
porn book

I'm gonna be straight with you people i can't Write so sure this book will be titled porn book cuz idk how to change the name but its staying so ha. Got off point there but this book is just gonna be a huge ass joke could be porn eventually you'll find out if you read this amazing book. Also if you get offended with the title of the chapters im sorry don't mean to offend you. eat a egg before reading

Deku_425 · Komik
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48 Chs

Really a real chapter this time the only way to find out is read

If you read that you probably got your hopes up but its fun leaving all of you lovely readers disappointed so have fun at knowing i find amusement out of your guy's suffering of not being able to read what you thought this was. Anyway there will be another chapter when i feel like fucking with all of you again and come on will someone besides a male read this. blah blah blah get fucked with in this chapter blah blah blah have fun expecting a real chapter sometime.