
Potential Man (Megumi SI/JJK/WC Fic)

A guy gains the opportunity of a lifetime... He becomes a Contractor of the Waifu Catalogue and decides to take the place of The One That Wasted His Potential... Fushiguro Megumi. It's a Waifu Catalogue fic, so obviously will be a harem, lol. To those that are not familiar with the WC, it's basically Multiversal Slavery. The MC is morally ambiguous, more to the evil side. Selfish if you want a good description of him. Enjoy~ Most of the chapters has the Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

EvansKannon · Komik
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31 Chs

Movie 0: Hundred Demons Night Parade

"We're going now. Don't miss me, Utahime." I watch Gojo annoy Utahime for the last time before we go back to Tokyo

"Good riddance." The raven-haired teacher spats

Ignoring the two adults who are acting like children, I go to say my goodbyes to the students of Kyoto.

"A pity that our time was short, But I felt a connection that will last our whole lives has been forged." I say, acting mature while cupping Miwa's hand between mine

"Good try. I already saw your personality. Don't act friendly with him, Miwa." Momo interrupts, snatching the confused girl's hand from my grasp.

*Gasp* I act hurt "Why's that? Is it a crime, to be honest?" Taking a step in her direction, I loom over her and smile "I will not apologize for what I said. I will stand behind it because it was my true feelings... But okay, I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable." I pat her head. Yeah, yeah... Blush! "Till next time, Petite Senpai." I smile gently before moving away

"It's Nishimiya-senpai!" She shouts angrily after she shakes herself out of her stupor.

Damn, pretty privilege is real! I can do practically anything!

"How do you two put up with him?" She turns to my girlfriends

"He is not that bad. He is good for me, that's enough," Maki shrugs without giving a long explanation

"Haha. In truth he is surprisingly serious, it's just that your first impression of him was... that!" Mai laughs

"He has a Loud mouth, but his actions speak louder." Maki completes

"..." She doesn't appear to buy it, but who cares? My girls are defending me! Love you two! I wink at them and send some kisses flying, making them blush.

But this makes me wonder if I came off too strong. Hmm~ Nah, it was funny. No regrets. And anyway, it will be markable enough that they will not forget me. Zeh~ Any feelings can be turned into good feelings eventually, apathy is the real problem.

Just keep thinking about me, babes. I will come back for you~

I pass by the guys too... I don't discriminate.

"Your squinted eyes make you look evil..." I say to the Kamo dude

"..." I think he was trying to say some weird shit to me. He talked with Maki about the clans or some boring stuff like that, she told me. I have no interest in that shit. If he comes with "I'm like you" bullshit I'm gonna punch him on the solar plexus.

"You should speak more, robots are cool, but you're simply being a mannequin." I say to Mechamaru


Men don't interest me. And most of these guys in Kyoto are trash.

Well, Todo I can respect...

"..." We look at each other for some seconds


We dap and that's all.

The words have been said already. Actions will speak in the future.


I heard the girls murmur from our side. Hmpf, they will never understand.

"It was fun to finally meet you, Fushiguro-kun." Mei Mei attracts my attention, she is holding two fingers at me, a card between them "Here. Contact me if you need anything. There's a lot I can help you with... For a price of course~"

"A price? Or a favor?" I raise my brow at her, even though I grab her card

I can see what she is doing... She is investing in my stocks now. It's not hard to imagine that I will be a big shot in the future. Having me owing her, or even simply a good relationship can be useful.

Well... Can't really call her manipulative, everyone smart does this in all lines of jobs.

"Fufu~ Don't worry, I won't rip you off... too much." She gives me a look that would spark lust in any other man.

Ah! This is what they call "Bedroom eyes".

"You can rip off my clothes if you wan- Gah!" I was flirting back before being pulled by the collar by Gojo

"We're going back." She huffs in a rare non-nonsense tone while dragging me away

Ah, c'mon~ I was going to play the smitten dumb horny teenager now.

But seriously, Mei Mei trying to pull her grooming tricks on me is almost funny...

Imagine trying to seduce a Contractor?! Zehaha! We're the natural enemy of Femme Fatales. The tables will be turned on her in no time. And when she was captured, I would not need to worry about her stabbing me in the back.

So easy~

But with that, our trip to Kyoto has finally ended.


Now in Tokyo

"Are you gonna spend the night with us?" Mai turns to ask

Now it's Sunday at 5PM.

"No, sorry girls... I'm gonna visit Tsumiki." I stayed away from her for too long "Tomorrow you have class, so rest well. I don't want to tire you guys." I wink with a playful smile

They roll their eyes but don't oppose. They know that Tsumiki is super important to me.

After asking for a lift from Ijichi-san, the guy who works even on Sundays, someone gives this man a raise, I finally arrive at the Hospital.

It's a little annoying that I need to do the check-in with the receptionist, but better than having people asking questions if they see me in the room, appearing from seemingly nowhere.

"Hello, Tsumiki." I say as walk inside her particular room, giving her a smooch on her forehead.

She looks perfectly fine like she is just sleeping. [Body tune-up] will not allow her body to deteriorate while in a coma.

"I just came back from Kyoto. A little event between schools, you know? Like matches in sports, but we fight each other." I talk with her, I don't know if she can hear me, but whatever "Maki destroyed the opposition! It was fun watching it, and even though she was underwhelmed by how easy it was, she found some things where she can improve."

I continue talking about small things. I avoid talking about important things because Yorozu could be awakened too, in a state of sleep paralysis or something.

After an hour or so, I go back home to study.

Ugh, study... I don't even go to school anymore, but that [Science talent] will not grow alone. Studying mundane things is good to train this talent for when I finally start practicing and researching magic and power systems in the future.

One of these days, I caught myself thinking how an old man's walking cane was too long for him, and how much to cut to optimize it.

I looked through some videos of broken cars, and seeing the interior I could say what was wrong. [Science Talent] doesn't make me a genius, it helps me use the knowledge that I have to put 1+1 equals window in many areas.

Math is so easy now that it is boring. Languages too...

"Ugh... Let's read a fiction book in another language. I just came from a trip, I don't want to strain myself mentally now." I search for a book in my tablet and start Reading in bed.


- Third Person P.O.V.

