

3 weeks later:

"Sir, please accept my resignation."

"Arthur, why? Is the pay not enough? or did you get a new job?" asked a middle-aged man in an expensive suit.

"No Sir, I am just quitting on my own accord, I want to travel and figure out some things. It's because of some personal reasons, sorry for this sudden heads up, I hope you understand."

"Arthur, we can talk about this... you know you will get the employer of the year this month-end, right? The board was even planning to promote you, you would become the youngest manager in the company, so why abandon all the hard work?" reasoned the man in worry.

"Sir, I am extremely sorry, I have already made up my mind," I said with resolve.

Currently, I had slid-back hair that's neatly combed with the monotonous office look. I walked away without bothering to stay after several requests from the branch head.

Enough is enough, I don't want to live every day like a robot. I am the type of guy who goes to the office every day without missing an hour of work and try to work some extra hours to impress the boss. Heck, What did I not do?

I am 27 and my life follows an unimpressively predictable pattern,

Wake up, Office, Sleep, Repeat



Wake up, Office, Sleep, Repeat



Wake up, Office, Sleep, Repeat




"Wake up Arthur..... Arthur Wake up..... ARTHURRRRR"

"Sure, Sir!", I said springing myself up from sleep.

"Sure, Sir? what are you talking about? It's already late, wake up. Butler informed me that you weren't getting up no matter what. Did you have some bad dreams?" asked my brother in concern.

"No, it's just life..... anyway I will come downstairs in a minute," I said pushing Leon away from my room, he had a face full of questions due to my response.

"Huffffff", I almost got a panic attack. I don't want to live that life anymore, I want to be free and do what I like instead. I will do whatever it takes to achieve that, and not to say, it's time to go to Striaton City.


Leon Jones POV:

"Sir, is Master Arthur awake?" asked butler Frederick.

"Yes, he will be here in five minutes. You can arrange the breakfast."

"Yes, Master Jones."

"Frederick, let me ask you something. Since when did you notice changes in Arthur?"

"Sir, I don't understand what you are talking about," said the butler in confusion.

"You know what I mean, since that day my father passed away, Arthur was always depressed, he used to shut himself and barely talk or eat. But everything changed suddenly as if he turned a new leaf." I said turning toward Frederick.

"Young Master, about that..... I think I noticed it four years ago. Exactly a year after the unfortunate demise of Sir Timothy. You were a knight in training at that moment so I presume you noticed a year later," said Frederick.

"Hmm....., I don't know what exactly caused the change but it's good that he is normal," I said dismissing Frederick away.

I was 15 when my father became injured and could not attend the Academy. Had to take care of him for a year before he passed away, and the problems I had only increased later. My father was the first Noble in our family and there was too much to be taken care of after he passed away.

I had to leave a 9-year-old younger brother alone in the Manor with just the Butler and Maids to take care of. I was worried initially and did not want to abandon the only family I had but I had no choice but to train as a Knight.

Many letters about Arthur not eating and being shut down had reached me but I couldn't go back, had to grit my teeth and train. After a year when I reached home, Arthur was the same depressed boy that was mentioned in the letters but he suddenly changed a week later.

Arthur was more mature than any 10-year-old I have seen, he understood my difficulties and tried his best to help us in any way possible. Everyone in the Manor was immensely surprised but the impact wasn't the same on me as I only saw him depressed for a week.

He then came to me one day asking to train my Pokemon. I thought he just wanted to play with them but when I saw him trying to teach the moves from the books he read, I couldn't help but wonder if he is an 11-year-old.

Deep inside, I wasn't keeping my hopes up, instead, I thought of selling some miscellaneous property that is still left and using all my savings to buy a green-grade Pokemon so he can attend the Academy through the written test.

Never did I think that Arthur had plans for me too, he wanted me to join the prestigious Royal Knights. If it was a year ago, I would laugh at that joke, I know for a fact that both my Pokemon are Yellow grade while the Royal Knights need pokemon with potentials of Green grade or above.

As time passed after Arthur started training my Pokemon, I saw Machop showing the signs of mastering the new move which got my hopes up. I am 21 and this will be my last chance to register for Royal Knights, I would miss it forever if it's not for this year. but who knew I would meet all the conditions with just 4 weeks to spare?

I wanted to train my Pokemon too but I have no time as the Knights must Patrol the outskirts from any wild Pokemon attacks. We are never free due to frequent thefts and Pokemon abuse cases.

I am just glad Arthur is unlike other younger brothers who ask for toys, money, and other things, I would even say my life has become more stress-free. At one point after my father passed away, I couldn't handle the burden of reviving the family.

