
Chapter 77 – Power Of the One

Sub – Title – Battle Begins

Ash "Go inside we have guest."

Ash then walked out with Pikachu. Tracey was going to follow him but Misty stopped him.

Misty spoke "We can't contend with legend."

Misty then turned to Melody and spoke "Don't wait for him he has a fear that he will disappear someday like his father and cannot give happiness to you and he cannot stay at one place."

Melody looked at Misty and nodded.

Misty "He is Destroyer."

Ash as he was walking he took out five pokeballs and five pokemon came out.

Left to Right Charizard, Pidgeot, Venasaur, Blastoise and Kabutops.

Ash "Guys we have a battle to go Venasaur, Charizard Look out for Zapdos Kabutops find Moltres's Aura , Pidgeot follow me too Fire island. Blastoise Guard the island"

Everyone roared and Ash climbed on Pidgeot with Pikachu and Flew towards Fire island.


From Above the water around Shamouti for thousands of kilometer have frozen and thunder clouds have gathered. But this not the most shocking thing tens of thousands of pokemon have gathered around the Shamouti island as if trying prevent the destruction.


In some places and old man who was amputed cruelly but was still alive was looking at a Proud Dragon surrounded by a golden flame and around him were burnt bodies of pokemon and human.

The old man coughed "Ha ha ha Samuel see you in hell."

Charizard looked at him and snorted and burned him directly. Then he looked at a his right a kilometer away some people were watching him and then flew away."


A kilometer away few men and women who were wearing black clothes who were tensed by the gaze breathe a sigh of relief.

On their clothes was a sign of human pokemon friendship the mysterious Pokemon Alliance.

The leader who was black spoke "This Old fellow still has such powers."

A woman who had specs spoke "The energy fluctuations has reached beyond conventional means his King Tier strength has restored."

The leader nodded "People say that strong people mainly oppose each other but this man's every relative is a monster."

In his hands were some documents on which there were some familiar pictures and names.

" Name : - Samuel Oak

Rank Unknown (At least King Tier)

Age 52

Blue Oak

Rank Unknown

Age 33

Status : Lost in a wormhole

Red Ketchum

Rank Unknown

Age 33

Stautus : Lost in Wormhole

Delia Ketchum

Rank A+

Age 32

Status : Alive (Cannot move away from the home place)

Green Ketchum

Rank S+

Age 33

Status : Alive (At Northern Border)

Yellow Oak

Rank S+

Age 33

Status Alive (Almia Region)

Gary Oak

Rank B+

Age 10

Status Alive (Currently in Almia )

Leaf Ketchum

Rank B+

Age 10

Status Alive (Jhoto Region)


The leader stopped and turned the page. The woman too looked at it and spoke "The Real Monster."


Ash Ketchum

Rank A+ (Maybe S)

Age 10

Status Alive (Orange islands.)


The leader spoke "I think he should be currently battling with Legends right."



"Many People see legends once he battles defeats and make friends with them he is totally in another world."

The woman opened her mouth but stopped and then spoke "What is we could rope him in."

The leader frowned "Oak will not agree our background is not clear as many of the spies have just been removed and he will not even trust the Director."



Orange islands Ash is rushing towards Fire island on Pidgeot but a big battle is going nearby.


Zapdos versus Charizard and Venasaur.

Zapdos looked at the two pokemons who were stopping him from going to Fire islands and spoke

"Stupid Mortals you dare to obstruct the path of this lord."

Charizard snorted and replied him with flamethrower.

Zapdos dodged it easily.

Charizard smirked "A worthy Opponent." And he flared as an imposing aura was directed at Zapdos.

Venasaur shrugged "Here it will help you."

Venasaur Launched Sunny day and the weather cleared for the nearby ten kilometers.

Charizard "Fine Thank you." Then he glowed Green and disappeared from his place.

Zapdos narrowed his eyes and fired a thunder at his right. Charizard Appeared there and dodged the attack by rolling and simultaneously launching a flame burst at Zapdos.

Zapdos was going to dodge but he was entangled by wines.

Venasaur smirked "This is bullying."


A explosion occurred.


Shamouti island.

Melody's home.

She was standing on the top of her home looking at the battle in the sky with sparkle in her eyes.

Melody "Ash's pokemons are so strong to battle legends."

Misty shook her head "They are new born legends the true legends are way stronger. But even if they are newborn they are called legends because they control the rules."


As she spoke a Yellow light shone in the sky from the explosion and Zapdos rushed out towards Charizard.

His appearance has not changed but there was faint lightning cover on him.


Misty continued "It is from their blood."


To be continued.

Extra Chapter for 200 Power stones