
Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Arthur transmigrates into a 10-year-old boy who lives in Unova. He gradually finds out that he is in a completely different era of the Pokemon world and the world itself has rules that never existed in anime or games. Timeline: Five to Six hundred years before the main plot, the period during the Kingdom of Vale from the Victini movie. Only the basic setting is taken from the movie, the story is completely unrelated to the Anime or games. Note: Don't rate the book until you read at least 10 chapters. I am trying something completely new, mainly world-building. I am trying to establish a new world background with certain new rules. Image Credits: It's from the Pokemon Legends game but know that, this fanfic is not in anyways related to the game itself. Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this Fan-fiction except the OC characters, all belong to Pokemon Company.

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36 Chs

Yellow and Blue Egg

2 Weeks Later (Dorm room 35):

"Ethan, I think it's a good idea to buy some clothes," I said in excitement.

"Yeah, we need to cover ourselves completely so that the baby pokemon doesn't find any clue about who we are," he said gazing at the eggs.

"Okay, ask your Butler to get a complete set where even our odor won't escape away from the body," I said while gazing at the Egg that has a bluish surface with violet marks all over.

The other egg was yellowish-orange with black patterns, it had peak green potential, unlike the cerulean egg which had a shade of both green and blue grade.

'So I guess spending 3 million was not a waste,' I thought internally grinning.

I don't know if it has entered Blue grade potential after injecting energy but I can see visible changes. Before there was only dark green color but now there's a mix of blue to it. So most probably I will choose the Cerulean egg over the Yellow one unless the number of evolutions is more for the Yellowish orange egg.

Ethan went to talk to his Butler regarding the clothes that can completely mask us from the pokemon that hatch. I don't want both the Pokemon to get imprinted on me or Ethan.

I asked Ethan if he has any plans on Contracting a Ghost-type. To no surprise his face turned weird at the mention of Ghost pokemon, he immediately rejected the idea.

Well, Psychics hate the presence of Ghosts or dark types as it eats away their power. So selling the other Pokemon is the only option for now. Not that I hate it but was just worried if it falls in the wrong hands.

I touched the Egg that has cerulean color with a violet touch to it. It had a very ominous and creepy aura around it but I gently got closer and rubbed it with my cheek,

"Let's be great partners from now on," I said holding the egg closer to my face while making sure it hears my words.

Abruptly, the egg gave a red glow out while shaking twice, and almost dropped the egg in panic,

'Phew, that was unexpected!!' I thought looking at the dead still egg.

"What happened??" asked Ethan from behind as he just saw me fall back with the Egg in my hand.

"Ahh??? Nothing. So what did your Butler say?" I asked enquiring about the odor-concealing clothes.

"He said he can get them but you can't trust the clothes completely. It seems that pokemon like Growlith can figure out the scent," said Ethan explaining.

"That's not a worry as these are Ghost-type Pokemon, their sense of smell is not so sensitive," I said pointing at the eggs.

I then took the two un-contracted pokeballs and gave one to Ethan.

"Okay, the moment they hatch..... put them inside the Pokeball. Don't give them the time to figure out anything or even a chance to phase through," I said while thinking about what I read through the library.

Ghost-type pokemon can be tricky to catch as even the newborns try to go through walls. It is always advised to catch them off-guard or by defeating them. Since I cannot battle the Pokemon, I can only catch them immediately after they hatch.

"Arthur, I know what you mean but are you sure you want a Ghost-type as your second pokemon?" asked Ethan in concern.

"Absolutely, but who knows? these eggs might just be of Yellow or Orange grade," I said back trying to not reveal anything.

"You already have an Elekid that's a handful and a Ghost-type might make it worse," he said again trying to convince me.

"Let's think about it after they hatch," I said diverting the topic.

I know what he meant but I wanted a Ghost-type not just because of the ability, the main reason is completely different.

At my current state, training a Ghost-type might be the easiest, Arden is training Golett at a tremendous speed with high costly resources and a training plan. I will just take Golett's advice on Ghost moves and formulate a training regime. It's like a free training plan from a King level trainer with no waste of money.

I only have two years in the academy so I have to use every opportunity I have. Presently, it's either 'get a Ghost type' or a 'Ground type' to replicate Golett's training plan.

'My only concern is the cost of materials but I can handle them if I do these missions at a fast pace,' I thought in contemplation.

