
Pokemon:The New Gym In Kanto

In our well known region of Kanto the League has approved the establishment of new gym for the trainer's all over the Pokemon world to challenge and win the gym badge.The question are - Who is the gym leader? & What type of gym is it?Well why don't we find out by challenging it. --My 1st Novel . --DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING IN THIS FANFIC EXCEPT MY OWN STORY AND CHARACTER. --The cover does not belong to me found it in google images.

Daoistdragons · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Mock Battle Part-4

Laila POV: -

"The winner for the 3rd round is Skorupi and Murkrow." Laila declares.

Shiftry comes in and scopes up both Nuzleaf and Seedot, and sighs at its younglings.

Sighing at their unfortunate match up against the two best Pokémon in their category i.e. Attack/Tank and Flying/Attack I announce the next match "The fourth and final round is between Poochyena & Houndour Vs Larvitar & Sneasel"

Poochyena and Houndour howl at each other like they are talking then, nodding at each other they choose their opponents on the field. Larvitar and Sneasel also come on to the ground and get ready for battle.

Looking at them, I say "Good, now the match starts in three, so do your best."

They all nod at me and get ready for the battle.

"Now 1"




Pokémon POV: -

Poochyena takes on Sneasel, while Larvitar and Houndour battle.

Poochyena starts of first, heading towards Sneasel with dashing speed.

*Quick Attack!!!*

Shhh Shhhhhhhh SSSShhhhhhhhh

*Hmmmp!!! Double Team!!!!*

Sneasel dodges the attack using Double team, then

*Not over yet! Icy wind!!!!!*


Sneasel launches a powerful Icy wind and slows down Poochyena, just as she was about to hit with an attack.

*Now Fury Swi-*

*'Howl' Dark Pulse!!!*


As Sneasel is near Poochyena to attack the Dark Pulse sent Sneasel flying away from it.


Quickly reaching Sneasel, Poochyena bit on to it harshly and swing Sneasel up and down on the ground.


Holding on to the pain and its wounds, Sneasel attacks Poochyena decisively with its free hand.

*'Hone Claws' Metal Claw!!!!!!!*

Sneasel smashes down its powered-up claw on to Poochyena's face.


Poochyena howls in pain and let go's off Sneasels hand.


While these two are having a 'I punch you, you punch me battle'. On the other side Houndour keeps on attacking Larvitar from every side circling it and dodging Larvitar's attacks, using Ember.



Larvitar throws up rocks at the running Houndour, while keeping up its Defense as it can't move fast. Suddenly Houndour changes its attack pattern.



Noticing the power behind the attack, Larvitar tries to dodge while keeping its defense.

*Iron Defense!!! Ancient Power!!!*

Larvitar raises all its stats at once and dodges the attack. Houndour seeing the chance tries to attack Larvitar from near since fire type moves don't work on Larvitar much.


Dark energy starts to shine around Houndours teeth and try to bite Larvitar.

*Iron Head!!!*


Seeing Houndour is near it, Larvitar with its increased stats quickly attacks him.

Not expecting a retaliation, Houndour take the unexpected hit.

*Hooooooooowwwwwwwwlllllllllllllll!!!!!* it cries in pain, when the powered-up attack hits. Houndour tries to adjust itself and attack, but as it was about to get up, it heard a dreadful voice.

*Stone Edge!!!!*


Large spikes of earth start to come towards it in full speed, and a powerful one blasts itself from the ground below it and connects to Houndour, hurling it into the sky.

*I'm not finished yet!!!, Hyper Beam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


A devastating beam of energy is launched from Larvitars mouth and hits Houndour, who is still in the air.



Houndour gets blown away in the air, lands into the lake. Everyone looks into the lake, and slowly a knocked out Houndour flouts up.

Larvitar satisfied with its work roars into the sky.



Continuing on to Poochyena and Sneasels battle. both of them look battered up and unable to fight much longer.

Both have some large wounds on them and breathing heavily. Suddenly both of them hear a roar, looking in that direction they see Houndour being pulled out from the lake by Corpish and Larvitar still standing.

Looking determined both of them launch their final attacks.

*Shadow Ball!!!!!* Poochyena starts to gather a large Ball of energy around it mouth.

*Ice Beam!!!!!* Sneasel gathers large amount of ice energy around its mouth.

Gathering enough energy both of them launch their attacks.


Hi everyone I recovered from my eye-swelling........thank you for waiting and for your support..............here is todays chap.................I'll be writing a chap every alternate day...................Stay home and stay safe

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