
Disturbances at The Lab

Sandgem Town, a quiet seaside settlement.

Every time Reid stood here, surrounded by the refreshing sea breeze, gazing toward Professor Rowan's Lab, he couldn't help but exclaim:

"It's huge!"

Though the main lab was just a few buildings, each about two or three stories tall, the short purple stone walls enclosed not only most of Sandgem Town and Twinleaf Town but also vast plains and coastal beaches.

In terms of land area, it was second only to the Sinnoh League headquarters in the entire Sinnoh region.

Reid remembered that before he officially set out on his journey, while working as an assistant for Professor Rowan, he used to joke with his colleagues about the size of the professor's "backyard." And without fail, they'd always earn a cold glance from the passing professor.

"Two or three years have gone by in a flash."

Reid muttered to himself.

Instead of immediately setting off in an adventure after arriving at the Pokemon World, Reid planned to join Professor Rowan's Lab as a assistant to diligently study and deepen his pokemon knowledge first.

Although he couldn't compare to the locals who had dedicated much of their lives to researching Pokémon, his foreknowledge helped solve many pressing issues at the time, so he naturally became one of Professor Rowan's assistants.

When he eventually completed his studies at the lab and decided to embark on his own journey to challenge the Sinnoh League, Professor Rowan gifted him his first Pokémon—Cyndaquil.


Hearing Reid speak, the Typhlosion next to him looked nostalgic too.

It had also grown up at the lab and had been with Reid since their very first meeting.

"Let's go. Time to see everyone again."

Reid and Typhlosion walked towards Professor Rowan's Lab.

Along the way, people recognized him, and many rushed over for autographs and photos, requests which he obliged.

However, as time passed, he grew tired from signing, smiling, and posing. The crowd continued to grow, eventually blocking all the main streets of Sandgem Town. Even Typhlosion, usually indifferent, was getting agitated from all the attention.

Reid had no choice but to slip away quietly.

Fortunately, the chaos hadn't yet reached the vicinity of the Lab, so Reid wouldn't have to sneak in through the back door.

Inside the lab, most of the familiar faces from his memory had gathered to welcome him, alongside some newcomers who had joined in the past two years.

Upon seeing him and Typhlosion, the older researchers nodded in approval, while the younger ones looked on in awe and curiosity, their eyes darting between Reid and his Pokémon.

Yet, one thing stood out: everyone, old or new, had prominent dark circles under their eyes, their expressions weary.

The person with the darkest circles and most exhausted look—a middle-aged man—stepped forward and weakly patted Reid on the shoulder, offering a tired smile.

"Welcome back, Reid... and Typhlosion."

"Long time no see, Mr. Justin."

(T/L: No idea who is this, I tried searching up his name but nothing popped up so yeah... He is just a minor character anyways.)


Reid and Typhlosion replied in unison.

Justin was Professor Rowan's deputy, someone Reid had relied on during his time as an assistant. Though Justin had an odd thought process and wasn't always dependable, he was still a good person.

After the brief greeting, Reid was about to exchange pleasantries with Justin and a few others, but Justin quickly turned away and addressed the group.

"Alright, the welcome ceremony is over. Those with experiments, return to them. Those with plans, finish them. And those with nothing to do, get some rest. Dismissed."

Reid, about to speak again, swallowed his words.

He glanced at Typhlosion, and they shared a wry smile.

"Mr. Justin hasn't changed at all."

Soon after, the researchers weakly dispersed, each returning to their tasks. Only a few of the younger ones, still full of energy, lingered and gazed wistfully at the League Champion who had emerged from their very lab.

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of chances in the future."

After shooing everyone away, Justin began walking with Reid.

As they walked, Reid couldn't help but ask, "I noticed everyone seems really tired. Is there some big research project or experiment going on at the lab?"

Though there had been times when Reid had worked late into the night to meet deadlines, the entire team having eye bags from sleep deprivation was a first.

"Well, we do encounter challenges from time to time, but with the materials you left behind and the newest technology available, most problems get resolved quickly."

"Then what's going on?"

"There's been... an incident at the lab."

Justin stopped walking, his tone growing serious.

"We didn't plan to involve you at first. After all, being a Champion must cause you to be extremely busy."

Reid wanted to tell him that being Champion wasn't nearly as busy as he thought—it was actually quite leisurely—but Justin's next words made him realize this wasn't the time for jokes.

"However, things have progressed faster than expected. The professor had to personally intervene, leaving the rest of us to manage his usual workload."

"You know how much the professor handles on a daily basis. Even with all of us splitting his duties, it's been exhausting."

Reid didn't comment on that, his attention drawn to the bigger issue.

"What kind of incident requires the professor's personal involvement?"

This was the question he had wanted to ask earlier.

Professor Rowan, a senior to Professor Oak in Kanto and a mentor to Professor Sycamore in Kalos, was a world-renowned authority on Pokémon evolution. His status in the Pokémon world was unparalleled.

Despite his always stoic face, which made him seem cold, the professor was actually incredibly kind-hearted. He would always make time to attend any events at the lab, no matter how busy he was.

But now, even though Reid had returned, the professor hadn't shown up, which was very unusual.

If the issue were related to Pokémon research, they could have called him for advice. There was no need for him to return in person. The only possibility Reid could think of was something involving the Pokémon League.

However, Justin shook his head.

"A Pokémon at the lab has fallen ill, and the professor is trying to figure out a solution."

"A Pokémon got sick?"

Reid frowned.

Everyone knew that for Pokémon health issues, you sought out Nurse Joy. The lab was also full of experts in Pokémon care. Yet, the professor was involved, and they had even called Reid back.

Reid didn't remember any Pokémon at the lab being so valuable that it would warrant such attention, nor was Professor Rowan the type to bow to pressure for fame or money.

Could it be that, in his old age, the professor had started to change?

Or maybe...

Reid had a vague suspicion forming in his mind.

But before he could voice it, Typhlosion suddenly turned its head toward the distant forest.

The next moment, a deafening explosion echoed from that direction.


As panicked cries filled the air and flocks of Starly and Spearows scattered into the sky, an overwhelming wave of psychic energy erupted in the distance.