
Pokemon: The Medieval Era

Arthur transmigrates into a 10-year-old boy who lives in Unova. He gradually finds out that he is in a completely different era of the Pokemon world and the world itself has rules that never existed in anime or games. Timeline: Five to Six hundred years before the main plot, the period during the Kingdom of Vale from the Victini movie. Only the basic setting is taken from the movie, the story is completely unrelated to the Anime or games. Note: Don't rate the book until you read at least 10 chapters. I am trying something completely new, mainly world-building. I am trying to establish a new world background with certain new rules. Image Credits: It's from the Pokemon Legends game but know that, this fanfic is not in anyways related to the game itself. Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this Fan-fiction except the OC characters, all belong to Pokemon Company.

Wild_Wine · Komik
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36 Chs

An exciting day ahead

Two weeks later:

"Yes, that's it!!! Now don't leak out the electricity, instead, gather it around your whole body like a barrier," I said instructing Elekid about the move Charge.

"Elekid Kidddd", said Elekid trying to hold the energy still.

I got a bit of help from Professor Amelia with the description and information of the move. It has been coming along well, Elekid is now able to 'up his special defence' but the problem is to use that stored electricity to double the attack power of an electric move.

"Okay, you are doing great!! everything is perfect up until where you gather it around the whole body. Now, when you release an electric move, you have to put all that energy around you into that attack. So basically combine your generated electricity in thundershock and the electricity barrier around you to double the power," I said explaining to him in detail.

[I got the concept but trying to combine them is the problem, ] he said scratching his head.

"It's just about the control, Elekid. Remember what I said a few days ago? You are the embodiment of electricity, so don't treat both energies as different things. The electricity you generate by rotating your hands is the same as the electricity you gather around your body," I said trying to elaborate on the move.

[Ok, I got it....] he said and started practising again.

Light Screen being an egg move has been coming along easily. At the moment, Elekid can set up a barrier in 3 to 4 seconds. Sadly we were not able to improve further so we stopped working on it and concentrated on Charge. Elekid also seemed bored of practising Light Screen so I am taking a week off from that move.

As I was contemplating, I suddenly heard a familiar cheerful voice from afar.

"Hello there Arthur!!!"

I turned to the far-right practice ground from where the voice came from and waved my hand, It was Ethan

"Hi, What's up?" I ask back.

"I need some help!! Can you ask Elekid to teach my Munna the move Light Screen?" he asked pointing at the cute floating Munna.

"Munna Naa Munna," she said greeting me.

"Light Screen? Sure but it costs money," I said making Ethan deadpan.

"Seriously?" he asked with an incredible face.

"Do you think I am running a charity? You are loaded while I am gradually running out of money," I said with a pitiful expression.

"Alright!!! How much?" he asked back.

"How much is the cost in the market?" I asked in curiosity.

"Not sure, probably two million as it's a rare move," he said thinking it through.

'The fuck? that's the starting price of a very basic green grade Pokemon !!!'

"Th.....That high?" I ask back trying to get a re-confirmation to which Ethan nodded back.

'I think I will just become a move Tutor instead,' I thought imagining the amount I can earn by teaching Ice punch and flame charge. But they would probably be way cheaper than Light Screen.

"Well, since you are my friend... I will give a good discount. 1 Million...." I said raising my finger with embarrassment.

"Deal!!!" he said immediately.

'He accepted that easily? I shouldn't have given the discount...' I thought regretting it.

"Why not ask some move tutors instead of coming to me who is an amateur? " I asked in doubt.

"It's not that I don't want to but barrier moves are rare and almost many don't know how to teach. I don't have credit points to ask tutors on campus and other move tutors are in Royal Capital. So saves time to be taught by Elekid," he said explaining the reason.

Well, nothing can be done about that. The academy doesn't accept money, you have to earn the credit points to get the resources..... This was done to make it fair between civilians and Nobles. In a way, it also teaches the importance of money earned rather than just throwing your family's wealth.

