
Pokemon: The New Empire

Guy got reincarnated into his favorite anime, Pokemon. However, there is a catch - He's only a small rank noble's 5th son in the ancient Kalos region. Follow Arthur in his journey in the pokemon world that is different from what he is used to. Note: I don't own pokemon or any other works used except for my OC's

bob_uchiha · Komik
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Chapter 4

Author's note: Please leave a review if you like this book, since more people will be able to find it if you do. And thanks to anyone who dropped in a few power stones.

Anyway enjoy the chapter!


" So... how do people become pokemon trainers?" I ask.

"Why do you want to know that young master?" Gary asks surprised by the question.

"Oh nothing I was just curious" I said quickly, wanting to know more about this era.

*Do the trainers just go get a pokemon from a professor. Or is it like that Fanfic I read* I thought thinking of the fanfic called "Pokemon: The Medieval Era" Unfortunately it was still on hiatus when I died so I couldn't finish it.

Anyway though, coming back to the present.

" Well I don't know much, but I think that there is an academy in the capital, however it takes a lot to get into the academy." Gary explains, further supporting my theory that the academy is like the fanfic I was thinking of.

" Wait, but why does it take so much to get into the academy? I mean aren't trainers really important to the kingdom, if all you said about them is true." I asked confused.

" I guess you are correct on that Young Master, but I am not sure why." Lylah said, sounding sad for letting me down.

" Oh! But it could be because the pokemon trainers get a really high rank, so maybe the nobles don't want a random nobody to get a high rank." Lylah explained, enlightening us with her knowledge.

"~Grooowwwwl~" "Oh, you must be hungry, well let's get you something fixed."

*Back to Present*

Oh damn, I better get ready I am finally getting a swordsmanship instructor. I heard that the instructor is going to be strict.

Oh well, I am going to become a trainer after all, it is going to be worth the harsh training.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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