm.

- 'Mr Bagman and Mr Crouch, the organisers of the Tournament, have been working tirelessly for months now,' Morgana continued, 'and they will be part of the judging team that will judge the competition.

Mr Filch, the school caretaker, then wheeled in a large coffin on a special trolley and placed it next to the teacher's desk.

- Mr Crouch and Mr Bagman had already checked the competition instructions. Everything is ready for each round. There are three rounds and the competition is based solely on the school programme. The champions will have to demonstrate mastery of the magical arts, personal bravery and the ability to overcome danger.

At the last words, the hall fell silent, holding its breath. Meanwhile, the black-haired sorceress nonchalantly continued:

- The Tournament, as you know, has three champions, one from each participating school. They will be judged on how well they perform in the next competition. The winner is the one who scores the most points in all rounds. Participants in the Tournament are selected from the school teams by an impartial selector, the Fire Cup.

Morgana took out her wand and tapped the lid of the chest three times. The lid opened slowly, with a creak. The sorceress slipped her hand inside and pulled out a large, roughly carved wooden goblet. There was nothing remarkable about it-except that it was filled to the brim with dancing bluish flames. The Headmistress of Hogwarts closed the lid, carefully placing the goblet on top of it so that everyone could see it clearly.

- Those wishing to compete for the title of champion must write their name and school name legibly on a piece of parchment and drop it into the goblet," she said, "They will have twenty-four hours to think about it. The goblet will be displayed in the hall. Tomorrow night, the names of the champions who will take part in the Tournament of the Three Wizards will fly out of it like tongues of flame. Of course, the most worthy of the worthy will be chosen. The cup will remain in the hall all night and will be available to all those who wish to participate in the Tournament. Only those who are seventeen years of age or older will be allowed to participate in the Tournament. And so that those under seventeen will not be tempted, I will draw a forbidden line around it. Anyone under that age will not be allowed to cross that line. One last thing: those who wish to compete, be warned - there will be no turning back for those who are chosen as champion. The champion will have to go through the entire Tournament. By throwing your name into the Cup, you enter into a magical contract with him/her that cannot be broken. So think carefully about whether you really want to be in the Tournament. Well, now I think it's time for bed. Good night, everyone.

As expected, the Gryffindors were the first to leave the Great Hall, causing pandemonium on the way out. The Slytherins and Durmstrangs were leaving the Great Hall at the same time. Deciding to be tactful, Potter let Karkaroff pass in front of him.

- Thank you," Karkaroff said casually, glancing at Harry. He was staring at the Slytherin, or rather at his scar.

- Yes, that's Harry Potter," someone said from behind him. Professor Karkaroff turned around sharply. Bellatrix stood silently with her arms crossed over her chest, staring intently at the Durmstrang Headmaster. Karkaroff turned pale, his distorted face reflected rage mixed with fear.

- You!" was the only word that escaped his lips.

- Yes, I am," the black-haired sorceress smiled grimly. - And if you don't have anything to say to Harry Potter, do me a favour and come in, don't delay. You won't let me pass.

Without answering a word, Karkaroff hurriedly withdrew with his students. Bellatrix stared after him for a long time, her face expressing a sharp dislike.

Harry decided to ignore the altercation between his Dean and Karkaroff. Together with his fellow students, Potter travelled to the Slytherin dungeons.


Getting up before the rest of his classmates, Harry made his way to the Great Hall. There were already twenty people gathered in the hall. Someone was chewing toast and everyone was looking at the Goblet of Fire. It stood in the centre of the hall on the stool where the Magic Hat usually sat. It was circled by a golden line drawn on the floor, forming a circle with a radius of three metres. As they sat down at the Slytherin table and began to eat breakfast, Harry witnessed the Weasley twins' failed attempt to cheat the age line drawn by Morgana.

- You're not going to succeed! - Granger spoke up. The boys, however, let her words pass their ears. Nodding to each other, the red-haired twins took a couple of vials of some kind of potion out of their pockets and drank them quickly before stepping over the line. The redheads then walked over to the Cup and threw pieces of parchment with their names on it.

There was a loud pop, and the twins were thrown out of the golden circle as if from an invisible catapult. After flying through the air for about three metres, they landed on the cold stone floor. Not only did it hurt, but the audacity ended ignominiously: a second clap sounded, and the twins grew long white beards. Everyone laughed.

- I warned you," Morgana's voice came out, her eyes sparkling merrily, "go to Madam Pomfrey. She's already treating Miss Fawcett from Ravenclaw and Mr Summers from Hufflepuff. They wanted to grow old too. But I must confess, their beards are no match for yours.

After the Hogwarts Headmistress had left the Great Hall, Harry was about to leave when he noticed that the Beauxbaton girls had entered the hall, preceded by Fleur and Madame Maxime. Those standing around the Cup politely made way for the new arrivals, watching them curiously. After the French students dropped their pieces of parchment into the goblet, Potter attempted to leave the Great Hall unnoticed. But unfortunately, the Slytherin was unsuccessful. After her piece of parchment disappeared into the goblet, Fleur shifted her gaze to Potter.

- Harry.

- Damn it, what more does she want? - Potter muttered quietly. Unfortunately for Slytherin, there were also Gryffindors present in the great hall, with the Sixth standing out among them. As soon as the French girl approached Harry, Weasley began to complain loudly about why Potter was getting the best of everything. However, the redhead was quickly silenced. It was Hermione who did it. She gave Sixx a good slap on the back. Advising the redhead "not to disgrace Hogwarts with your disgusting behaviour."

