
Pokemon Transcendence

An unfortunate accident struck Roy, which started his transmigration. In this world, he was reborn and renewed. Roy was born with a complete family, his father, mother, brother, and sister. Come along the journey with Roy as he Transcendes all obstacles in his way. Will he be a modest person in the world, or will cause mayhem on his way to the top?

GodsDontBleed · Komik
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32 Chs

Roy vs Luke Part-2 Final!

Roy tossed his next pokemon out, which was Houndour. He summoned Houndour because it was a ranged attacker. It also had some advantages against Clefairy, being that it could use Sludge Bomb.

"Do not, and I mean do not let this pokemon touch you!" All it would take was one attack from Lickitung, and Houndour would suffer a similar fate as Cubone.

Luke frowned when he saw Houndour, he was really hoping that Roy would have nothing but physical attackers. The Reflect was still up, but Luke knew it would wear off soon. However, this didn't matter as Houndour was a special attacker.

"Flamethrower, take it down!" Roy had to dispatch this Lickitong quickly. He couldn't allow Machoke to fight it since it would be too risky, despite having the type advantage.

Houndour opened its mouth and shot forth a cone of flames toward Lickitung. Luke, of course, ordered it to dodge the flames. Lickitung moved away and avoided the attack, however, it ended up slipping and falling.

This could be because of the mud on its face, so it couldn't really direct its footsteps so well. After all, there were cracks on the ground from its previous attacks.

Roy took this opportunity to have Houndour continue its attack after it fell. Luke wasn't bad and ordered Lickitung to roll out of the way desperately. Lickitung used its tongue to push itself away from the flames, as it was sent rolling sideways.

"Really playing hard to get, huh!" Roy was indeed annoyed by this, but he couldn't get anxious in this situation, and he knew this.

"Hehe, It won't be easy to hit Lickitung like that!" Luke wasn't going to make it easy for Roy, he could at least wear Houndour down to some degree.

"Sludge Bomb the whole area, let's fix the arena up a bit." Roy suddenly had an idea.

"Dour..." Houndour proceeded to shoot the purplish-brown substance at Lickitung wherever it went. Lickitung was practically dancing, dipping, and diving at this point. Roy noticed that it had fatigued long ago, it was purely running on will and determination at this point.

"What are you doing, you'll never hit me like that!" Luke knew Lickitung was running low on steam, but his goal was to throw Roy off so he could get one decisive blow on Houndour.

Roy then laughed, while Lickitung was running around dodging before ordering Houndour to use Roar!

Houndour proceeded to suck in a great deal of air to use this move.

"What?" Luke's expression changed, and he quickly ordered Lickitung to attack Houndour with Body Slam. Lickitung ran for an attack and prepare to jump for a Body Slam; but during mid-sprint, it actually slipped on some sludge and fell on its back!

"Y-you useless fool!" Luke's face darkened.

Roy smiled and that's when Houndour roared. Lickitung was caught in a visible sound wave and its body was converted into red energy and sent back into its Poke ball. One of Luke's Poke Balls randomly trembled and unleashed another pokemon onto the battlefield—against Luke's will.

The pokemon that was revealed was Clefairy, again. Clefairy looked confused, it seem to be aware that it was sent into combat without its trainer's consent.

Luke was stuck in a dilemma, so he had Clefairy use Moonlight on itself. He had to get rid of this Houndour in some way. A moon image appeared over Clefairy's head and started recovering her health at that moment.

"Sludge Bomb it!" Roy wouldn't make things easy for Clefairy, its attack did neutral damage to Houndour, so it wasn't too much of a threat to Houdour but it was to Machoke.

Roy didn't want this thing setting up any more screens and healing itself, he had to take this nuisance down.

"Dodge the attack!" Clefairy wasn't quite done recovering fifty percent of her health yet. However, this attack would do too much damage—adding to the fact that she had taken a beat down from Cubone back then.

Clefairy complied and was about to dodge when suddenly a jolt of electricity surged through her body—locking down her muscles!

"Clefare..." Clefairy gritted her teeth and was stunned when she felt her muscle tighten and lockdown.

"No!" Luke was full of regret, why didn't he just recall Clefairy back? Even if he recalled Clefairy, he wouldn't be able to send out Lickitung for a period after it was roared away.

