
Pokemon: The Continuation of a Dream

A content creater with multiple talents after reading his script to go over his hardcore nuzelocke, looked at his channel to see a milestone reached. With dopamine rushing through his system he took a break watching the episode "Distant Blue Sky!". With all types of different emotion swelling due to the end of Ash's journey, his channel growth and the small message left by the recently watched episode. He went to sleep with a small incident. Unaware of his destined fate becoming a certain blue haired boy. Sunny Haruto...

Shogunate · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

So and Sue [2]

[Sunny Haruto POV (Saffron Hospital)]

'Where am I…' I thought staring straight at the ceiling. It wasn't the familiar hardwood that I got accustomed to in my room.

It was plain white and the temperature of the room felt eerily cold.

Not thinking much of it I tried to move my body but couldn't. It felt like extreme weights were lying down on my body, stopping me from moving.

The situation felt oddly similar but I couldn't really pinpoint it.

'This is probably a hospital. An incident may have occurred while I was sleeping, but my body has never felt disabled level weak due to my Muay Thai conditioning'

After some momentary thoughts, I didn't ponder longer as a drowsy feeling hit me. 

It's better to sleep through your problems...


[A few hours later]

"Tell them I'm taking a leave." A woman's voice said to my side. Not opening my eyes, I just lay down on the hospital bed taking in my surroundings.

"Sunny should be fine to take home when he gets up."

From what I've heard so far, a conversation between a Nurse and a man was going on, with a woman taking a day off or something.

Last time I checked my name was Sunny, and am currently on a bed. But I don't recognise anyone's voice from my relatives?

Just a little bit ago when I woke up, that weakening sensation never left.

Feeling my arm with a hand, it was skinny and did not resemble my arms just a day prior. Opening my eyes I take a look at the back of my hand.

'Now hold the f*ck up. Did I just become pale white, because last time I checked I was dark brown?'

With a confused face, I didn't realise that the whole room suddenly became silent. Still going through a few thoughts, a shout could be heard.

"Sunny!" The same woman from before saying this ran to my bed with tears in her eyes.

Looking towards her direction my eyes widened as a foggy thought started to surface. This thought couldn't appear though as I instinctively back away.

"W-who are you?" I croak out with an initial voice crack.

The woman who looked to be in her late 20s froze at my words, eyes widening and in complete shock. Behind her, the man who looked to be her sibling due to both of them having blue hair, slowly got up and put a hand on her shoulder.

Seemingly in contemplation the man getting a soft expression gets closer.

"I'm your dad, So, do you remember your mother and me?" He explains while rubbing his wife's shoulders trying to help her out.

Looking into his eyes I just shake my head in denial. While on the outside it seemed like it didn't do anything, the guy named So had a lifeless look in his eyes making me gulp.

"Sunny it's me, mummy, I've got your hat. Remember you wanted to be a Pokemon trainer right, right? Get a starter and battle loads..." She asks slowly losing it.

Originally having a confused expression, it didn't stay long with the words "Pokemon trainer". My heart skipped a beat at the revelation making me realise one small detail from this experience.

'Last night from the episode "Distant Blue Sky!", I'm definitely the dead kid but alive now?' I remembered pieces some memories together. Seeing her hold out a blue hat I recognise as the one a Mankey stole in the original anime episode.

Reminded me a lot of Ash's own that he lent.

The truth hit me like a truck.

The two in front of me are my parents, So and Sue with them always being too busy for the original Sunny.

So I'm in Pokemon now huh...

An eccentric smile threatened to creep up on my mouth, but the situation in front of me prevented that. While I'm not one to support high-jacking a kid's body, I won't be guilty if it is outside of my control.

It's a dream come true but with an awkward start.

Even so isn't Sunny meant to die?

"Nuh-uh." I softly retort making Sue who was already breaking down fully silent. Seeing this I couldn't help but feel some pity. "Hey, what's a Pokemon Trainer? It sounds interesting!"

Sue who heard my voice full of genuine curiosity couldn't stay sad for longer as her baby just asked a question, despite not remembering her. Swiftly taking out her phone she pulled out some app the equivalent to Youtube but probably named differently.

Leaning in closer, I see her pull out a video with an interesting title.

[Champion Lance the Dragon Master versus Elite 4 Bruno the Steel Bruiser]

"Being a trainer means that you get to adventure. Catching and training Pokemon to have epic battles with eight gyms!" Sue explains insistently moving her phone in front of my face.

Not minding this at all with my mind still blown from the recent discovery of my transmigration, I watched the video with genuine interest and a glint in my eyes. The two parents who saw this both got a reminiscent smile seeing my face.

On the screen could be seen a Dragonite giving a death stare seemingly at the camera, but with a small zone out you could see its opponent a Hitmonchan. Both Pokemon already have scars due to the video being cut near the end, it seemed like Bruno's Pokemon was at its wits end.

"Dragonite blitz forward and use [Aerial Ace]!" The eight-foot dragon hearing the command widens its eyes in assumed anger. 

Watching it as disappears from the camera's sight, it shortly after appears next to the punching Pokemon with a quick camera cut.

Hitmonchan who already guessed the trajectory dodged diagonally barely scrapping by. But this wasn't over as the Dragonite did a small spin with its hands enhanced with [Aerial Ace].