"Fine, wait till Elekid finishes his Charge practice. Munna can communicate with him regarding the move," I said pointing at the 'still practising Elekid'.

"No problem, so how far are you from a breakthrough?" he asked gazing at Elekid.

"Not that far away, I think the move 'Charge' is the key. If he masters it then I am confident that he will enter the intermediate stage. After all, we have been battling with students on the daily basis," I said back.

I then suddenly remembered something and turned towards Ethan,

"I too need some help from you," I asked with a serious face.

"What is it?" he inquired.

"Let's say hypothetically, ... I mean hypothetically ok?.... If in case I give you a High-grade Pokemon Egg, can you sell it on the black market? I mean do you have any reliable sources who don't leak the information," I asked hoping for a positive answer.

"Huh? High-grade pokemon Egg? How can you know its high grade before it hatches?" he asked back in confusion.

"Okay, not an Egg but a High-Grade baby Pokemon like how we were given from the Academy," I said rephrasing it.

"Well, I can sell them but how high are we talking about here?" he asked eyeing me more seriously.

"Not sure, probably a Mid Green Grade?" I said in doubt not giving an assured answer.

"Anything below Blue grade will be easier to secretly sell but it would be a huge problem if it's above Green. But, where do you even obtain a baby Pokemon like that? Not to say why would you even want to sell instead of just contracting it?" he asked in doubt.

"Well, that's why I said hypothetically. I am talking about the future. If we go to the wild and somehow luck out on a Pokemon, I would need good sources to sell right? that's why," I said scratching the back of my head.

"It would be crazy if you have such luck," he said amused by my reasoning.

"Anyways, Elekid is almost done. You can ask Munna to communicate," I said diverting the topic.

"Oh great, Thanks," he said patting me.

"Elekid help Munna with Light Screen, also be gentle with her. Don't pull any pranks, making her angry will only lead her to hypnotize you," I said at Elekid.

[I will handle everything perfectly, No worries Dad, ] he said showing me a peace sign.

'I worry the most when you say it with such confidence' I said internally.

During the last few weeks, I did not get to talk to Golett about the egg-stealing plan. For now, I am still trying to form a deep friendship with it. At least the plan is going great as Gollet allows me to Pat him unlike before and he also permits me to touch the seal patterns on his chest. A Golett or Golurk doesn't allow anyone to touch those patterns unless it trusts you.

'I will discuss my plan after Elekid makes a breakthrough,' I thought.

For now, it's a routine of attending classes and grinding...


A week later:

"Keep it up, I have a feeling we will do it successfully," I said encouraging the struggling Elekid.

"Eleee Kidddd," he said and threw a bolt of Electric energy towards the tree.


The trunk of the tree became heavily dented because of the impact and you could see the area where the bolt hit turning pitch black.

"Good, almost... The moment you break the trunk is when it's considered a success..." I said patting Elekid.

[I know, I too can feel it. It has become easier to combine the built-up and generated electricity together, ] he said and started using Charge again.

"Sizzzlleeeee..... zzzzzz"

This time while performing the move, the two prongs over his head released a spark towards each other forming a connection. The electricity then passed over Elekid's body generating a thin layer like Shield.

'Perfect First Step,' I thought and observed with more interest.

"Eleeekidd!!!!!!!" he said immediately generating a bolt of energy in his hands,

'Now combine that electric layer into the bolt!!!' I said internally with expectation.


The layer around Elekid slowly started to gather around the small bolt in Elekid's hand, the bolt gradually increased in size as more and more electricity gathered.

The defensive layer around Elekid completely disappeared while the bolt in his hand enlarged thrice the size it was initially.

"Kidddddd," he yelled with confidence and threw the huge Thundershock at a tree that wasn't used before.

The moment it came in contact, a loud bang reverberated around the training ground,

"Crash.....Booooom," was all I heard and a huge broken chunk came flying towards my face.