Tokyo Jujutsu High, Some Weeks later


The group of students from the First-year walk out of school while talking, each wearing different levels of winter clothes to protect themselves from the increasingly cold weather of the month of December.

"Don't be discouraged, Yuta. It would obviously be hard to get it on the first few tries." Panda taps his friend on the shoulder


"Thank you. I know that I need to improve in my control." Yuta smiles at his friends "Fu- I mean, Megumi-kun and Gojo-sensei are chewing me on that. Haha"

"That's also normal. You have a lot of cursed energy, so it's obviously harder to 'tame' it, compared to when you have less... Believe me, I know." Mai says her piece

"I still think it is a little bullshit that your technique is copying other techniques." Maki comments while looking forward.

"Look who's talking about bullshit..." Mai deadpans at her Twin sister


"Okkotsu-kuns technique has limitations and costs a lot of Cursed Energy to use and maintain. Like mine and Limitless. All techniques have ups and downs." She continues

"Does Limitless even have a weakness? I mean, with the Six Eyes... Wait, can Yuta copy the Six Eyes?" Panda asks

"I think not... The Six Eyes is a completely different thing, like a physical thing, you know? Like Maki's body..." Mai says

"Do you guys think Yuta's capability of using the Reverse Cursed Technique is linked to his technique? Like, he 'can do anything' type of technique... Fushiguro-kun can use shadows beyond his shikigami, right?" Panda thinks with a claw on his mouth

"That's a good guess..." Mai also thinks "I heard techniques are linked with the person in mysterious ways that we still can't explain."

"Mustard Leaf..."

"So because Okkotsu doesn't have a personality of his own, his technique is copy? And that's why he can do everything?" Maki comments blandly

"There is it, the Mean Woman attacks again!" Mai points at her accusingly

"Rude~" Panda agrees


"I swear that one day..." Maki grits her teeth at them.

"Haha." Yuta only laughs at his friends, not taking Maki's words to heart. He knows that she says what's on her mind without bad intent.


But the good-naturedly banter between the students was suddenly interrupted by Maki turning her head fast diagonally to the sky


Almost at the same time, a giant white bird with multiple wings lands a dozen meters away from them.

"A giant bird?"

"There's someone like that?"

"They don't look like they are on our side..."

The students, with the exception of Yuta, slowly get ready for battle.

A female monk jumps from the back of the bird and looks around.

"As expected, this place has stagnated in time..." She shakes her head with a judgemental frown on her pretty face.

The bird, which looks like a seagull, opens its huge beak to allow three people to jump off it. Two girls wearing school uniforms and a man wearing strange clothes.

"Oh, a panda! Cute!" One of the girls takes her smartphone off and starts taking pictures.

"Who are you guys?" Panda asks. The nonchalant and non-combative stance of the other group made the students unconsciously relax a little. "It's better that you guys don't be invaders, you know? Yuta-san here doesn't forgive intruders!" He shouts

"?!" Yuta turns his head fast

"Konbu." Inumaki agrees

"Yeah, state your motives, or you guys will have to face Okkotsu-san!" Understanding instantly what Panda is doing, Mai jumps easily into messing with Yuta.


"Just leave before Okktsu-san beats you guys up within an inch of death!!" Maki also points to Yuta


"Oh~ So that's Okkotsu-kun! Nice to finally meet you in person~" Suddenly Geto is directly in front of Yuta, holding his hands on hers

"Ah! Hum?" Yuta doesn't know what to say to the sudden approach, a little bashful from the beautiful woman getting in his face too.

He starts to look over his shoulder, feeling that Rika is trying to emerge... He doesn't even engage in a talk with Geto, his focus is on stopping Rika from going on a rampage.

Thanks to that, he didn't notice the tense mood generated by Geto's fast approach.

'She's fast!' Panda and Inumaki though simultaneously

"!" Mai didn't even have time to think about it before being shoved behind by Maki. The weapon user's grip on her katana tightened, ready for battle.

"Oy... Don't act friendly before stating your name and reasons..." Maki was suddenly in Geto's personal space, glaring at the older woman while their faces were very close.

Geto slowly turns her head to the rude girl...

"!! What?!" Before being assaulted by a wave of PTSD, from the somewhat similar face and expression, that hit something deeply buried in her psyche.

With a dash, Geto moves away like a cat that has been startled, clenching her chest defensively while giving Maki a better look.

"*Huff* I heard about you, but only after seeing do I believe... To think another Special Monkey would exist. Tsk Tsk" Geto says after a sigh, regaining her composure "Oh yes, how rude of me. I am Geto Suguru and I came here today to talk about my humble ideals!" She opens her arms theatrically


"Okkotsu-kun is new in the Jujutsu World, but you must have learned about how curses come to be, right? They are born from the mon-*ahem* humans negative emotions..."

Yuta nods, unsure. Only now he calmed Rika and is hoping this weird situation will not escalate into a fight.

"Curses have existed since forever and will continue to exist as long as humans exist... In truth, the quantity continues to increase thanks to modern society. We, Jujutsu Sorcerers, are basically cleaners. No, we are worse than that... We patch a wound that will never heal. Like Sisyphus! Did you guys know Sisyphus? Anyway, we die and suffer, while keeping the masses blissfully ignorant of the dangers and our sacrifice. The same masses that are responsible for the birth of curses... They have no control over cursed energy and we need to clean their asses. Funnily enough, no one appears to mind it... And continue this endless crusade without solving the issue from the root!" She says passionately, gesticulating with her hands and all that.

They can't lie, she is charismatic... And made some good points...

"Hence my solution..." Her graceful smile morphs into one much more malevolent "I suggest we kill all the Non-Jujutsu Sorcerers!" She opens her arms again and looks at the sky, like she is bathing in the holy providence of her mission.

"""!!""" And here she lost all of them

"Are you crazy?" Maki asks with a frown

"..." Geto slowly lowers her head to stare at Maki, a strange frown on her face "I really don't know what to think of you..." She spits "On one hand, you're a monkey like the rest of them and on the other, you really do not worsen the problem because you have no cursed energy..."


Geto holds her chin between her dainty fingers, making a face like she is thinking hard about this issue.

