
The Meeting

Jeon-Hu skips down the road to school. She felt quite excited since it was the first day. She skipped, and skipped, and skipped until she tripped and landed on something. Jeon-Hu felt a leg under her arm, she tilted her head up. "Who's that?" she thought. "He's so cute and handsome.." Jeon-Hu stared at him. "Hey. Are you okay? I'm Okeu." Jeon-Hu snapped out of her staring and turned red immediately! Okeu was laughing historically since it was so funny. Jeon-Hu was annoyed, she wanted to punch him in the face. But she couldn't because his face was too handsome to ruin. Okeu gave her his hand and helped her get up. Jeon-Hu was shy as heck by this point.