
Move mastery and World view

I arrived at the training area and released both pokemon. A bright light shined out of the pokeballs and two silhouettes appeared in front of me.

"Machoppp" "Blitzleee",

Blitzle immediately tackled me and started giving me kisses.

" Stop it Blitzle, yes!! I love you too....we need to start traini..... ahh stop it.....", I calmed her down after two long minutes and took a good look at her.

Blitzle is a black, zebra-like Pokemon with thick, double-pointed white stripes on its neck, chest, back, and hind legs. It has a rounded muzzle with a large, dark nose and oval, blue eyes with yellow sclerae. On top of its head are short, triangular ears with blue insides. Below the knees, its legs are white with black hooves. Its tail is stubby, white, and has two points. Running up its neck is a spiky, white mane, which culminates at the front in a long extension that resembles a lightning bolt.

You could say, she is a baby Zebra. I would even argue that she is the cutest pokemon in all of Unova but that would be due to my bias.

To me, she isn't just my Brother's starter, she was also my emotional support in the first two years. Since I transmigrated here, every now and then, I used to get depressed as I miss my family members from Earth but Blitzle made sure that I was happy and slept well without any anxiety. I overcame a lot of things because of her for that I love her with all of my heart. Probably will miss her when I leave for the academy.

With all said and done, we have a job to do. So, I immediately started the training for today.

"Okay guys, let's start the move mastery..... It will be easier for Machop today as the environment is great for Ice punch, Machop, try to feel the snow around you and replicate the energy into the punches. Remember, when you punch the water, you should barely touch it, I don't want to see any ripples on the surface," I said bringing a huge water tub. Currently, it just stopped snowing and the snow did not melt away completely.

"Chop Machop....", said Machop flexing his muscles.

The temperature is barely 0 or 1 degree, perfectly right for water to be in a liquid state. Probably the best time to learn ice punch, though the water might freeze in 30 minutes, I can just change it back anytime.

Then, I turn towards Blitzle,

"Okay, I know the environment is not very cooperative to learn flame charge, but that should not be a reason to slack off," I said advising her. She barely gave a nod at that.

"Keep in mind that, you should always stop generating the electric energy around you when running, we made a lot of progress in the last two years. Remember when you couldn't stop generating electricity while running, Now, look at you, you improved your control over it drastically and every electric attack you do has precise control." I said encouraging her.

"Blitz Blizleeee," she said as that praise elevated a bit of her mood.

Machop was able to apply the ice energy to his punches but she barely generated some heat so it is understandable that she feels less confident. This kind of mindset is sometimes dangerous so I encourage her now and then to uplift her confidence.

I even think that Blitzle has great talent, at least in the electric department. She learns any electric move with great control and power so there is no way she can't learn flame charge.

I immediately went inside and asked the maids to arrange a campfire.

"Now, the environment is opposite to what it is around the fire. So, you will need to feel the heat around the fire for 10 minutes and try to generate it while running in the cold. Let's switch every ten minutes, maybe the complete opposite effects might boost your grasp over the temperature. Do you understand my point?" I asked her gently.

"Bli Blitzle," she said nodding.

"Okay, get to work guys. I will also start my routine." I said and started jogging around the Manor.

I must for sure make it into the Academy. Not only will they provide a good potential pokemon, but they will also teach a lot about the environment in the Wild. I also need to learn more about Pokemon behaviors and the ecology of the wild. Types of berries, types of flowers, and their uses, so much to learn from the academy.

In the last three years, I have been training in swords with my brother. In the Wild, the only way for humans to survive is to learn to fight. At first, I thought it would be useless as pokemon are innately powerful, but I learned something new that changed my worldview.

Normally, an improvement in the trainer's Pokemon means a qualitative improvement in the fighting ability of the whole team. But I learned that it doesn't just improve the Pokemon, it also improves the trainer's power. For example, Zebstrika is an electric type so if Blitzle evolves or improves to Elite level, then brother Leon's reaction speed will increase while Machoke gives him an improvement in his attack power.