"Hmm~ What a dilemma..." She sighs and then takes another close look at Maki "Okay, I really can't like you~" She finally says with a big smile "King Kong is a monkey even if he is a special monkey~ Like you~ And your expression pisses me off because it makes me remember that bastard~" She says full of rays of sunshine like she is talking about a nice thing, even though her words are venomous "I really don't need you in my world~ Hee-Hee~❤︎"

"Oho~" A vein pops off Maki's forehead while she smiles angrily. She really doesn't like being looked down like that. That condescending tone and views reminds her of the Zen'in clan...

The tension in the air grows. Maki lowers her body in a stance, and Geto slowly does the same. Even if Geto acts like she is looking down on her, she would never underestimate Maki.

"That's enough. Get away from my students, Suguru." A familiar voice cuts the tension in the air.

Gojo has arrived together with the rest of the staff of the school. A rare serious expression on her face.

"Oh~ Tooru~ It's been a while. ❤︎" Geto greets her like there's no bad blood between them. "I never thought that you would cut to the teacher type, but here you are proving me wrong. Hehe~ These first-year students are exceptional." She claps her hand

"Enough of acting like that, why are you here?" Gojo asks getting closer

"Well, obviously I am here to declare war... It's time to put to test if my ideals can shake Jujutsu Society!" She declares strongly "Everyone, listen and listen well! On the 24th of December! During the sunset! You are all invited to my Hundred Demons Night Parade!"

"Shinjuku in Tokyo, and the Capital of Jujutsu, Kyoto, shall be the stage! I will release thousands of Curses there with the order of: Kill the Trash! Once again I invite all of you to try to stop it! Work hard to uphold your solemn vow as Jujutsu Sorcerers to protect the 'innocent'!"

"Let's we all curse each other!!" She finishes her speech with fervor.

"..." Her words left everyone present with different kinds of emotions

"Aaa! Geto-sama! The store is closing!!" Suddenly one of the girls in the back shouts while looking at her phone

"Already? Okay then, let's go... Sorry, guys. I promised to take them to eat some crepes." Geto raises her hands in a goodbye

"Do you really think I'm gonna let you go, Suguru?" Gojo moves in her direction.

"Ah Tooru, please... Obviously, I know you."

Then dozens and dozens of curses appear all around the staff and students of Tokyo Jujutsu High. So many curses that are enough to obscure their field of vision.

"I also value my cute students, Tooru." They can hear Geto's voice getting distant even though they can't see her anymore "Till Christmas everyone! You guys will love my gift. Haha!"

"Hmpf!" Gojo snorts.

Bringing so many people ended up being at a disadvantage, she is at her strongest when she is alone. With a wave of her hand, a good part of the curses is crushed in a blue light, only a small part where no one from her side was standing.

She looks through the gap, only to see a small dot on the horizon... Geto is already out of range.

"Tch... Fucking cow."

At the same time, Maki suddenly lands on the ground with an annoyed expression.

"One of them, I think the girl with a smartphone, can make people invulnerable..." She comments disgruntled while glaring at the disappearing dot in the sky "If I knew, I would've aimed at the bird curse."

Taking advantage of the "curse smoke screen tactic" she sneaked enough to almost cut Geto. Unluckily, it was unsuccessful thanks to one of Geto's students.

All she did was rekindle Geto's PTSD.


- Megumi -

"So this happened..." Mai says to Megumi after arriving at his home.

He was casually playing on his PS4 in the living room.

"Oh..." He dismissively says without even turning to them 'So it's finally starting... Fucking finally!' "Did Gojo say anything afterward?"

"Just sent us home, the adults will have a meeting about it." Mai answers

"You don't appear worried, or interested..." Maki comments

"Well, that Geto woman gave us some weeks to prepare, so no hurry." He shrugs "And we have Gojo. And Maki... Are you gonna participate?" He finally pauses his game and turns to them

"Hell yes, I will not be satisfied if I do not kick their asses."

"?" He tilts his head.

"That Geto woman looked down on her for not having Cursed Energy." Mai gives the reason for Maki's surprisingly personal vendetta

"Oh..." 'She must have had a shock seeing Maki. I should've been there, it would have been funny. I want to see Geto too... The Throat Goat must be hot.'

"And that smartphone girl called me a Macho Woman after she defended against my attack!" Maki grits her teeth "And when that bird sent me away with a gust of wind, she taunted me that I will never have a boyfriend! What does that pipsqueak that still stinks at milk think she knows?! If I had my chain..."



"Is she on that time of the month- Ack" Megumi was asking before Maki threw a pillow at him.

"Do you think the school will let us, students, fight?" Maki asks after some time.

"Probably, we are always short-staffed, right?" Megumi answers easily "Do you wanna participate?"

"Absolutely! But..." Maki looks at Mai

"Don't worry, I will stay with Mai... in the dormitory." He secretly smiles. The pieces are being put in the right places.

"Oh, I thought that you would want to participate too."

"Meh, one of us is enough." 'And Megumi didn't participate in Canon. I need to keep things as close to the canon as possible' Protecting Mai is the perfect excuse. Being in the dormitory with her is also a good excuse to be already closer to the fight of Geto vs Yuta.

Megumi goes back to his game while humming to himself contently.

Things are finally getting interesting.


24th of December

Day of the Hundred Demons Night Parade

The Jujutsu Society side enlisted some of the students to help defend the innocents. With the exception of Yuta, who is a novice, and Mai, who is a non-combatant, all the rest went to battle.

Hakari and Kirara, in particular, went to Kyoto together with Mei Mei to reinforce the Kyoto groups.

"Aren't you worried?" Mai asks while straddling and cuddling with Megumi in her room

"About Maki or Gojo, nah? This whole thing is a circus... I don't even know what that woman is trying to accomplish." Megumi lies

The two are in the dorms, Megumi is keeping an eye outside, waiting for the best time to go.

'! A curtain? She's here...' He smiles while looking at the ceiling



"The cow is not here..." Gojo harrumphs "Inumaki-kun! Panda-kun! Get ready! I will transport you guys to the school!"

"What? Okay."

"Bonito Flakes."