'Fuck!!' I thought and there was a sudden pain in my brain for one-twentieth of a second. I don't know what changed but I could track the huge piece of bark flying towards me.....

It was as if I had a Sharingan, my body seemed to react instinctively and the adrenaline rush only amplified the effect.

My whole upper body bent backwards while the bark flew inches away from my face.

'My Goddd!!! That felt incredible!!'

Everything around me changed to normal again and it seemed like nothing happened.

[Dad, are you alright? I am sorry, I was excited...] said Elekid in worry.

I ignore his apology and ran towards him,

"Elekid!!! did you see that..... this only means you broke through the beginner stage," I said in excitement.

[I do think I became stronger and also feel like I can generate and absorb more electricity] he said trying to flow the current all over his body.

"Good, now we can take up those damn tasks for credit points!!!! We can go out to the wild and experience it," I said lifting him and rubbing my face against his chin.

[Wild? will there be electricity?] he asked in excitement.

"No there won't but there will probably be pokemon to battle..] I said in excitement.

"Also, we can start that Egg stealing plan of ours," I whispered to Elekid making him smirk.

All that's left is to convince the main guy, the 'soon to be culprit'...


That night in Room 35:

"Okay, what I will be telling you is a big secret, ok? The secret cannot be told to anyone even to your trainer. This is like the trust of friendship between us three.... Do you understand?" I asked Golett making him hesitate for a bit.

I know it will be tough to make him keep away the secret from his trainer but it is necessary.

"Okay, how about this... you can tell Professor Arden after we finish the task. That way you don't need to hide it from him!!!" I said slowly convincing Golett.

"Also, this is a huge prank. I know you love pranks, I too love them, even Elekid," I said nudging Elekid with my feet.

[Yes!!! I want to do a big prank like never before, ] he said with fake excitement.

"Goletttt Goletttt," he said putting up his hands as if to say he too likes them.

"So, what we will be doing is the biggest prank this Academy has ever seen. Like the BIGGEST EVER," I said stressing that word.

"Golett?Goooolett," it said asking me to tell what the prank is.

"But, you should keep this from Arden or else we will get in trouble and Professor Arden might even stop us from doing the prank!!" I said again trying to make him accept the terms.

"Lett Golett," he said doing some hand signs. I turned towards Elekid for an explanation,

[He says ok but will inform Arden after the prank is over, ] said Elekid.

"Hah!!! Sure. You can tell everything to him but only after the prank," I said reassuring Golett.

Arden won't be able to do anything because he will belong to the involved party. Not to say, I will be involving one more big shot so that even if we are caught, the punishment won't go too far.

'If it's a success then I can only imagine the Profit!!!!!'

I was planning to steal two eggs, one for me and the other to sell. According to the information, Professor Baldwin has a total of 5 Pokemon, 3 are Elite while two are advanced.

He is only using 2 Elite Pokemon to guard and the others stay with him to protect his life from all Ghost Pokemon harassing him with pranks.

It won't be impossible to pull this off with Golett too being an Elite. After all, Baldwin's Pokemon Guarding the eggs are not Ghost-type.

I also know that Golett will accept our terms because it loves pulling extreme pranks like the day he poured a huge bucket of cold water over Professor Amelia. If Golett was any older, it would have been impossible to convince it, Golett is just a year old Pokemon so it is still a kid at heart.

'Which only makes it easier to convince...'

"Okay, so listen to my plan....." I said turning towards Golett and Elekid. We all sat in a circle like a gang plotting to kidnap a child.

-----------Chapter End------------

Note: Happy New Year guys, I will be busy tomorrow so possibly no chapter but not sure. I hope you guys have a great year ahead.

Also, some might think the plan to steal might be risky considering this is a royal academy but trust me..... this will be a flawless and meticulous operation.

Please, Vote with power stones.

Thank you.

Wild_Winecreators' thoughts