
Pokemon To Be The Strongest

Mc tries to save a girl from truck-kun and gets killed. And meets god well due to his good nature our boy gets a chance to reincarnate with some wishes. Mc wishes to get reincarnated in Pokemon world while using remaining wishes to fulfill his fantasy. Note: My story is greatly inspired by Journey Towards Greatness and other fanfiction and my fantasies. I don't own Pokemon or anything related to it. I know it's not perfect so if you guys have suggestions please comment.

Anos_1717 · Komik
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5 Chs

Aren't They..., Narrow Escape

Cathal, Dratini and Bulbasaur were moving in the forest occasionally fighting some wild rattata, pidgey and spearow with Cathal's guidance Dratini and Bulbasaur were defeating them without much effort though there were some strong ones which were a good challenge for both the Pokemon.

Cathal is trying to figure out which place he is in is its forest near the pallet town? route 1? viridian forest?at least he confirmed that he is near human settlement considering the low number of wild pokemon so ruling out Viridian forest as he is lost in thought he sees some thing or someone running towards him very fast.

As the distance got clear he could see that one young child may be 10 years old and the other is a middle aged man and behind them is a swarm of Beedrills the old man seeing Cathal shouts run run and they both run past him.

Cathal "Dratini use thunder wave , Bulbasaur use razor leaf"

As the swarm of Beedrills get attacked and distracted Cathal recalls them in their pokeballs and runs with both the old man and child who stopped for a second hearing the sound of attacks and they all run away from them.

Catching his breath Cathal sees the both lying down and painting as he gets a clear look he recognises them the old man being non other than the famous Samuel Oak and the boy behind the rival of Ash, Gary Oak .

Oak " Boy thanks for your help "

Cathal " it's fine but why were you getting chased by the swarm did you steal their honey?

Oak " haha no no I was just observing them for research and unintentionally made to it the area where their honey was stored and got chased"

Gary " i told you Gramps don't go near there but you didn't listen to me that's what you get "

Oak " haha sorry sorry , by the way my name is Samuel Oak and i am Pokemon researcher and he is my grandson Gary Oak"

Cathal " i know you professor Oak who doesn't

know your name is Cathal i am a Pokemon trainer who travels round, nice to meet you both "

Oak " nice to meet you too why don't you come with me to my lab "

Cathal " sure "

Cathal brings both Bulbasaur and Dratini out

Oak " Oh a Dratini that's rare and a royal starter"

Cathal " i just got lucky nothing much "

They all move forward with Oak leading them Gary continuously alters his gaze between Cathal, Dratini and Bulbasaur as his sparkle and starts calling Cathal big brother and asks him many questions Cathal answers him as he has nothing to do .

As they walk they come out of the forest Cathal returns his Pokemon and walks in the pallet town with both the Oaks as they walk towards lab the people there greet professor Oak and curiosly steal a glance towards Cathal as they don't see new people often.

They reach the lab Gary goes somewhere and Oak shows Cathal around the lab and at last they came to ranch behind the lab where he has many different kinds of Pokemon still unable to believe he was in Pokemon world .

Cathal released his Pokemon they too are shocked seeing so many Pokemon.

Bulbasaur sees some of his species and goes towards them and migles in the group.

Dratini looks around and sees a strong looking Pokemon overseeing some Pokemon the pokemon notices Dratini and flies towards it seeing a Dragonite

coming towards it and upon seeing it close Dratini's determination to get strong and evolve becomes even stronger .

The Dragonite inspects Dratini upclose nods his head and flies away. Cathal thinks the Dragonite just now belongs to professor Oak but doesn't understand its behaviour.

Oak " He just wanted to see is it properly being taken care of as their species are quite friendly they tend to care of young ones "

Cathal nods his head and along with Dratini explore the ranch and see many pokemon.

After feeding both the Pokemon and leaving them in ranch to mingle with other Pokemon Cathal and Oak come towards inside the lab seeing the time Oak offers to Cathal to have dinner.

Cathal " professor why don't you leave the cooking to me my cooking is very tasty"

Not knowing how the professor cooks and seeing him always eat pizza or cup noodles in anime he doesn't want to take any risk.

As he gets in the kitchen Gary comes in and sees Oak watching tv and Cathal in the kitchen sighs in relief that he doesn't have to eat cup noodles again, order pizza which his Gramps does daily and he is tired of eating them. And worst is his cooking which looks like poison .

After cooking Cathal brings the food to the table with Gary's help as he can see tears in Gary's eyes happiness of seeing cooked food and praise himself for escaping a disaster.

After tasting the food both the Oaks be the big one or small shout at the same the " delicious" and continue like there's no tomorrow.

With his life experience and skill Cathal prides himslef in making food.

After the dinner Gary leaves.

Cathal " professor is there any place nearby so that I can stay for a few days"

Oak " why don't you stay here there is an extra room upstairs "

Cathal " are you sure , if you want I can pay the rent"

Oak " it's fine just to cook food for me and Gary and help me here and there "

Cathal " sure "

After the professor shows his room to him and goes Cathal keeps his bag aside lays down on bed and thinks of his future plans and journey.

Cathal (shit doesn't the trouble magnet Ash also live here i should avoid him at all costs having to tolerate Gary is my limit can't handle both of them one is arrogant but curious other is annoying curious from what I have seen in anime let's hope my life to peaceful).

I don't know how this book has the right to vote(power stones) and the before book didn't have, well whatever if you want to vote then you can and add to the library for new chapter notification and comment If you have any suggestions for me add other rare or unsual Pokemons

Anos_1717creators' thoughts