"Wait... Is the school under attack? Send me too!" Maki intervenes

"You have resistance... To prevent mishaps, I will send only the two." With some hand signs, Gojo teleports the panda and the speech user away "The best we can do is end here faster." She is more serious now, removing her blindfold from her eyes.

Not the usual bandages, but a black blindfold. A gift from Megumi on her recent birthday.

'Those bandages are giving me secondhand embarrassment. Here.' And gave her the black blindfold made with some silk of high quality.

"Fine... I will not hold back then." Maki also glares at the enemies. Ready to vent her anger.


Tokyo Jujutsu High School

Inumaki and Panda reappear above the school.

"Gojo-sensei was right. Their target is the school." Panda says while looking down on the curtain beneath them "Hold on me. We are not gonna be subtly." He prepares his fist



Yuta is in the classroom, he went for a walk because staying holed up in his room didn't help with his anxiety. His friends are fighting out there, but he is too inexperienced to do anything. To say it nicely...

In Maki's more direct words, he is a liability... If Rika gets out of control because he was hurt or something, things could go bad.

"*Haah* Let's go back." He finally sighs, deciding to go back to his room. But taking the longer path so that he can walk a little.

But when he gets out of the classroom, he is surprised to finally notice a curtain covering the sky.

"That..." In a panic, he hurries his pace to go around, finally meeting a horrific sight...

His friends, Inumaki and Panda, are on the ground beaten and bloodied. It appears that a fierce fight happened here, there's a huge hole in the ground and in some walls.

"Aah~ That's what I love about Jujutsu Sorcerers... the camaraderie!" He hears the female voice of the one responsible.

He robotically turns around to see Geto almost crying piously while looking at the sky. Her eyes are filled with tears and her glossy lips tremble in happiness.

"We are so few, and we look for each other... Why should we die from people who would hate and fear us if they had the chance? Don't you see how much better the world would be if only we existed??" She continues to clamor "I wish that you could've seen this Okkutsu Yuta. A pity your sacrifice is a necessary step to accomplish that..." She is almost crying again

Yuta glares at her in silence before he can't take it anymore and finally explodes.

"I'm gonna kill you!!" Rika manifests fully behind him while he shouts

"I need to kill you..." Geto says more calmly


After a small clash, Yuta took Panda and Inumaki away to heal them.

Using Reverse Cursed Technique on others was something that he had some difficulty with before, but now he is finding himself doing it pretty easily.

'It's a little paradoxically... To use RCT you need to feel the opposite of what you feel using normal cursed energy, while at the same time using it. Like, you go to an extreme till it changes directions... Like an object going upwards in the air, till the limit and gravity pulls back. Do you catch what I mean?' He remembers Megumi's words during the training.

Yuta jumps away from his classmates, to protect them from the fight that is about to happen and to look down on Geto.

"I'm surprised that you waited..." He says, his voice tight.

"Using Reverse Cursed Energy is hard, so it would be better that you can concentrate 100%, right?" Geto smiles


"Don't misunderstand, Okkotsu-kun. I really want the least amount of Jujutsu Sorcerers dying... With luck, only you." She smirks, then she raises her hand and a bunch of centípede curses swarms to attack Yuta.

'Your control is shit, Yuta. Ugh... It's because you have a lot of it, and also because you're afraid...' Megumi's voice resounds in his ear.

'Afraid?' Yuta gulps

'Yep, just a guess... But you are afraid of what you can do if you don't control yourself completely. What a nice guy with a Superman Syndrome you are, Yuta.' Megumi laughs


'Your cursed energy flares when you're pissed, because of it, you don't dare to get pissed... Not even to your former bullies' Megumi looks at him 'Just get pissed, dude. Go for it. But keep your calm... It's paradoxical, remember? Let your heart burn in anger, while keeping your head cool...'

"Rika... Let's do it..." Yuta says, his glare intensifying while looking down on Geto.

He extended his hand and a megaphone was materialized in his hand.

'The Symbol of the Inumaki Clan...?' Geto frowns


Yuta speaks and a shockwave propagates from him, hitting the curses centipedes, vaporizing them in an instant.

"!! Ah! Aahaha! So that's what she is! Incredible! I'm sure now! With her, I can accomplish my dream with her!"

Yuta is not even listening.

His heart is in inner turmoil, remembering his friends and Megumi's words. He clenches his chest and finally decides to let whatever ugly side of him, that he was hiding, surface.

"I'm gonna crush you into pieces..." He swears with his face morphed in anger


"There's trouble..." Megumi finally stood up not letting go of Mai who had her legs around him, hiding a smile over her shoulder


"Yeah..." While still carrying her he walks into a wall that is covered in darkness by his powers. He is finally good enough to carry people within his Shadow Travel.

The two emerge outside the building, Megumi puts Mai down while looking in a certain direction.

"A curtain..." She looks up

Suddenly a flash of pink light and a thunderous sound reaches them

'Already? I thought they fight would last more...' Megumi frowns and without wasting more time makes a handsign "Round Deer..."

"Whoa" The deer emerges under Mai, making her mount him while Megumi takes off at high speeds.

The deer follows as Mai puts her arms around the 4-meter-tall shikigami's neck.


"Well... That's unexpected..." Megumi comments after arriving on the battlefield.

What greets him is not the two Fighters fallen, like he expected, but...

Yuta is on the ground while Geto is in bad shape... But just finishing consuming Rika!

"Okkotsu-kun!" Mai hurries with Round Deer to Yuta's side "He is alive..."

"That's good... But he lost..." Megumi maintains a calm expression. "That's what can happen when you 'coin flip', Yuta." He says lightly "You didn't spin the joystick fast enough..." He is sad no one can catch his reference.

'Thinking about it... It was a kind of plot armor how Yuta defeated Geto in canon. Anyone could've won that clash...' He thinks to himself

Then he was suddenly assaulted with a realization...

'Wait a minute... Is this my fault?' He ponders 'Did my interference with Maki hinder Yuta's growth in some way? Nah, I even helped him a little... Is it my existence alone? I remember that the number of curses increased when Gojo was born, to balance things... Is it because I'm a more talented Canon Megumi? That's why Geto had more curses to power her Uzumaki?'