Although materials will get costly from the Elite stage, I can handle the costs till the Ghost Pokemon reaches the Initial Advanced stage.

I can try a Ground-type Pokemon too but having thick skin is not that useful when compared with invisibility. Even if I have hard skin my bones will still be weak, so a good powerful punch can still hurt me.

As I was thinking everything through, Ethan suddenly said in doubt,

"I am just wondering why you constantly keep staring at that blue egg and feel so excited ignoring the yellow one."

'Fuck!!' I forgot that this guy can feel the emotions if they are intense.

I turned back at him while rubbing the blue egg in my hands,

"I don't know, I just feel a connection to this one," I said and the egg twitched twice giving a response.

"See, it even replies to me," I said again in a happy tone.

"Thissss... Thisss, no way right?" yelled Ethan.

He was alarmed and asked again,

"Did you by any chance feed it with your blood??"

"Blood? How can I feed it when it is not even hatched?" I asked in confusion.

"Shit!! this is bad.... these eggs are going to hatch in a day or two, and the life form inside is completely formed. So, if they come into contact with blood, Ghosts types can absorb it through the shell," he said inspecting my hands and body.

After looking at me for a minute he spotted something,

"What's this?" he asked pointing at the tiny bloody scratch under my cheek.

It was barely visible and the blood was almost clotted,

'Shit!!' I thought realizing what happened.

"This!! this I got it when shaving my facial hair," I said cursing the fact that we had no trimmers or razors.

I am almost 16 and I started learning to cut my facial hair but I am not very familiar with it so I hurt myself. On Earth, it was just a clean shave or Trim which was easy but now I need to use sharp knives or daggers.

'Earlier when I brought the egg closer to my cheek, the wound would have touched the egg' I thought.

"How did the blood come in contact from there," asked Ethan looking at me weirdly.

"What? I just rubbed the egg with my Cheek, Ok? It's not weird!!" I said explaining with hand signs.

"Well, there's a problem now. Although it is not a normal contract like the Pokeball, the baby inside recognizes you, it's the same as imprinting," he said pointing at the bluish-violet egg.

"Ohh!!! that's not that big of a deal," I said in half surprise and a huge relief. I was thinking along the lines of 'The Pokemon will love to eat me as it tasted my blood'.

Ethan observed my unusually calm reaction and said,

"What's with that reaction? Are you not afraid that it might be a Yellow grade?"

"Nah, even if I am imprinted, we can still sell it, it's not my problem how the buyer deals with it," I said straightforwardly.

"It's fine as long as you are not emotionally connected with it," he said sighing. Then he realized something and said back,

"But in case the Egg is a green grade then things will get a lot simple for you!!"

"Why is that?" I asked back.

"Normally, people don't risk using their blood on a Ghost egg because you never know its potential until hatched. But a Pokemon that recognizes a trainer before it hatches will always stay loyal to that trainer," he said.

"Really?" I asked back for re-confirmation.

'It would make my life way easier if that's the case,' I thought beaming with happiness.

"That's what I read in Frost family's library," he said assuring me.

'Great! Now all that's remaining is waiting till the eggs hatch,' I thought with expectations.


2 days later:

We both were sitting in front of the eggs with black clothes covered all over. The only thing visible was our eyes, not even a strand of hair was visible.

This is the third day in a row. It's already past midnight and the eggs are showing minor signs. It's two days past the deadline already but the way they gleam in white indicates that today is the day.

After another hour-long wait, we were planning to call it a day as we have morning classes,

"Let's wait for another day," said Ethan while getting up from the Couch.

"Fine," I said while cracking my knuckles.

As if hearing us, one of the eggs started shaking,

"shhh shhhh" "shhh shhhhh"

We looked towards the eggs that were covered in warm clothes.

The yellowish-orange egg was intensely shaking and there was a slight crack,

"Crack... Crackkkk", the cracks slowly intensified at a rapid pace.

"Get ready," I said asking Ethan to catch it as soon as it comes out.

Ethan immediately took out the Pokeball and got behind the egg, while I too took out the Pokeball just in case it faces him.

There was a sudden blinding light after three seconds. We immediately covered our eyes while waiting for the light to gradually fade away...

Seconds passed by but it felt like an eternity, maybe because of all the excitement I had for these pokemon.