There was so much to take care of and I had to earn the money for both of us while still paying the Butler and maids, my pride wouldn't let go of all my father's teaching of being a Noble. Arthur was my only emotional support and motivation to do better. Now that I have a chance, I will grab it with everything I have got.

I also checked the potential and improvements of my pokemon through the Joy family pokemon device. Zebstrika has broken into the Elite level while Machoke is Peak advanced. All the training we did fighting the wild Pokemon on the outskirts paid off, I am sure the potential improvement is due to Arthur, who taught them to harness a new type of energy.

For safety reasons, I strictly prohibited everyone from telling the outside on what Arthur did. If anyone knows that Arthur can teach Pokemon moves like the Royal instructor then it will be a huge pile-up of problems.

While contemplating on the future I heard a sudden voice breaking me out of thought, "Is the breakfast ready?"


Arthur POV:

"Is the breakfast ready?"

"It's almost done, come take a seat," said Leon.

"Brother, did you finish the registration? " I asked.

"Yes, it's done. I will be leaving this week and you better behave well when I am not around. It will take a month before they finish all the background checks and tests to accept the royal knight," said Leon with newfound confidence.

"You seem very sure that you won't be rejected by the Royal family," I said sarcastically making him smack me in the back.

"Ouchhh, what was that for?"

"Don't try to curse me with your negative thoughts. Of course, I am confident, our background is as clean as it can get and I am a 21-year-old Knight with an Elite level Pokemon."

'right!!! the criteria were to have an advanced level mount and an extra Pokemon while brother has an elite level Zebstrika and a peak advanced Machoke' I thought.

"Not to mention, Our father worked as a personal guard once for the current King who was just a Prince back in the day," said Leon with pride.

"What?? Then why the fuck are we demoted, I mean if the King himself knows father?" I asked in doubt.

"Language Arthur!!!!, I said he acted as a guard merely once and we were demoted due to political purposes, don't bother about that for now. Father explained to me that he did make a good impression for that one time he guarded the King, so I don't think I will be rejected."

"Good, that means an easy way to enter the Academy for me. So, when will you write the letter to me with the signed seal of the King so I can apply to the Academy?" I asked in an excited tone.

"Calm down, I will send the letter only after I get appointed. So probably in a month after I leave, wait for it and then you can leave for the academy," he said while gulping some water.

"I will ask Frederick to take care of all the formalities. Be a good student and learn as much as you can, the Academy has Pseudo King level teachers and I also heard there are two King level professors, so absorb all you can," advised Leon.

"Heh Heh, I will suck them dry, you don't have to worry," I said smirking.

Just then, Butler and the maids arrived with the breakfast.


That night:

"Today will be our last day as you will leave tomorrow. I just wanted to say I will miss you a lot," I said hugging both Zebstrika and Machoke. Both Zebstrika and Machoke learned new moves after evolution, Zebstrika mastered stomp while Machoke mastered Bulk up.

Their talent also changed, Zebstrika is a Green grade pokemon while Machoke is light Green grade. They grew in size and are almost as tall as my 170cm height.

Zebstrika and Machoke are both a bigger version of their previous form. Zebstrika is a zebra-like pokemon. Its coat is black with white, jagged stripes all over its body. There is one-pointed stripe extending from its nose, two elaborate stripes on its neck and chest, one zigzag stripe each on its jaws, back, and hindquarters, one triangular stripe on each of its thighs, and two stripes banding each of its legs. (Picture in the comments.)

"Zeb Zebstrika," "Choke Machoke", they said getting teary-eyed. According to our Butler, both were gifted to my brother when I was 8 and I know we grew up together from childhood to adulthood. You could say we three are all like siblings and the bond between us is as thick as water.

" Now Now, I am not gonna die or something, we can meet every now and then. The Royal Capital is not that far from the Academy, maybe I will visit you guys every six months," I said making them very happy, Machoke almost choked me with his hugs.

"Zeb...." "Machokeeeee"

"Also, I will be counting on you guys to teach that fiery flame charge and bone-chilling ice punch moves to my Pokemon in the future. I mean I can't sit and figure out the methods to mastery for another two more years right?" I said laughing and making them chuckle.

I told my goodbyes early so that they leave before I woke up tomorrow. My plan for next month is to sit tight and wait, maybe I will think about my starter or what the Academy offers...

----------Chapter End----------

Hope you are liking the progress, the real plot starts from the next chapter as the initial chapters were on building up, info dumps, and background setting. Share your thoughts if any in the comments.

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