
Possessive Alpha's Wife: Rebirth of the Heaven's Darling

[Mature Content] Acceber has lived three lives. She couldn’t remember her first life, but she came from an interstellar era with the thought of giving up her one-sided love. In her second life, she endured the loss of her parents, faced betrayal from her brother, and met her demise in a zombie surge. In her third life, she thought her rebirth was to fulfill a prophecy and exact revenge on those who caused her death. But there was more mystery than she imagined her life would be. The day she returns to the interstellar era, she will realize the true meaning of love in different lifetimes. Blaze: “Don’t go! You can’t leave me! I won’t let you!” Acceber: “I loved you before, even when it was one-sided.” Blaze: “Give me a chance to make it up!” Acceber: “It was me who chose to let go this time.” Blaze: “What can I do for you to forgive me?” Acceber: “Nothing. Please forget me, Your Highness.” Blaze: “Never! Not even if you hate me.” Acceber: "Let's get a divorce" Blaze: "Kill me, and you'll be free."

Jiuxianzhi · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Back to Life (5)

Having settled back home, Acceber was eager to spend the money she earned after selling most of her assets. The stocks she played months ago also reached maximum growth, and she transferred the money to her account. 'I can make use of the remaining high quality raw jade to earn more money and buy more supplies.'

When Acceber reached the door, her mother asked her where she was going, worried that an accident might happen again. She comforted her mother and told her she would just visit the mall to unwind and relieve her boredom. Her mother also agreed, but she let two bodyguards accompany her.

Acceber went out with the guards assigned to her. She rented out another warehouse and searched for things to buy. She focused on seeds and seedlings, livestock and poultry animals, clothes, food seasonings, and raw and well-preserved goods. When she reached the market, she asked an old lady if there were farms nearby where she could buy animals for livestock and poultry in bulk.

The older woman gladly gave her a list of farms where she could purchase her needs. For the first three farms, she bought a lot of chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants, and eggs. She acquired some pigs, cows, goats, sheep, horses, and even freshwater fish on the remaining four farms next on her list.

"Boss, do you know where I can buy fruit tree seedlings and agricultural seeds with high yeild?"

"Girl, you've asked the right person! I have a brother who lives on the next mountain. He owns several orchards and plant nurseries. He mainly sells fruits, tree seedlings of different kinds, and farming seeds. You can visit him tomorrow!. If I remembered correctly, a batch of seeds will arrive tommorow!"

"Thank you, Grandpa! I will visit tomorrow." Acceber thanked everyone who helped her. Then she went with hoarding seasonings, clothes, and food before going home. Since her parents forbid her from going out alone, she decided to sneak out late at night.

She drove one of the SUVs inside her space and went to the warehouse she rented to collect all of the supplies she had bought for the day. She also dropped by the animal shelter and picked up the poultry and livestock she planned to grow before the apocalypse.

'I should secure the seeds tomorrow and so I can start planting next month. Hopefully, my parents won't question me why I decided to lock myself in my room for the rest of the upcoming months. Cultivation is also important to me.'

Because Acceber was occupied on her way home, she accidentally rammed into something. The impact was loud, but luckily, her car was already customized for the apocalypse, so it only received some scratches.

'What the hell was that?' She grabbed a gun from her space and got out of the car.

She suddenly saw a disheveled and malnourished child lying on the ground. She hurriedly checked the child's condition and moved her inside her space when she felt the sudden danger lurking around her. She pretended to be shocked, as if the child's vanishing startled her.

As if in panic, she returned to her car and roared off the streets at full speed. She glanced at the side mirror only to see hideous, cloaked people standing on the side of the road where she hit the little girl. They looked like they were searching for the child, too.

'I don't know what the child's identity is. Keeping her smelled like big trouble. But to keep myself safe from getting implicated later, the best option is to pretend that I have nothing to do with her disappearance on the road. People who witnessed what happened will doubt this phenomenon, but there won't be enough evidence to prove that I am secretly involved since I am only human.'

When Acceber arrived home, she climbed the wall closest to her room as silently as possible. She alarmed no one but felt distressed that she brought trouble home. 'I cannot let the kid go out. At least not until the apocalypse starts. Now I'm sure that the man who kissed me in City M is not human, and so are those who stood by the road. They have the same aura.'

Acceber went inside her space and checked the condition of the child she had brought. 'It's odd, but the kid I rescued today also smelled similar to that man. It's like mint but mixed with the sweetness of chocolates. I must be crazy after gaining power, right? How can someone covered in blood smell different and sweet?'

When Acceber cleaned the wounds of the child, she found out that it was a boy. He was so thin that his gender was barely recognizable, and his hair grew longer than little girls in the city. 'This can't be a person kidnapped for an illegal experiment who escaped overnight, right?'

With much consideration, Acceber slowly made the child drink spring water and covered him with a blanket. 'He can change his clothes when he regains consciousness. I hope this child can wakeup earlier. But the problem of him discovering this space will also bring me trouble.'

Acceber left the child's room and went to arrange things on her farm.

Unknowingly, when she left, the sleeping child opened his eyes. Tears fell on his cheeks as he hugged the blanket that smelled like lavender, close to his mother's perfume. He was kidnapped and trafficked when a shooting incident occurred outside of his school.

He and his classmates were threatened by men who looked like members of a massive drug and human trafficking syndicate. A drug was injected into him before he could even call anyone from his pack. He thought his fourth brother would be able to locate his necklace if he ever went missing, but the traffickers retrieved everything he owned.

It's been two months since he was captured. Having the chance to escape tonight under the sacrifice of his lifeline in exchange for the use of magic made him hesitate no more. He opened a forbidden portal, which led him to another place. He ran tirelessly in the forest's darkness but was so unlucky that rogue wolves appeared in the same place.

When he saw a car running slowly, he did not waste time and jumped in to let it hit his body. A few broken bones were nothing to a werewolf with an Alpha's blood running in his veins. He could heal himself if given enough time, so he braved and risked his life.

It must be good to have healing powers, but please refrain from doing the same actions as the little boy.

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