
Pokemon:The New Gym In Kanto

In our well known region of Kanto the League has approved the establishment of new gym for the trainer's all over the Pokemon world to challenge and win the gym badge.The question are - Who is the gym leader? & What type of gym is it?Well why don't we find out by challenging it. --My 1st Novel . --DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING IN THIS FANFIC EXCEPT MY OWN STORY AND CHARACTER. --The cover does not belong to me found it in google images.

Daoistdragons · Komik
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29 Chs

The Pokemon's Training

Pokémon's POV: -

The first batch where Marshadow is leading has Pawniard, Scraggy and Pancham.

*Alright listen three of you , since all of have decent strength you don't have speed to dodge the attacks others throw at you if your attacks miss , so the training I'll give you is all three of you attack me together.* Marshadow tells them indifferently , as the two of the three Pokémon get angry that they are not taken seriously except Pawniard who starts to think carefully on what Marshadow tells them.

*Don't be overconfident we can beat you; you are the same size as me. * Pancham yells angrily.

*Yeah!!!* Scraggy agrees with Pancham.

*Don't be idiots , Laila told us to be a family and not enemies , also Laila told he is a Mythical Pokémon do you think you can win against a Mythical Pokémon which has lived over a thousand years, haaaaa?* Pawniard knocks both Pancham and Scraggy's head while shouting at them for their idiocy.

*Ouch -ouch* *Ouch don't hit, we are just angry, we did not do anything. * They both cry when got hit in the head

*Good, at least one of you are calm and did not get angry. When fighting an opponent stronger than you, you should not only have strength but also a calm mind so that you can devise a strategy against them using not only power but also mind. This is how a fighter wins a battle, and not by aggressively charging without a plan. Now enough chit-chat attacks me. * Marshadow tells them the knowledge he learned from coping various fighters throughout the time he lived.

*Okay, take this Low kick!!!!* Scraggy shouts while sweeping it leg at Marshadows legs.

*Mac Punch!!!!!* Pancham executes trying to punch in the face.

*X-scissor!!!!!* Pawniard attacks by jumping to the back of Marshadow with a X like cross slashing forward, while the other two attack from the front.

Marshadow disappears from there and dodges. The three attacks hit each other and all of them get hurt. Marshadow quickly comes and hits all of them with Brick break on their heads.


**As I told you have to think of a strategy when facing an opponent stronger than you and not rush, now come again. * It explains to them again.

*Hmmp, Dark pulse!!!!!!* Pawniard shouts.

Dodging it by moving to the side , but suddenly *Focus blast* an attack came from the side I dodged , moving into the shadows and appearing behind Pawniard who is searching for me I knock her head with another Brick Break.

Pawniard *Ouch*. As I about to attack Pancham, Scraggy comes and attacks.

*Dragon Claw!!!!!!* Dodging it and Bricking his face, I Shadow Sneak to Pancham who is shocked and Brick his face again.

*We will continue this training until you can land a hit on me, now come again. * Marshadow indifferently tells them, as they struggle to get up.

[With Nuzleaf, Seedot and Shiftry]

On the field Seedot is burrowed in the ground and Nuzleaf is Attacking it using bullet seen or Razor leaf on it, and Seedot is attacking using Razor leaf and Vine whip.

Shiftry occasionally comes and guides them.

*Younglings come; I am going to train you resistance on how good you can take an attack* Shiftry whose voice is like a kind elder tell them.

"Yes!!! Leader"X2

*I'm going to attack using my fans that will raise strong wind, you both have to continuously resist while occasionally I will strengthen the wind pressure, got it. * Shiftry tells them.


*Good, now try to stand. Whirlwind! * Shiftry softly calls and wind suddenly raises and hits Nuzleaf and Seedot continuously.

*Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!*X2 Both of them are blown away instantly.

Shiftry stops and fetches them from far away from the area they were blown away to.

*Younglings you both should fix your feet into the ground like trees in forest, remember the tall tree falls first while the small ones stay on ground. So, when resisting imagine your feet seeping into the ground like the move ingrain then bend forward this will help you. Also, attacks are more explosive and spontaneous so take the attacks that you can handle while the ones you can't either dodge or try to minimize the damage you take for the better. You will train like this until you can move inside it and Dodge an attack from me while being inside the Whirlwind. So, now let's continue. *Shiftry softly explains its plan to them, for the weeklong training schedule.

"Got it Elder!!!!!"X2 they both yell with determination.

[With Skorupi, Larvitar and Drapion]

*Humm, you both have decent attack and defense. Since , Laila told me to train you guys like how I and Larvitars father Tyranitar did , so you two should except a lot of pain because when we trained in the past , we both had to resist a waterfall falling on us and fight landslides head on to improve our defense and attack power . Those were some good days Larvitars father and I went through, we went on many adventures and fought Pokémon stronger than us and beat them to become strong. Now you guys have it easy, you all have us to train you, back then we had to relie on ourselves and fight in the wild to get stronger. Laila backed us and supported us in every stem, so you guys better not disappoint her, got it!!!!* Drapion tell the two Larvitar and her kid Skorupi her past adventures reminiscently while tells the last sentence sternly.

*Yes!!!!*X2 Both of them shout loudly after listening to Drapion.

*Nice, now get done with your defenses, and I'll start to attack. *It commands the young Pokémon.

*Iron Defense* Larvitar uses as its body gets a metallic shine.

*Harden* Skorupi, hardens its outer shell and gets ready for incoming attacks.

*Good, now Pin Missile* A large number of needles like constructs gets launched from Drapions stinger and lands on both the young Pokémon.

Both of them gets blown away from their position and land further away.

*You both have good defense, but you own body defense should be like when you used your moves now, so that when the attack hits the damage reduces significantly. So, train your bodies more and then the defense moves you both use also improve drastically. Now let's continue. * Drapion explains it to them.

"OH!!!! yes Senior." Larvitar excitedly says.

"Yes!!! Mother." Skorupi also agrees.

The training continues as they get blown away time and time again until they can't get up anymore.

*The training continues until you guys can take three of my attacks head on and not faint. So, get some rest and we will continue the training. * Drapion tells them seriously.

Laila POV: -

I watch as all my Pokémon get into training seriously, most of them never been in to the wild and

were raised in home, so they did not know the hardships I and the old Pokémon faced when we were adventuring but seeing them determined in their training to get strong, makes me happy.

As I look at the mountains and the blue sky it makes me calm as I point out few tips and guide the young Pokémon.

Sorry for late chaps ............. got assignments for college to complete yesterday so got delayed ......................hopde you enjoy todays two chaps ..........................plz comment and vote.............stay home stay safe.............:)

Daoistdragonscreators' thoughts