
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

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19 Chs


---Few Days later---

---Happy Harbor Factory---


a Body in red spandex flies past a dark haired teen wearing a domino mask, as the latter takes out a birdarang and throws it straight into a red humanoid robot, who by the way has the power to control wind in the form of tornadoes. 

Now you might be wondering: Isn't that Red Tornado, a Justice League member? No you fucking idiot. We've been through this. 

Oh me? Yeah that's me. The one currently giving the killer robot a bear hug as the birdarang explodes. 'Nothing a bit of love can't fix' is something my mom always said. 

As my heart literally escapes the confines of my body, a thought passes my mind. 

'How did this all happen?' 

Well... It all began a fe-

"Focus on the battle!" Robin hissed, staring at the giggling Beast. 

"Sorry!" Beast's shoulders straighten up with his spine as he salutes. "Won't happen again, sir!" 

a Tornado sweeps Beast out of the factory as the Robot bellows. "Great! Instead of actual heroes, I get a bunch of kids!" He sends out another tornado at the floating Miss Martian, sending her hurling into the wall. "And apparently one of em's insane!" 

"I am greatly offended." Beast speaks, atop the robot's shoulder as he plunges his swords into it's eye sockets. "I'll have you know that I'm great company." Sparks escape the robot's head as it leans to the sides, trying to regain it's balance. "Now Supes!" 

Superboy launches his body straight into the robot's chest in a spear tackle. 


Superboy's body goes through the robot, but that wasn't his target. Exiting from the other end of the robot, Superboy does a barrel roll, a man within his grasp. 

The team surrounds the hostage and Robin steps forward. "Who are yo-" His words get cut short as Beast puts a hand on his shoulder. 

"It's no use, the dude's a robot as well, that's why Miss Martian couldn't read his mind." Beast announces. "Probably being controlled from afar." 

"The amount of control that guy has..." Kid Flash comments, quickly snapping out of his surprise before smirking at Miss Martian. "Get it? Cause he's controlling something that's controlling something." 

"Not cool, man." Beast groans. "I was just about to make a joke about control." He looks at Superboy, nodding his head at the robot and says, "Break it. It probably has a tracker and things in it, we don't want any compromises. Just inform Red Tornado of it's position" Before walking in the direction of the Bio-Ship. 


"During the mission, my memory got jogged and I remembered the fact that the person behind this attack is the same person that built Red Tornado." Newt explains to Batman through his Holo-Computer while sitting on his bed. 

"Is Red Tornado compromised?" Batman questions.

Newt quickly shakes his head in the negative. "Definitely not, I remember something about the man had created previous versions of Red Tornado but it never succeeded, but the one who did succeed betrayed him." 

"Hmm..." Batman hums. "Does Red Tornado know about all of this?" 

"I have no idea. Just keep an eye out, cause this seems like League business." Newt speaks before Batman ends the call. "Well goodnight to you too. Oh no, it was my pleasure informing you about this. Fucker." He mutters, standing up and going to the kitchen.


"Sorry." The first thing Beast hears is Superboy apologizing to Megan.

The whole mind communication thing happened this morning, although, Superboy's reaction wasn't as extreme. He still had a bad reaction to it, telling her to stay the hell out of his head. But worry not, those words were spoken, not screamed. 

"Supes Junior apologizing?!" Newt hooks his arm around the boy. "What's gonna happen next? You gonna tell me you love me?" Newt get's pushed away as he pouts his lips. "Don't be a meanie. Meanie." 

"Can you shut it?" Superboy groans, trying to walk away, but gets followed by Newt. 

"Super-Meanie." Newt says before his eyes widen. "Damn, is this your villainous arc? You gonna go around stealing kids' candy now? Oh no! What have I done? I created a monster!" He holds his hand in front of his moth, shocked. 

"This fuck-" Superboy curses as he starts chasing Newt, who only laughed while dodging the boy's poor attempts in catching him. 

"Haha." Kid Flash chuckles, watching the scene with Robin. "Why does he keep bothering him so much? Even on the ride back here, he kept pestering Superboy. Not that I'm complaining, I find it entertaining." 

Robin smiles slightly as he responds. "Newt's trying to get through to him. He knows the one thing Superboy needs right now is support." 

--- a Few minutes later---

The team could be seen in the kitchen and lounge area, as Aqualad glances at an encouraging Newt before standing up. "Team." He spoke, gaining everyone's attention. "Newt proposed a team bonding experience." He announces, confused looks cracked on the gathered faces. 

"Tsk. Of course it's Newt." Superboy mutters under his breath, before a familiar arm snakes around his shoulders. 

"Yes. Yes it was."  Newt whispers into Superboy's ear seductively, earning his very own face being blown in by the Super-strengthened individual. "Ku-hum!" He clears his throat, standing up and addresses everyone present. "We need this, not only for team chemistry, but also for combat experience."

"Combat experience?" Kid Flash echoes. 

"Yes. Basically what we will be doing is going against each other in teams of three." Aqualad explains, some members getting excited while some not so much. (Spoiler. It's Superboy.)

"I'm down." Robin speaks up after minimal thought. 

"Me too." Megan nods. 

"Count me in as well, baby." Kid Flash speaks his mind, leaning into Megan's direction, a smirk shown. 

They all turn to Superboy, who has yet to say anything. 

Grunting, Superboy had no option other than to nod at the curious and expectant people. "Fine."

"I Dibs Robin and Aqualad!" Newt instantly yells. 

"What?! No. That's not fair." Kid Flash disagrees. "We need to make the teams balanced. And all three of you have more combat experience than us." 

"Yeah..." Newt nods, a smile cracking. "But one of us has no powers. I don't have explosive powers. The only power hitter in our team will be Aqualad." He explains, slowly walking towards Kid Flash. "Meanwhile you three literally have someone with superspeed, a walking tank and a psychic..." He draws out, the smile ever present. 

"That is true." Aqualad hums. "Then it has been decided." 

Newt squeals in delight. "We will be doing infiltration exercises. Me, Robin and Aqualad will be outside of Mount Justice, while you guys will be inside, protecting something..." His voice lowers, humming in thought. 

"How about we use Megan's cookies, since it's such a treasure." Kid Flash suggests, eyeing Megan. 

"Okay. Skipping over his failed attempt at flirting, we will be using..." Newt's eyes scan the room quickly. "... This." He picks up the T.V remote. "Cheers." He waves bye, chucking the remote into the air before Superboy catches it. 

--- Outside Mount Justice---

"What's the plan?" Aqualad speaks up after they grouped up. 

Newt chuckles evilly, putting his arms around both boy's shoulders before explaining to them his plan.