"Nah! It can't be! I'm completely innocent." He laughs, avoiding accountability completely 'This is simply real life without plot armor. As if he could win against an experienced sorcerer with the power of love in real life. Hah!' He is coping

"Carry Yuta away, I will take it from here..." Megumi steps forward to face Geto.

"...okay, take care." Mai nods after some time, and grabs Yuta, and goes back to the Round Deer, who lows himself to allow her to put Yuta like a sack of potatoes.

"Don't worry... I'm like, the second strongest." He laughs to himself.

Megumi walks forward unworriedly, hands in his pockets, but suddenly he pauses in surprise a second time.


"Oh, you must be Fushiguro Megumi... Thank you for taking care of Tooru." Geto's smile is beautiful despite her injuries

"..." But Megumi is not looking at her face.

His eyes are looking down on the biggest pair of tits that he saw in his life!

'They're huge, some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers. She is packing some donbonhonkeros! Massive dohoonkabhankoloos! Big ol' tohongerekoogers! Gigantic Bonkhonagahoogs! Humongous hungolomghononoloughongous!'

And one of them is bare in the open thanks to the damage on Geto's clothes. The single huge boob is slightly droopy because it is losing the battle against its own weight and gravity, one of the fundamental forces of the universe. Only that can defeat the power of that huge mountain of happiness.

'Damn... I never saw them, but I think she is a heavyweight in the same class as Tsunade and Rangiku!' He thinks while staring 'And...'

"...Inverted nipples." He can't help but say out loud

"Hey! That's rude!" Geto puts a palm over her nipple to protect her modesty, she is a little insecure about that and only Gojo and Shoko know about it. "And my eyes are up here." She growls

"I made my choice." He says shamelessly, without breaking eye contact with the big and apparently very soft breast, by the way Geto's fingers are sinking on it while she holds them.

"As expected of someone raised by Tooru..." She rolls her eyes

"Hey, don't give her credit for my perversion. It's all me." He jokes before getting a little more serious "Now, I would like to ask you to surrender, give back Rika, and become my woman. My demands are non-negotiable..."

"Hah! At this point, why I would ever surren- Wait what?"

"Give back Rika..."

"No, the other part..." Then she shakes her head "Ugh, whatever! You're simply trying to get under my skin! And your face is pissing me off even more than the Special Monkey Girl!" She grits her teeth

"Oh, PTSD? I heard my father opened your chest like a Christmas gift in the past... And now I can see how you survived... You have a lot of...'armor'." He continues to look down.

"Hmpf! Whatever... You are that monkeys son and Tooru's student, the perfect test to my new power!" She suddenly stops herself from being dragged by Megumi's rhythm and unleashes Rika.

Megumi was still hopeful that Geto wouldn't have total control over the Vengeful Cursed Spirit, because of its special circumstances and connection with Yuta, but seeing Rika fully manifestate behind Geto throws a bucket of cold water on him.

At the same time, he can see Geto's wounds healing. The woman herself is amazed by that, surprised even.

'Oh, so it's something similar to Hakari... The surplus of cursed energy is healing her.' He analyzes in his mind calmly. 'Is it because her reserves are smaller than Yuta's?'

He is not even the slightest worried. His lack of action it's simply him pondering what powers or techniques to use.

'I changed my mind... I will stamp her... This will make me able to resurrect her if Kenjaku takes her body. Now, Kenjaku will have access to her memories... Because I don't think she can escape execution, not even Gojo saved her in canon. I will let her escape after I stamp her... Good luck in running away~'

He finally makes his decision...

It will be for the better to hide his "out of context powers", so he will be showing another thing...

He smirks, ready to flex.

"Roses are red... Weapons against me won't prosper..." He puts his hands in front of himself

"With this treasure, I summon..."


'Who do you think would win in a fight between Rika and Mahoraga?' Mai asked him once

Megumi only laughed like he heard the best joke in the world.

After seeing Mai glaring at him in annoyance he stopped and turned her question to her.

'Seriously? You are asking who would win in a fight between an 11-year-old girl and the...'


"...Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga"

Opposite to Rika, Big Raga The Opp Stoppa emerges from the shadows with a roar.

"Ah~ I always wanted to see this..." Megumi chuckles again.

Rika and Mahoraga's, hands crash, their fingers locked in a stalemate. A stalemate that lasts only a second before Mahoraga pulls her to him and then slams her on the ground.

Mercilessly, he stomps her and holds the Vengeful Spirit down with his foot. Then in a swift move, his blade emerges from the bandages around his wrist.

"Hey! Ah-ah! No killing her." Megumi warns, making Mahoraga pout and retract his blade.

Not only does he outscale her, but he has the Sword of Extermination, which is the bane of cursed Spirits. The Queen of Curses is out of her element against the General.

"The tenth shikigami of the Ten Shadows..." Geto mutters under her breath.

Megumi is not surprised that she knows about it. He readies himself to face her while Mahoraga keeps Rika occupied, but then he pauses in surprise for the third time since he arrived!

"Brother!" He shouts and dashes in a certain direction.

"...?" Geto doesn't know what he is up to now.

But suddenly, she can't think about it anymore because Mahoraga attacked her. Megumi sent a mental command to him to do a 2v1 for now.

The Ten Shadows user then arrived close to a small cursed spirit wounded on the ground...

The Inventory Curse, his brother... If Choso and Itadori can be brothers, why not him and this worm?

"Look what they have done to you, brother." He holds the curse that received more affection from their father without resentment "Don't worry brother, I'm gonna save you..."


He also noticed the Special Grade Cursed tool, Playful Cloud, nearby. His shadow extends to the three-section staff, putting it on his inventory as loot. A gift to Maki, maybe he can receive some ass.

Megumi then extends a finger to the curse, in his digit a minuscule amount of darkness... But anyone looking at it would feel a prickle in their eyes and a discomfort in their hearts. It's of a different quality entirely.

The small curses suckled on his finger like a newborn receiving his mother's milk. Megumi is frowning in concentration... He never succeeded before...

He observes the changes in the curse... Its purple shade grows a bit darker and it also grows a little more. It' also gets a little sleeky and shiny, less grotesque, and without hair. Its mouth changes, opening wider...


And then stops. He can feel the connection that has been formed. It's his curse now.


For the first time.