"Hitmonchan dodge and use [Ice Punch]!" Bruno shouts doing a small forward punch.

The Pokemon ducking under the spinning attack does a quick jab to the face of the Dragonite.


Not even a few seconds after this the camera did a close-up to see the view of Dragonite looking down on the Hitmonchan, growling. Realising the danger it was in the punching Pokemon wanted to move but it couldn't.

That ice attack did absolutely nothing...

It was too late for the poor Pokemon as the Dragonite already had both hands on its shoulders, holding it still.

"[Hyper Beam] Dragonite." A simple statement that sent a shiver down my spine.


"Woah..." I murmur in shock visibly excited seeing a point-blank [Hyper Beam]. Unfortunately for the Pokemon on the receiving end, it was clear enough that it wasn't able to tank the hit.

With the attack creating a dust cloud, it created a sense of anticipation making the atmosphere heavy on screen as the audience had to wait a few tens of seconds for it to go. As time went by a sudden gust of wind freed up the area.

"Winner, Champion Lance from Blackthorn City!" The referee announces as Bruno falls on his knees, with the final images of the video being a Dragonite and Lance posing before the video cuts off.

"I want to be a Pokemon Trainer now!" I murmur in a calculated manner. While becoming a trainer is my plan, saying this now would help my parents recover even a tiny bit.

I'm not some actor who can fake having Sunny's memories or a small amount, I'd rather start over.

Saying this wouldn't be a bad start in my opinion.

"That's still our Sunny." So whispered to Sue who just shakily nodded with a smile.

Unable to fully hear their words a nurse walks up to my parents. With an interested look, I saw the woman handing some papers.

"It should be fine to take little Sunny here home, while it's a miracle he recovered fully from his sickness. Because of it going away might be the cause of his memory loss." She slowly explains making So nod.

'I guess there's no need to worry about health.' That answers my question.

After some awkward talks about them being my parents and how I'd need to be taken home, I simply accepted.

Hey, it might be weird but being in an orphanage is not something anyone wants with decent parents in front of me. It's not like they abused Sunny, if anything them neglecting me wouldn't be too bad.

Free time to accustom myself to this world is welcomed.

With all of that drama now past me as a family, we exited the hospital and headed to their car.


Putting my seatbelt on, at the back seat I started to ask questions.

"Do you guys have any Pokemon?" I say with a childlike innocent tone.

The mother hearing this shook her head.

"We never had an interest in raising or becoming Pokemon trainers Sunny."

"Where are we?"

"Saffron City, we are heading to our house now." She happily explains.

"When can I get a Pokemon, I want to start now!"

With the big question said, I waited in anticipation wanting to know my current age.

"You're able to get a starter right now! Today is your birthday and hit the age of ten. But we don't want you to go on an adventure right now. It's also near the end of the Gym Circuit..."

Hearing her words trail off at the end and trying to make an excuse I already understood her feelings. Their son just came back from the hospital, they probably want to spend time with me as I lost my memories.

'This could be a good opportunity for me.' I thought with the gears in my head clanking.

First of all, I'm more of a stay-at-home all-day boy, I've camped a few times but I didn't enjoy it much. Fishing was probably the best part of it spending time with my father.

Paired with my small social battery, needing to talk to strangers on an empty path?

Stranger danger…

"Can't I get a starter but not go on a journey, maybe when the next Gym Circuit is available?" I question making the both of them visibly fix their postures.

The answer seemed to wake them up.

Instead of my mother answering, this time it was Dad who responded rather quick.

"That would be for the best. The Gym Circuit resets in 6-8 months so you can go then. For now, we can look at getting you a starter in a few days, let's prepare with some shopping first." He says making my eyes sparkle. Enthusiastically nodding at his words the both of them chuckled at my reaction.

After asking a few more questions and sightseeing like the Saffron Gym, we eventually arrived home after some time.

In front of me was a two-story house with a fence outlining the place made of grey bricks. The house exuberated a clean but modern look using grey and white colours with small trees equally spread around.

'My parents are well off.' These were the only thoughts that went through my head as I stared at the home. 

Off to the left, opposite the parking space was a relatively large pool with some grass next to it, the area had a table, a few chair and an umbrella set already.

"Come here," Father said with a soft tone. Broken out of my thoughts, I jog up to the entrance and enter.


Taking my time to get to know my way around the house, the final room to visit was my own. Downstairs in the kitchen, nothing was going on even on Sunny's birthday, which might explain a few things...

"I'll call you down in 10 minutes to eat alright, this is your room." My mother said giving me a tight hug. Not minding the hug at all and actually enjoying it to some extent, I adventure off.


Opening the door I'm greeted with the sight of a very BLUE orientated room. With the walls painted blue, right at the end of the room was a big window. To the right of it was my bed and to the left was a desk with a laptop and wallet.

There were some posters off to the side, other than that it was empty.

'This should be mine.' I thought closing the door and heading to the desk.

Taking a seat I opened up the laptop which didn't need a password at all. While that was booting up I looked to the side and grabbed the wallet.

Opening it up, it contained some sort of card for buying things and playing cards which included Lance and Bruno. Placing them back I just shove it in my pocket.

'Is this why she showed me a battle between the two.' I thought guessing these were his favourite trainers.