After a total of 15 seconds of blinding light, the egg cracked completely,

My sight was a bit blurry but I could feel the icy chill emanating out..... surprisingly I did not feel the creepy chill but a real cold chill. To my absolute surprise, I saw a cute, two feet tall baby. It was a Snorunt, (A/N: picture in the comments)

It had an ovoid black body with circular, light blue eyes, wide teeth, and spherical hands and feet that lack digits. It was covered with a yellow cloak that gives it a triangular outline. The coat is rimmed with an orange stripe and had three orange diamond markings on the back. 

Ethan too looked surprised as he was stunned in place,

"Snooo? Snorunt????" it said tilting its tiny head. It seemed confused because I was completely covered in black with no scent.

"Ethan!! hurry up before it thinks that we are some kind of freaks," I said waking him up from his shock.

"ohhh!! sorry," he said and came closer from behind the Snorunt. He immediately tapped its back with the Pokeball sucking it in.

"Huff!! that was such a shocker. Who would have thought it wasn't a ghost type. I never imagined there were pokemon like Froslass in the breeding area," said Ethan leaning back against the wall with the Pokeball.

Baby Pokemon don't have the power to resist a Pokeball unless they are a very powerful species like Dragons or fairies.

"Yeah!! but why do I feel like I don't want to sell it?" I said calming my racing heart.

"I know what you mean!! when you see the birth of life, you don't want that life to suffer by going into the wrong hands," said Ethan making me nod in thinking.

He looked at me again and said,

"That's why I told you not to get emotionally connected. But although I said that, I too feel the same way so let's make sure we sell him to the right hands."






We gradually started discussing on how to sell this baby Snorunt. After a five-minute long talk, we came up with no possible solutions.

A sudden familiar sound made us stop the chat,

"shhh shhhh" "shhh shhhhh"

This one was more intense than the previous egg as it popped out of the clothes that it was wrapped in and rolled down,

"tumble.... tumble"

I immediately picked up the Egg and placed it in the same spot as before but the egg seemed to shake further because of my touch,

"quiver.... quiver.... quiver..... crack.....crack"

Gradually, cracks started to form as I tried to hold it in place,

"Crack.... Crackkkk.... crackkk", they intensified and an intense blinding glow emanated from the egg,

As if indicating its arrival, the atmosphere around us turned completely cold, the mood was bloody and scary all of a sudden.... I felt like I was lost in darkness as I couldn't hear anything.... it was almost like an illusion. The lights started flickering intensely, I couldn't hear Ethan's voice but could barely see his lips move up and down.

My whole back got sweaty and I felt like I couldn't suck the air into my lungs. It's not that I can't, it's more of I couldn't breathe.....

After ten long seconds of breathlessness, the egg in my hand cracked completely but what followed the cracks was an intense succession of light bulbs flickering,

Slowly, each bulb started to explode after its rapid glows,

"Clingg..... crackle..... cling..... crackle"

"Shit!!" I yelled covering my ears, then I realized my hands were empty.

"The egg? No!! The baby pokemon!!" I said looking around in the darkness but I heard Ethan's panicked voice from the front,

"Arth....Arthur.... it i...It's behind you," he said gulping.

I slowly turned my head back to see the creature that caused the commotion,

The moment I turned my head, I was presented with an intense Cerulean haze. The pitch-black darkness only intensified the color as it looked blazing radiant. But what made me have chills is the face itself, it had a wide, pink mouth with two visible sharp fangs. It seemed as though it can suck your blood right through your throat.

Its eyes seem to extend past its round body, visible eyelids surrounding them, the color of the body was violet, unlike the usual black. It gazed at me with a wide creepy smile and said in a serene tone,

"Gastly!!" (A/N: picture in the comments)

---------Chapter End---------

Important Note: Getting my booster shot tomorrow, so not sure if I will be active enough to write in the next three days.

I also hope you liked the Pokemon that hatched. I wanted to make the hatching a bit dramatic as Blue Grade are the rarest potential grade available. Violet potential is only seen in Legendaries as no one has ever seen one in normal Pokemon.

I don't know if my descriptions hyped it up or it was just meh.... the effects were to just show how talented and scary Gastly is!!! Hope you understood my POV!!

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Wild_Winecreators' thoughts