"Zehahaha! I succeed now? Really? That's the power of love! When my brother's life was at stake, I had a breakthrough!" He raises the curse in the air like Simba in The Lion King.

"What did you do?" A shrill breaks his happy moment "WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" Geto shouts again disheveled after getting some reprieve from her fight with Mahoraga.

He was winning the 1v2, by the way.

Her shock is understandable. She just lost her connection with the Inventory curse. Someone bypassed her technique and went against the very principles of her power. Obviously, she is distressed.

"..." The inventory curse circles Megumi's torso, not unlikely once did with his father, and humms happily. That scene only made Geto get even madder.

Megumi's sudden silence is not helping either. He has no reason to explain what he did... His eyes suddenly move away from her.

To Rika.

And he disappears in a fast movement.

"!! No, you won't." Feeling his intentions, Geto goes to get back together with Rika, so that they can fight in a unified front.

Megumi reappears, but not close to Rika... He is on Geto, his target was her first. It was a feint.

"!" *Boom* He punches her stomach "Gah!" And she was sent flying.

She was a fighter good enough to react and try to counter his attack but she is completely outclassed.

The difference in stats is showing, she simply is not fast or strong enough, and the versatility of her technique is useless.

After utilizing Uzumaki and releasing her curses in Shinjuku and Kyoto, she hadn't many of them besides Rika.

And Mahoraga is keeping her away from them.

"Too bad this fight is happening when you are at your weakest..." He says, but his face shows none of the regrets his words try to transmit. In truth, he has the biggest smile on his face because this is the best-case scenario that he was hoping for from the start.

And she also has no Domain or Reverse Cursed Technique on her own. Basically, her technique carried her to Special Grade.

Megumi is already her superior in every way, and in an advantageous situation then... It's downright bullying.

He arrives at her side again, the ground changes to darkness and she sinks into it. Trapped with only her torso above the ground.

"I need to thank you... Thanks for your efforts, I can capture Rika with a reason and without guilt on my pure conscience." He smiles innocently

"..." She only glares at him.

"Ah please, don't look at me like that... I will get a boner." His hand sneaks around her head, holding her neck in place "It's not like you're planning to win, right? Against Gojo? Pfft. This is just an elaborate suicide, right? You just hate this world so much that you prefer dying..."

"..." She only continues to glare at him.

"But you can't simply kill yourself... You want to die with a last 'fuck you' and maybe some wake-up call on the other sorcerers and younger generation like me."


He smiles again, his face closer to her, covering her field of vision...

She can't see his other hand going around the back of her neck... Between his fingers, a small dark Stamp...

"Don't worry, I have a plan..." He kisses her forehead "I will release you from this world that you hate so much."

The Stamp touches her skin... 3 seconds for her to be captured.

"You will be capable of smiling again... Together with Gojo..." *Ding* He can feel his smartphone vibrating. Geto was stamped and the 72 hour countdown started.

He puts his mouth close to her ear "In my bed..." He whispers "I swear that I will make you both happy~"

"...you're crazy." She finally speaks, but with a scoff.

He stands up with a smile "Am I? Just watch then..."

The shadow ground then ejects her on a wall, the debris falling on her.

With a last look at her, Megumi turns to the two colossus fighting.

Mahoraga was sitting on top of Rika's back, like an older sibling messing with the younger one. The Queen of Curses trashes around, but she is also weaker than her opponent.

"Hold her mouth open..." He shouts while jumping at them, stretching out his palm.

His hand is covered by the same type of darkness that he previously fed to the Inventory Curse, but this time in a much greater quantity.

And between the fingers of the same hand, he is holding the Stamp.

With a roar, Mahoraga puts his hand on Rika's mouth and forces it open.

Megumi doesn't waste time in putting his arm in her mouth, feeding her his darkness and stamping her tongue.

Once again he concentrates so that it will be successful...

But something unexpected happens... Instead of him needing to be careful to not explode Rika. It's like she is sucking the darkness...

The amount of darkness that is necessary to turn her into his subordinate is ridiculously huge. He never expected it is because he always trained with smaller and weaker curses.

"Shit..." He says, his face calm, even though sweat drips from his brow.

It's like he is locked pressing and holding a button, and he can't let go till the bar is filled.

"Ah, man... The cliche of being unconscious after saving the day? Really?" He groans, already predicting what is about to happen.

Unfortunately, Rika is still the Queen of Curses. A mass of tremendous amount of cursed energy, enough to eclipse almost every sorcerer.

And his Darkness Devil template is still under-leveled... He doesn't have much of that "Special Darkness" that he can use to "bless" the curses.

"Success..." Finally, he can feel the connection with Rika. She is his Vengeful Spirit now "Netori... The bread and butter... of a contractor..." He falls to the ground.

Even though his consciousness is falling into darkness, he remains calm and makes his preparations.

He pumps Mahoraga with Cursed Energy enough to keep him active and commands him and Rika to protect his body.

'Those titties tho...' It's his last thought before falling asleep.


Away from the unconscious Megumi, Geto slowly walks, using a wall as support.

But like she suddenly gave up, she stopped struggling and sat on the ground with her back against the wall.

"Took you long enough... Tooru..." She says slowly, wheezing from the effort


"How is my family?" She asked while recovering her breath

"They all ran away. The ones in Kyoto must have done the same... exactly like you ordered, right?" The white-haired sorcerer says calmly

"Obviously, I would not sacrifice my allies... Unlike you, that sent those two to trigger Okkotsu-kun's awakening. It was not enough, by the way..." Geto laughs

"I trusted that you wouldn't kill them... And you're stopped nonetheless, right?" Gojo shoots back with the same sarcasm

"Hmpf! I would've succeeded if not for your pesky protegée."

"Seriously? Scooby-doo?"

"Hehe~ I always wanted to say that..." Geto laughs "And that Fushiguro-kun is a maniac, I would wear chastity panties if I were you." She warns

"Eeeh? Seriously? What did he say about me?" Gojo was suddenly interested, a big and curious smile on her face

"..." Geto looks at her shocked "Don't tell me... You're grooming him!"

"No, I'm not..." Gojo looks away

"Yes, you are!" Geto accuses "I remember you always saying that there's no man good enough for you! So you decided to make one from scratch! Hikaru Genji!" She points at her friend who is looking around suspiciously

"...okay, it's not like that..."