At that moment, a large ball of purplish-brown mesh smashed and exploded over Clefairy's face.

"Clefairyyyyy~!" Clefairy yelped in pain and was knocked back. Her whole figure was covered in a nasty foul sludgy mess. Clefairy's eyes had turned vacant, indicating that she had fainted from the attack!

"Clefairy is unable to battle!" The referee waved his flag.

"Damn it!" Luke needed Clefairy, but it was too late to really regret anything because once you regretted it, it was beyond your power to reverse anything.

Luke recalled Clefairy and handed it off to a staff member close by. He didn't summon his next pokemon right away, Luke seemed to be in deep thought at the moment.

Houndour sat down in the way a dog should—and even it was growing impatient.

"Luke, hurry up and send out your next pokemon for battle." The referee frowned seeing Luke just stand there thinking to himself, seeming to be in a daze.

"Ah, right..." Luke was snapped back to reality before he reached for another Poke ball. He glared at Roy before throwing it toward the battlefield.

"Let's go!"


The pokemon that emerged was a Staryu.

Roy couldn't help but wonder why this guy had a team full of threats, at least to his team. This was especially so when he saw what moves Staryu had.


<Species: Staryu

<Type: Water

<Level: 30

<Nature: Brave

<Aptitude: Shallow Yellow 🟡

<Ability: Analytic

<Moves: Water Gun, Confuse Ray, Rapid Spin, Swift, Psybeam, Brine, Rain Dance[TM], Scald[TM], Protect[TM],


This was clearly a worrisome situation, even more so than any of his previous battles. Luke also wasn't as inexperienced as Roy's previous opponents, so he wasn't exactly dumb.

Houndour, who was originally sitting down stood up and readied itself.

"Rapid Spin, blow these nasty sludges away!" Luke found this sludge to be too bothersome during combat, it also had a foul smell that was almost intolerable.

Staryu rotated swiftly, kicking up a small series of winds that blew some of the sludge away. However, this was only some of the sludge—as it was already deeply rooted into the ground.

Staryu didn't receive a speed boost because an opponent would need to be hit within a certain proximity to activate such an effect.

Roy thought for a moment and decided to recall Houndour for later. There were way too many odds against it when combating Staryu.

"Hmph!" Luke scoffed seeing his actions. On the flip side, he wondered who Roy was hiding in his backline.

Machoke was sent out and appearing on the battlefield.

"Cho...ke!" Machoke scanned the battlefield and immediately identified Staryu as its opponent.

"So it was this muscle-bound freak pokemon." Luke couldn't help commenting, but he also had a move just for this type of pokemon.

Of course, Roy was aware that Staryu had Psybeam, but it wasn't backed by stab. On a positive note; Machoke had a Careful nature which helped it against special attackers.

In all honesty, Staryu was standing between Roy and Victory. If he was able to defeat Staryu, he was certain he could deal with Lickitung who was already worn out.

Many thoughts were going through Luke's head. He wasn't sure what ability this Machoke had. If Luke made the mistake of burning it because it possibly had a certain ability, it could spell his doom.

"Staryu, use Psybeam!" Luke followed up with his first command. Staryu shot a purplish, blue, and magenta beam from its star point.

Of course, how could Roy let Machoke be hit? Machoke was commanded to dodge and draw closer to Staryu. Roy wanted to hit it with a Thunder Punch, thus, Machoke's fist erupted with lightning bolts circulating around it.

Staryu Psybeam landed in the location Machoke once stood in before. Luke ordered Staryu to strafe its Psybeam toward Machoke. This would require Staryu to expend continuous energy to keep the attack brewing instead of stopping for a short break.

"Uh, oh, Roll under the beam!" Roy saw that that laser was tearing through the ground and descending toward Machoke at a rapid pace.

Machoke quickly stopped and turned before diving under the laser. A large dust cloud shot into the air and covered the areas where Psybeam had landed.

"Che!" Luke clicked his tongue in discontent.

Staryu stopped its attack and was tired from such a long-lasting move. These pokemon weren't trained in stamina or to this degree, so they couldn't keep up such prolonged attacks.

