
Pokemon: The Pallet Town Researcher

Obviously I don't own the cover art. ------- A recent graduated Pokemon Researcher learns of the death of his mother. With her death he received the inheritance of Pallet town. A place which was once a home for multiple trainers. However as they left onto their adventures the town was left abandoned. So with a missing father a dead mother and two grand kids the pokemon researcher must rebuild the town and pull it from the dead.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Grand kids

I found a guy in Viridian City who could fix the buildings. He refused to have me pay him. Instead he asked a favor of me. He wanted a pokemon for his daughter. It was a simple task for me thankfully.

It took him a month to fix the buildings and he even built a small dock south of the town. I caught him a rattata and told him how to take care of it. Taking a look around the town it was time to clean up the area. I found a lawn mower in a shed behind the lab and got to work.

Cutting the grass and planting those seeds I found in the lab were the first thing I had to do. I was able to get free renovations for the town. With the homes fixed up I just required... well people to live in them. I could sell the buildings or rent them out. I figured renting would be better.

Sitting down at the computer in the lab I turned it on. The computer was old, but thankfully it still connected to the internet. Creating an ad about renting the houses out I set the price. This would be a good start. I heard a car drive through the trees. So I left the lab to see what was up.

Walking out to the front I opened the door to two kids? One looked like a baby faced teenage girl and the other was even younger it seemed. "What do you two want?"

The girl spoke, "My name is Daisy Oak. This is my brother Gary Oak. I know this is sudden, but are you Cobalt Oak our Grandfather?"

Looking at the two kids I struggled slightly to grasp what was happening. It then hit me how they would be my grandkids. I did have a wife once, but she ended up leaving me after a while. back during a time I was obsessed with following my father's footsteps. "how old are you two?"

"I'm 19 and my brother here is 10. My father, your son. Became my step father when I was 9. It is a tad complicated, but..." Daisy pointed to a truck. "Our parents are over there with our uh Grandmother. They thought we should get to know you."

"I uh.. Let me talk to them for a second." I walked past the kids and headed to the truck's front window.

"What the fuck is going on?"

Isabelle rolled down the window. "H-Hey Cobalt. It has been a while, hasn't it?"

"A while? You left 25 years ago and I hadn't heard from you since. I didn't even know I had grand children and now you are here saying I should get to know them? What about getting to know my fucking son?"

"Hey don't talk to mom like that! It was a different time dad."

"I am not your father! I have no son! If I had one I would've at least been at his fucking wedding!"

Isabelle slammed her fist against the dashboard. "THIS IS WHY I LEFT COBALT!"

"No it isn't you left a fucking note that spat in my dreams. Now when I am the very bottom of my life you show up and ask your fucking grand kids to ask if they can stay here. In the end you just wanted to fucking avoid me!"

I clenched my fist and let go. Everyone was silent... I sighed, "You want them to stay they can pay rent. Otherwise you can go find a hotel in Viridian City and fuck off."

Isabelle had tears in her eyes and got out of the car to stop me from re-entering the lab. "Please Cobalt, please!"

The kids were standing behind her now and I just shook my head. "Did you ever love me?"

"I-I What do you mean by that of course I loved you."

I stared her down and looked at the kids. I now understood what was truly happening. "So life finally caught up with you, eh? You can pay for them to stay. If you can't they can die with you."

Isabelle was once a member of Team Rocket. We had met when we were young and I thought we loved each other. Now though I know she used me to escape that life. I always kind of new that...

With Team Rocket resurfacing and regaining power quickly. Isabelle wanted to try and hide the two kids here. Since Team Rocket was rebuilt and united by their current leader. Isabelle had tears in her eyes, but she walked to the truck.

My... The man in the car gave her a briefcase. Isabelle walked over to me and held it out. "Th-This is everything I can offer Cobalt. I know... Uyrgh, never mind. Goodbye and please take care of them. They deserve a good life."

I took the case and watched Isabelle hope back into the truck and drove out the small enclosed forest. The young boy Gary took my hand in his hand look up. "Don't be sad, I will miss them too!"

I brushed my eyes and sighed. "Your name is Daisy? You can stay in that house the door is already unlocked I'll give you the key tomorrow."

"Uh what should I call you?" Daisy looked far more worried then her little brother. I shook my head, "Whatever you want. I'll show Gary around the lab while you get settled in."

Gary wasn't gonna let my hand go and she could tell. Daisy nodded, but spoke on last time.

"H-How old are you?"

I sighed, "I am 15 years younger then your grand mother. You can do the rest yourself." Such a dumb kid I was...