Geto takes a phone from her robes *Click*

"Moshi moshi Keisatsu desu ka?" She is calling the police.

"It's not like that!" Gojo slaps the phone away "*Huff* Let me explain..." The strongest sorcerer raises her hands in the air


"I'm not grooming him... It's just that I saw that he has the potential to be my equal... So I'm taking care of him... Letting him grow on his own... Sometimes correcting his path a little... Like pruning a tree, you know? So that he can grow to his full potential... I don't like children, I like the adult Megumi will be, understood? Then... If as an adult... He shows some interest in women... *Ahem* It would not be weird for him to have a crush on me, right? Not my fault... Boys have crushes on their elementary school teachers and older cousins, right?... It's normal... And he will be an adult... It will be legal." She justifies, unknown if to Geto or if to herself

"..." Geto's jaw is hitting the floor right now "And I'm the evil one here? You two deserve each other!" She accuses again

"Ah, shut up, you cow! What do you know about love? With your racist attitude, you can't love anyone!"

"I'm pure of body and soul! Unlike You!" Geto shouts "He was a child! And your first thought was: 'Hm, he will make a wonderful husband!' "

"That was not my first thought! And Megumi is mature for his age! And you remember his Father? You can't deny that that bum was hot! Now, I just need to make sure Megumi doesn't become like that bastard, personality-wise!"

The two shots fire at each other, arguing like they are suddenly teenagers again.

Suddenly they pause for a second before throwing their heads back and laughing to the sky.

" "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" "

After that good full-blown laughter, they calm themselves, and the weight of the situation returns to their shoulders.

Gojo sighs.

"Why do you have to do this, Su-chan?"

"..." Suguru looks away "I tried... I swear that I tried..."


"But that's what I am... I hate these Monkeys... I know that is wrong, but the more I tried to bury these feelings, the more my hate grew... grew enough that I started hating myself... The school... And even you a little." She turns to stare at Gojo's eyes


"When I finally gave in and directed my hate to them again... I was free." She smiles peacefully "I didn't hate myself or resent you anymore. Hehe~"


"*Cough* I can't be happy in this world, Tooru... Only when I was trying to do something I had some inner peace... I don't mind dying trying. I will find peace in death, either way." She half coughs and half chuckles again.

Maybe in her disturbed mind, it's a win-a-win situation in the end.

"Ah! Before I forget... here." She takes a card from her robes and throws it at Gojo.

Seeing Yuta's identification Gojo rolls her eyes "Really? Since there? You are really incorrigible..."

"Hehe~ That's who I am..." She laughs unapologetically "Now, kill me... Dying by your hands it's the best ending that I can ask for."

The two fall into a small silence again, before Gojo breaks it.

"Suguru... -----------------"

Geto's eyes widen hearing Gojo's last words to her before a wry smile covers her face.

"Really? At least curse me in the end..."



Megumi P.O.V.

I noticed that I was awake long before I opened my eyes.

I can feel the cold air of an AC and the soft bed beneath me.

When I finally open my eyes, I can finally recognize the ceiling of the infirmary of Jujutsu High.

"Oh, you're awake! That's good." A somewhat nonchalant feminine voice makes me turn my head. As expected I see Shoko there, a cigarette in her mouth and a phone in her hand.

She looks like she doesn't care, but I bet she is warning Gojo and the others that I'm awake.

I was gonna ask pertinent questions about my situation, but this is a gold opportunity...

"Are you an angel?" I ask slowly with a weak voice, trying to give her my better pitiful eyes

"Fufu~ Really a charmer, huh? I'm glad that you're okay enough to joke." Tch. Her dismissive non-chalant nature is a problem... But is part of her charm~

"You've been sleeping for seven days, by the way... And I already called Gojo here." She informs me

"Seven Days?!" Now I'm surprised "That's why I'm hungry..." My One Piece physiology is bullshit, I'm starving for some cherry pies…

"Fufu~ Your priorities are all over the place, Fushiguro-kun." She puffs at her cigarette "But all good sorcerers are a little crazy..."

"A beautiful woman and food... I think my priorities are right on the money." I wink at her

I'm happy that I can gain another giggle.

These mature women are tough... And she is probably one of the hardest targets to capture. I really don't know if I will try that hard to get her.

"Did anyone get hurt or die?" I ask while sitting on the bed "Hm? Same clothes? You could've taken them off, you know? Fair warning: It's very big."

She chuckles and rolls her eyes "No one died, just some hurt... And it's impossible to touch you too much..."

"What do you mean by- Oh..."

Rika... My orders before I went to sleep...

I take my phone to check... Yep. Rika and Geto are captured. Nice~



- Geto Suguru(T6) from Jujutsu Kaisen [Dead]


So Gojo really killed her... But... It takes 3 days for the Stamp to take effect.

Does the Stamp continue even when the capture target dies? I don't think so.

Oh... Kenjaku... Did he already reanimate the body? Damn, he works fast! So the body functioning normally works? Wait... But why didn't I capture Kenjaku by proxy? It works with Bijuus... Is it because of some sort of spiritual bonding or some shit like that, or maybe it didn't take effect because he was not in the body when the stamp was applied, so it doesn't designate him as a target? Will I need to Stamp Kenjaku's brain then?

Ugh... In this vast Omniverse, it's hard to determine how the Waifu Catalog mechanics will Interact with so many people and power. Maybe this whole thing is not perfect, maybe it is on Beta.

That thing with Maki and the actualization of the Specific Waifu Perk is an example of that.

Well, good news... Geto is captured and can be brought back by the Warranty Plan, right? How much is it again? Ah, 160 credits... I can get that. I just gained 60 credits with Geto's and Rika's capture.

And here I thought I wouldn't gain anymore before canon...


I was shaken out of my thoughts by the door of the infirmary opening with a bang.


"Yes, I'm Megumi."

The first-year students and Gojo

Oof. Mai collides with my chest like a bullet, but my heart is warm...

"It's okay, it's okay... I'm fine now." I say while tapping her back, but she doesn't let go. Thanks to [Time-Savers] and other perks, I don't smell disgusting. I hope no one comments on that.