- Hello, Harry," Delacourt addressed Potter.

- 'Hello, Fleur,' the Slytherin replied, mentally cursing himself for not hurrying up. Talking to the Frenchwoman at the moment was not something Harry wanted to do at all.

- How about we continue the tour of Hogwarts. You didn't show me everything in the castle last time," the Frenchwoman said insistently. Without listening to Potter's objections, Fleur took his hand and walked towards the exit of the Great Hall.


Walking around Hogwarts with the beautiful Frenchwoman, Harry paid no attention to the envious glances of the other students. However, Potter was bothered by the behaviour of Daphne, who was throwing quite eloquent glances at the Frenchwoman. Harry hoped that there wouldn't be a fight between the girls, although, to be honest, this behaviour of Greengrass hurt Potter's ego. How, indeed, could two beautiful girls fight for his attention? But Harry did his best to push those thoughts away. The tour of Hogwarts that Potter had been forced to give Fleur had dragged on until half past six in the evening. After all, it was at six o'clock in the evening that those who had become champions of the Three Wizards Tournament were to be announced. Entering the Great Hall with Fleur, Harry stepped away from the Frenchwoman and sat down at his faculty table.

As soon as dinner was over, Morgana rose from her seat and walked over to the Goblet of Fire.

- 'The Goblet of Fire is about to make a decision,' the Hogwarts Headmistress began. - I think it needs one more minute. When the names of the champions are known, I will ask them to come to the table and go to the room adjacent to the hall."

The sorceress pointed to the door behind the professor's desk.

- There they would receive instructions for the first round of the competition.

Morgana pulled out her wand and swung it wide; immediately all the candles in the room, except those burning in the pumpkins, went out. The room was plunged into semi-darkness. The flaming goblet shone brighter, and the bluish sparks of the flame dazzled the eye. But all eyes were still fixed on the goblet, some glanced at their watches.

Suddenly the flame turned red, a column of sparks erupted, and a burnt piece of parchment popped out of the goblet. The hall froze. Morgana reached out and picked up the parchment, lit by the fire, it turned blue-white again, and the Headmistress of Hogwarts read in a loud, clear voice.

- Viktor Krum, Champion of Durmstrang.

The hall shook with a rumble of applause and enthusiastic shouts.

- That's the way it should be! - Weasley shouted the loudest, but was quickly silenced.

- What are you doing, Ronald? Stop embarrassing Hogwarts! - Hermione said.

- 'Piss off,' Sixth brushed Granger off. However, after receiving a good slap on the back, he immediately shut up.

Viktor Krum rose from his seat and slumped his shoulders, walked towards the Headmistress of Hogwarts, turned right and, passing the professors' desk, disappeared into the next room.

- Bravo, Viktor! Bravo! - shouted Karkaroff, blocking out the applause so that the whole room could hear him. - I knew you had courage in you!

Gradually the noise in the hall subsided, and all attention was once again fixed on the goblet. The flame turned red again, and the Cup released another sheet of parchment.

- Fleur Delacour becomes the champion of Beauxbaton! - Morgana proclaimed.

The girl rose easily from her chair, tossed back a wave of blonde hair and walked between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables with a flying gait.

- Pfft, show-off! - Daphne remarked caustically, watching the Frenchwoman closely.

It was happening again. The fire turned red, sparks flew. A third piece of parchment flew out of the goblet. Morgana caught it and read it:

- Hogwarts Champion - Cedric Diggory.

- Why him! Why him? - Weasley started to get indignant again. No one paid any attention to the redhead, however.

- Great! Now we know the names of the champions. I am sure I can count on all of you, including the students of Beauxbaton and Durmstrang. It is your duty to give your friends who defend the honour of your schools your full support. By supporting your champions, you will make a truly invaluable contribution! - said Morgana.

With that, the ceremony to elect the Tournament Champions ended and most of the students left the Great Hall. Harry was one of the last to leave, and Harry noticed that Morgana, accompanied by Bella, had gone to the Champions' Room to instruct the Hogwarts, Beauxbaton and Durmstrang representatives, as well as the other organisers. After all the instructions had been handed out, Morgana returned to the Great Hall and, after making sure no one was there but Bella, reached for the blue flame and after a few moments pulled out a sheet of parchment that the enchantments had prevented from flying out of the goblet.

On the sheet was written, "Harry Potter." Crumpling the sheet, Morgana glanced over to Bella. Both wizards had clearly realised that someone from the Beauxbaton or Durmstrang delegation was not who they said they were.

- Does this unknown person really think his pathetic Confundus can overcome my spells! - Morgana said, clenching her hands into fists.

- 'If Dumbledore were still here, this unknown would have a chance,' Bellatrix said.

- 'Indeed. But now it's your job, Bella, to find this thing that's involved our Harry in a dangerous tournament and bring him or her to me. Preferably safely," Morgana said, looking at the Dean of Slytherin.

- 'Of course. But I can't promise the bitch won't be crumpled from my spells,' Black said, playing his wand lightly.

- Hmm... The important thing is that the perp can talk, and don't get too carried away, Bella, because I know you," Morgana said with a slight smile on her face. Black only smiled eloquently and turned around and headed for the exit of the Great Hall.

- I don't know who you are or what form you're hiding in, but I'm going to find you anyway, you creature," the black-haired sorceress said firmly, heading down the stone stairs towards her apartments.