
Reid's Plan for Paul

The best proof of this is Paul from Journeys.

By then, he had gained empathy toward his Pokémon, no longer cold and unfeeling, while still maintaining his extremely clear-headed approach to Pokémon battles.

In a way, Journey Paul's style is largely influenced by Ash so it wouldn't be wrong to call him a fusion between himself and Ash.

Although the current Paul hasn't "fused with Ash" and is still in the "pre-mid Sinnoh version," his abilities are already apparent.

After realizing that the Pokémon he sent out, Unown, who could only use the move Hidden Power, he likely anticipated a few possible types of Hidden Power in advance...

He first used the Dark-type Murkrow to discern the specific type of Hidden Power, then used the Magneton which resisted Dragon-type moved to further confirm it.

Torterra tried to hold out while double-checking again, and finally having confirmed the type of Hidden Power, the Fairy-type Clefable was sent out to counter the Dragon-type Hidden Power.

Seems like Paul's thought process is incredibly clear and strategic unlike what the researchers have said.

"So, your goal from the beginning was just to defeat my Unown?" Reid asked, not rushing to attack.


With a confident reply, Reid continued, intrigued, "You challenged me, using all six of your Pokémon, just to defeat my Unown. But if I were to switch Pokémon, wouldn't all your planning go to waste?"

Paul's voice was calm, but his tone was firm. "No, you wouldn't switch your Pokémon."

"Oh?" Reid's lips curled into a smile. "Why do you think that?"

"From what I know, in formal battles, unless your Pokémon are defeated, you don't switch them out. It's just not your style."

Hearing this, Reid couldn't hold back his grin.

Not only had Paul researched his lineup's attributes and devised a strategy, but he'd even accounted for Reid's little "quirks."

Looking at Paul across the battlefield, Reid admired him more and more.

When talent and hard work are in equal measures, as a native of Sinnoh Region—if he, as the Sinnoh Champion, trained Paul even a little, with his genius and bright mind, it wouldn't be long before another powerful trainer will be borned.

It would even make up for some of Reid's regrets from watching the Journey arc.

In Journeys, Paul helped Ash to train, but he didn't enter the Pokémon World Championships, leaving many curious about the true strength of Paul.

From Reid's perspective, Paul would at least be no weaker than Alain from the Kalos Region.

Imagine a version of Paul, who has cleared his thoughts and gained empathy towards his pokemon from the start to be Ash's rival.

That could be... interesting, right? Would he still abandon Chimchar?

But before all of this can happen, Reid needed to correct Paul's mindset.

And the simplest and most direct way to do that was to defeat him in battle, using an overwhelming and unstoppable force.

While Unown is Facing Clefable; a Fairy-type immune to Unown's Dragon-type Hidden Power, might seem like there was no chance of victory.

"What you said earlier is true, I don't like switching out my Pokémon, even when at a type or tactical disadvantage. Do you know why?" Reid asked.

Paul remained silent.

But for some reason, a deep sense of unease crept into his heart at that moment.

"That's because..." Reid grinned. "I am the strongest."

With that, he raised his hand to the sky.


Sensing its trainer's emotions, Unown's single eye suddenly gleamed with an unprecedented intensity before closing.


In the next moment, a terrifying aura erupted from Unown's small body.

"Is it going for an all-out attack? Or maybe targeting the ground, hoping to create a shockwave for a side attack?"

"Feels more like it's trying to overwhelm Fairy-type immunity to Dragon-type moves with brute force..."

The researchers watched and murmured in confusion.

This was the same question within Paul's mind.

Even with the move's limitations, no matter how physically overwhelming Unown might be, Paul was prepared for close combat.

Even if Clefable were to fall, Paul still had two more Fairy-types from Kanto, ready to continue sealing off Unown's Hidden Power.

But what Paul and all the researchers hadn't expected was...

Unown didn't launch a Hidden Power from the air, nor did it show any signs of close-range combat power...

It simply radiated a massive presence in midair.

And just as everyone was confused by this, Unown, which had kept its eye shut for a while, suddenly opened it.

In an instant, as if a primordial beast had broken free from its seal, a deafening roar shook the sky above Unown and the entire battlefield. The ground trembled violently.

At that moment, everyone present felt their legs turn soft, it became hard to breathe, their hearts felt as though an elephant were weighing down on them, making it almost impossible to breathe.

At the center of the battlefield, Clefable, who had been carefully observing Unown, ready to respond to any attack, suddenly found her entire body trembling uncontrollably.

It was then that Clefable realized, to its shock, that Unown had vanished.

In its place stood a Pokémon it had never seen before.

A towering figure, over ten meters tall, with a body in shades of black and red, resembling a giant bird.

It had massive wings that resembled human hands at the tips, and its neck was covered in feathers that flowed like a plume of gray flames in the wind.

What terrified Clefable the most was the aura emanating from this enormous Pokémon, a formless yet overwhelmingly dangerous presence that seemed to threaten to devour all life around it.

"What... what is that thing?!"

"Is that a Pokémon?"

"What happened to Unown?"

"This presence, aura and majestic form... it's... could it be 'that' Legendary Pokemon from Kalos?"

"The embodiment of death, and the Pokemon that brings destruction... Yveltal!!!"

"Why is it here?!"

The researchers were filled with horror, their eyes wide in disbelief.

Even Paul, who is normally composed, had his expression change drastically.

However, Yveltal paid them no mind. Its gaze slowly lowered, locking onto Clefable below.

Then, it's ominous presence suddenly surged forward like a tidal wave, directly pressing down on Clefable.

And Clefable, as if struck by lightning, stood frozen in fear. Her eyes rolled back, and she fainted, collapsing onto the ground.