"Go! Machoke Thunder Punch!" Roy called out happily.

Machoke's silhouette appeared in the dust cloud and started rushing the resting Staryu. Before Luke knew it, Machoke was before Staryu.

"Crap! Protect, hurry!" Luke spoke urgently.

A barrier quickly appeared around Staryu that was harder than steel. The barrier gave off a negative feed and pushed Machoke back a few steps.

"Water Gun, shake him up a bit." Luke executed one of the weakest moves it had, so Staryu could recover faster.

Staryu easily shot out a Water Gun, which Machoke was in no position to dodge. Machoke instinctively put up its guard to block.

"Swipe at it!" Machoke switched from guarding to smacking at the water—splashing it everywhere.

'How pointless!' Luke laughed in his heart.

Roy's eyes lit up before ordered Machoke to do the unthinkable, but it was worth it.

Machoke used Thunder Punch on the ground. This lightning from its fist traveled through the water sent everywhere, but this also hurt Machoke as well. However, the main target was Staryu, who was currently sitting on some water.

Luke didn't see it coming and Staryu was struck by Lightning!

"What?!" Luke was shocked and ordered Staryu to use Rapid Spin.

But it couldn't use the move under such pain and was knocked flying backwards.

"Machoke, hang in there and use a Bulk up!" Roy knew that this attack wouldn't take Staryu down, but it did more damage than he expected because it was a sneak attack.

Machoke proceeded to Bulk up, its muscles expanded and increased. Meanwhile, Staryu sat up after being electrocuted.

"Psybeam!" Luke wasn't going to overexert Psybeam again, it was too dangerous. Machoke had already Bulked up.

"Machoke, go, power through it and attack Staryu with a Thunder Punch!" It was risky, but with Machoke's nature and no stab backing Psybeam, he should be alright.

Machoke crossed its arms and ran towards the beam of light. In moments, it collided with Machoke head-on!

"Hahaha! You're insane! Jack it up, Staryu!" Luke smiled joyously, perhaps he could deal a critical hit and take down Machoke in one hit.

Machoke could feel the pain that Psybeam was causing it; it was truly a painful experience. Its fighting aura against this psychic aura was highly effective against him. Suddenly, a new wave of energy came from Staryu, like a snake swallowing its prey—the beam spat out and engulfed Machoke.

"Come on, you're tougher than this. You can be defeated by a small star, you got this!" Roy threw out a series of motivational words.

Staryu would surely run out of steam pushing itself to the limit after this. Machoke fought through the wave of energy.

"This is impossible!" Luke couldn't believe his eyes, this move was clearly its nemesis. How could he fight through it?

"More power, don't let it touch you, Staryu!" Luke couldn't understand, there should have been a critical strike by now. If a pokemon was caught in an attack for too long—a critical hit would usually occur at some point.

'This damn thing probably has a special defensive nature!' Luke gritted his teeth thinking of the possibility, if it was true then he really was in for it.

"Thunder Punch!" Machoke was suddenly upon Staryu when suddenly a red crack appeared on Machoke!

"No!" Roy's eyes widened when he saw this.

"Yes!" Luke jumped with joy, could this be it?!

However, this didn't stop Machoke from swinging its fist. Staryu was punched directly onto its gem and knocked away like a kite with no strings attached.

"Choke..." Machoke fell to its knees before falling onto its stomach and fainting.

Roy sighed. He still had a lot to learn, it wasn't really all that wise to forcefully resist Psybeam. Roy believed it could resist fairly well due to Staryu's lack of stab, low special attack nature, and Machoke's special defensive nature.

"Machoke is unable to battle!" The referee concluded. Then he gazed at Staryu, who had no expression but due to it not moving and the red gem constantly blinking, he knew it had fainted.

"Staryu is unable...to battle." The referee was speechless, it was a simultaneous double knockout!

"What? It's a double knockout!"

"That Purple group's battle was so intense, these guys might be true champions in the future!"

"Machoke broke through that Psybeam and got one last hit on Staryu before going down, that was epic!"

"Did you not see it, there was a red crack not too long ago, so it must have been critically wounded from the exchange."

Many people spoke enthusiastically about the battle. On the other, Luke's father—who was sitting in another one of the front row frowned.