The poke balls here work differently, they act as a connection between trainer and Pokemon.

Pokeballs were first made 200 years ago, the invention changed many things and everyone had to make new rules on how society should work as a Pokeball doesn't just catch a pokemon, it connects a link with the trainer. Pokeball works as a contract between a trainer and a pokemon.

One Pokeball can only have one owner, a drop of blood seals the deal. When the trainer catches a pokemon, the Pokeball acts as a blood contract. Nothing too serious, it's just an exchange of benefits. Pokemon get an improved intelligence and ability to understand human speech while the trainer receives some benefits depending on the type of pokemon caught.

I was confused at first but even I am not completely sure as the information is confidential, I need to attend the Academy to understand the information in depth.

All I know is that a human can not contract more than 6 Pokemon as his body cannot handle more than 6 contracts. I am clueless about the science and magic behind it though, maybe it's just the way the world works.

You can always catch multiple Pokemon by not linking yourself to the Pokeball, which means no dropping of blood. This method is used to catch and sell Pokemon for money. There is not much benefit in keeping the Pokemon that has no blood contract, as no contract means no improved human-level intelligence.

For comparison, Pokemon in the wild are almost like the wild animals from Earth, they can't understand human speech and they kill us on sight if they are hungry.

Not all pokemon are that dumb though, there are exceptions, higher the level of wild pokemon, the higher the intelligence. Level-up is not just related to power but also intelligence.

On average, low-level wild pokemon have an IQ of 50-60 but with blood contract, they gain intelligence depending on the trainer. In return, they double our abilities depending on the type of Pokemon.

For example, electric-type Pokemon double the reaction speed while fighting types provide two times the normal strength. Nothing too overpowered like superheroes but nothing too normal either. But the benefits decrease as the number of contracts increases, Starter pokemon always doubles a specific ability while the sixth contracted pokemon only improves an ability by 1.2 times.

The contract can only be canceled with both parties agreeing, you can never catch a seventh pokemon if one of the six pokemon you caught doesn't agree to cancel the contract. Most of the time, mutual cancellation never happens as no one wants to lose their obtained benefits but there are always rare cases.

So what I know for sure is that 6 pokemon is the limit but you can still have more than six if it's just a normal Pokeball. But who catches a pokemon like that? I mean nurturing a pokemon itself is expensive, having an extra pokemon that doesn't listen to you and has a low IQ is a waste of resources.

I also heard a rumor that having a Dragon or Fairy as a starter doubles the lifespan of the trainer. But that's a far-fetched dream as almost all dragon pokemon are rare, the Pokemon like Flygon, Altaria, and Noivern don't even provide the benefits of dragon type, instead, they give benefits of their other types like ground or flying. So, I figured out that only the primary type counts, like how Roselia gives benefits of grass type which is a faster healing rate.

As for the fairy type, don't even talk about it. In all five regions, the only primary fairy types are the Cleffa line and the Snubbull line. No one knows where they are found, other fairies like Flabebe are not found in Unova. All fairies found in Unova are not primary fairy types so no point in catching them for a life span increase.

Almost all the information I know is through my brother who knew from our Baron Father, Civilians don't even know the basic information. By the time they know the complete information, they would have already caught four or five pokemon. This shows how impossible it is to move up the ranks as a Civilian.

Thinking everything through, I stopped jogging and started my workout routine. Maybe I should try a starter from the flying department as it will improve my speed or maybe Water or Fire types. I am not sure about my starter pick as I don't even know what the Academy offers.

'Anyways, let's think about it when I join the Academy', I thought and I suddenly heard a sound from Blitzle who came running towards me.

-----------Chapter End-----------

Note: I know that I have introduced a lot to digest but tell me if you guys have any doubts regarding some things I introduced. I can clarify them or re-edit the chapter. Hope you are not too against some things, just stick with the plot and you will get used to it.

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Wild_Winecreators' thoughts