"Glad you're okay." Gojo says to me.

The rest also show their relieved faces and pat me on the back. Maki is a little more reserved, but she is watching me like a hawk. Like I'm gonna collapse and die at any moment and she has only one chance to stop it.

Love it~ didn't have that in my previous life...

"What happened?" Gojo eventually goes down to business.

"Do you want the long or the summarized version? Guess what, I'm gonna give you the summarized version, because it will be bothersome otherwise..." In truth, giving fewer details is good because they can fill the rest by themselves.

I start saying fast "You must already know from Yuta and Mai part... I fought Geto, and recovered my brother while testing if I could recover Rik-! Brother! Where is my brother?!" I suddenly remember him!

What type of person I am? This negligence...

I'm my Father!

"Brother?" Everyone tilts their heads confused

Through our link, I can feel where he is, beneath the bed. He crawls out slowly.

"Brother!" I caught him in my arms and raised him in the air

"???" This only makes them look at me more confused.

With the exception of Gojo that is laughing her ass off while clutching her stomach. She caught my joke. "Bwahahahahahahaahhaha"

"What is this thing?" Maki asks with disgust. Hey!

"It's the Inventory Curse. It was previously used by Megumi's Father, hence why he is joking that it is his brother. Hahaha"

"Oh, a curse that can store things? That's rare." Shoko comments

"Yep, here Maki. For you." I put my brother in her hands

"..." She looks at it with mixed feelings. She understands that he will be of great help, but she will need to make peace with how ugly he is.

But c'mon... He is not even that ugly anymore. After I "blessed" him, he developed a thin carapace. I mean, he mostly looks the same, but without the gross ballsack hair and squishy feeling. His mouth is also more open and alien, more scary than disgusting.

"Mama..." My brother whimpers


"Pfft." Mai buries her face on my chest to hide her laughter, but her trembling shoulders are denouncing how funny she thinks this is.

Oops, a vein popped on Maki's forehead, let me take the focus away from this.

"Ahem! Continuing... Apparently, thanks to the properties of my cursed energy and Technique, I can kinda subdue cursed Spirits in some type of Binding Vow/Contract. I was testing it for some months, but my brother was the first time I succeeded. After that, I did the same with Rika, but it was taxing as hell and I fell unconscious. That's it." I give the summarized version.

"You can do that?" Mai asks surprised

"I guess so." I shrug "But it is not as good as Geto's Curse Manipulation "It appears that I'm at my limit of 'familiars' for now." After all, I'm giving them a piece of my soul

"Wait... So you are like a necromancer now?" Gojo asks suddenly

"That's... Kinda accurate, but not quite..." I'm a devil

Then Yuta comes to me "Megumi-kun, thanks for covering up... I lost... And messed up badly..." He says nervously "And you ended up unconscious to retrieve Rika..."

"..." Look at this guy... I stole his girl and he is kinda thanking me... Tch, these good people disgust me.

I pat his shoulder "Don't thank me yet..." With a flex of my will, Rika appears from her Hidden plane or whatever.

I see her appearance for the first time. She didn't change much, except that now she is black. Dark purplish to be exact...

"That theory that we talked about appears to be true... I can feel the existence of 'two Rikas'. One is free and wants to talk with you..." I say.

Then Rika starts melting, like a bio armor being removed from someone and the small girl appears, smiling at Yuta.

Okay, she is kinda cute... No loli! But it is possible to see that she has potential. BUT!

My instincts are telling me that there's something wrong with her... She is creepy... I remember now that card with info about her past... She has a deep darkness on her.

 I don't think Yuta was the only culprit of her becoming a Vengeful Spirit. Not that I gonna say anything.

What happens next is very similar to canon...

It was revealed that Yuta cursed Rika, forming Cursed Rika. When he accepted her without fear during his fight with Geto, it solved Rika's issues and now she is free to pass away peacefully.

She said that her time as a curse was more fun than when she was alive... I'm fucking right! This girl has issues! She was a curse that put people in a locker and gods knows what's more! How is that better than being alive? Is it because she was stalking Yuta constantly? I don't buy her innocent act!

Finally, she ascends, thanks! That girl scares me...

With a thought, the dark matter on the ground reforms again in Cursed Rika form.

"So you will keep Dark Rika?" Gojo asks

"I guess, it will be useful... I don't have the Copy Technique, but she is an external storage of Cursed Energy and Cursed Tools. And... Dark Rika?" I turn to her

"It's fitting." She shrugs her shoulder

"I will think of a better name. It makes me feel weird calling it Rika."

Then I suddenly have an idea and command Rika to go to Mai and hide in her shadow.

"What's that about?" She asks

"Protection... And she can be useful to your technique..." I say

She, Maki, and Gojo catches my thoughts.

If Rika can be the external reservoir of Cursed Energy, that means Mai can produce Special Grade Cursed Tools much more easily. Obviously, we simply look at each other without externalizing our thoughts.

"So she gains a Special Grade Vengeful Spirit and I gain... This." Maki raises my brother to us

I simply smile at her "Merry Christmas"

"Your favoritism is showing..." She Huffs. "And it's New Year already."

And we laugh.

Now, let me solve my guilty feelings. I put my arm around Yuta's shoulders

"Yuta, let's go. I will talk to you about my experiences reforming a destroyed shikigami so that you can bring Cursed Rika back."

"Is that possible?" He asks in surprise

"Absolutely. Cursed Rika was like a Hard Disk Drive, a Cursed Bio-armor, made by you alone while human Rika was the Core. You can absolutely remake it without the core. It will probably have some limitations on the A.I., but we can make it work."

I will help him recover his Special Grade status faster than in canon, it's the least I can do.

Aah~ What a good ending to an Arc~ Where I am the one that benefits the most!

I like it when things end this way…

I didn't expect to gain a Rika of my own, but I will not say that I'm not happy that the opportunity fell on my lap. Sorry, Yuta.

What a good holiday!

Let's walk in the sunset now~

Enjoy the last calm before things really start...

I trained so much to be powerful and don't waste my potential and now I can pick the fruits of my labor. I can grab everything!

Oops~ My greed is showing, I'm really starting to desire everything in this world...

Next target... Sukuna!
