
Chapter 43 – Mewtwo Strikes Back Part - III

As Ash was running through the corridor his footprints were printing on the floor and he was little unsteady.

Ash "Err why I can't control my body properly."

Mew "Because your physique has been modified by the Spirit fruit and your strength has increased."

Ash "Okay"

Then he looked at the nearby window and opened it slowly

Bang Crack.

But it still broke.

Ash "Argg fine Pidgeot."

Pidgeot appeared outside the window and Ash jumped out and sat on her.

Ash "First go to the port."

Pidgeot "Ash you can call them."

Ash "Yeah Dexter."

Dexter "The electronic signals are blocked Ash I cannot call them."

"Okay fine."

Mew looked at the island and spoke "Ash you should stop other trainers who are going first."

Ash "Okay now let's wear the new mask."

And he changed into a grey hood and a mask.

Pidgeot rushed towards the port.


On the port Jenny was shouting to stop the trainers but no one was listening and were still continuing towards the island in the storm.

Suddenly a boom sounded and a Pidgeot appeared in the sky and a voice came.

"Trainers stop going on that island you are falling in a trap."

Many trainers were dissatisfied "What do you know and who are you."

"Hmph." And Ash released his aura and each and every trainer was suppressed.

Ash "Fools do you think you can defeat a legendary who has gone berserk."

And he left with Pidgeot towards the island.


New island

Many trainers were gathered and were speaking in a group.

Misty "Brock Why do I feel a little unease."

Brock "I don't know but I feel like a big show will happen today."

Then a voice sounded.

"Hello trainers."

All the trainers stopped speaking and looked at the hooded Joy.

"Let's welcome my master the strongest trainer and the strongest pokemon."

All trainers mood was at their peak.

All the lights were focused at the stairs and a purple foot landed their.

Mewtwo "Hello humans welcome to my party."

And he descended down.

Misty "Mewtwo."

Brock "Peak of B+ rank."

A trainer with Gyarados was dissatisfied and shouted "Hmph how audacious a trainer can never be a pokemon."

Mewtwo "Little Brat You don't have the right to speak."

"Humph Gyarados."


A hyperbeam was launched towards Mewtwo and it enveloped him.

But then a laughter sounded and Mewtwo came out unharmed.

Mewtwo "Such feeble attack is called Hyperbeam you are a joke for a trainer."

And his eyes glowed pink and Gyarados was blasted into the wall and was heavily injured.

"Gyarados!!." And the trainer ran towards the Gyarados.

Misty "Mewtwo stop doing this."

Mewtwo "Why should I and who are you to but in." and he used psychic.

And Misty was slammed into the wall and pinned down their.

Brock "Mewtwo your fried got heavily injured to save you for you to become a calamity."

Mewtwo "Which friend The Boy who was battling me in the so called Gym arggg." And he held his head in pain.

"Stop" and Brock too was blasted near Misty.

Mewtwo calmed down a bit and looked at the remaining trainers.

Mewtwo "Come my pokemon."

Three roars sounded.


In the research room.

A certain trio were looking at a machine and then it suddenly started scaring the shit out of them.


And then from the nearby tubes three pokemon came out a Charizard a

Venasaur and a Blastoise.

Meowth "Hey guys should we catch them."

Jessie "yes for sure her goes pokeball." And she threw a pokeball in Charizardtwo's direction.

But then they got a flame thrower in return.



Three pokemons appeared besides Mewtwo.

Mewtwo looked at the trainers and spoke "Those who can defeat them with the same types can leave rest will perish here."

All the trainers were in despair.

A Trainer with Blastoise spoke.

"I have a Blastoise I will Challenge him."

Mewtwo "Good."


Ash was rushing towards the island in the heavy storm.

Mew was startled for a second "An another mew why is he here."

Ash "I think your clan was monitoring Mewtwo."

Mew transformed back and wrapped his Tail around Ash's Neck and spoke "Yes but he is suffering from double personalities and to make him remember his true self an memory of the past is required."

Mew then started to hang on his neck swaying with the wind.


Ash "Mew."

Mew "Ah and one more if battle is necessary let the other Mew battle Mewtwo he will get an experience and you will stop him after he is injured."

And he then jumped into his bag and got stuck again.

Ash "Pikachu remove him."


On the battlefield a Blastoise was defeated.

And other trainer roared "I Challenge Venasaur."

Mewtwo "Venasaurtwo go."

Trainer "Venasaur Razor leaf then Solar beam."

Misty and Brock were injured at the side but they could not move due to the restrains.

Brock "Misty do you know that Mewtwo could kill us any time."

Misty "Yes but he still didn't."

"I think he still has a chance to recover."

"And Only Ash can do it."

Brock "These naïve trainers don't even know how to battle and I think they only have got the weaker badges by using strength difference."

Misty "Everyone is not Ash."

"Arg yes."


Next Venasaur was defeated.

Mewtwo "Anyone else."

A Trainer with Charizard spoke "Hmph fools even don't know to battle Charizard go and use your speed as your advantage."

His Charizard roared and rose into the sky.

Mewtwo "Good but not enough. Charizardtwo you know what to do."


In the research lab a pink furball was moving with excitement.

The Rocket trio.

Jessie "Meowth because of you we are in this state."

"What did I do you threw the pokeball."


James "Guys cool down."


Charizard was defeated earlier then others.

Mewtwo "Okay thank you now stay here permanently."

And his eyes glowed and a Pink cage was formed around them.

And then Black pokeballs floated and started to capture the pokemons of the trainers.

A Trainer roared "Use your pokeballs."

Everyone returned their pokemons.

Mewtwo "Fools"

The black pokeballs still captured the pokemon in the pokeballs and only one pokeball was left because it was a Great ball.

Mewtwo "Hmm interesting now watch the show."


In the research lab the cloning machine started and photos of pokemon appeared on the screen and their clones were formed.

The Rocket trio looked at them.

Meowth "Hmm a Fearow, Vulpix, Staryu."





Next Chapter : Chapter 43 – Mewtwo strikes back Part – IV