
Pokemon: Start From Pallet

I reincarnated In Pallet City in Pokemon world. I want to live without regrets

Zack_Claw · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

My Encounter with Her

So I left With beldum and Charmender towards Veridian City.

On my way I met countless rattatas and pidgey. I specifically avoided the spearrows on my way as I know that the usually are present in packs.

I remember from the anime that Ash incounted a spearrow which led to him infuriating a whole flock of spearrow. Currently I do nit have a bug level Pokemon which can just wipe a whole flock. Better safe than sorry.

There were also someone brave heart pokemons whom I cleared with Charmender.

I took the Glasses I made called Jarvis and told him to record Charmender's physique, stats and move mastery. I then formulated a plan for him. I plan to train him in viridian forest.

I was on my I encounted a girl who was fishing from the river. I recognized it was Misty. I went approached her.

"Hello there Miss, what are you trying to catch."

She looked at me and replied, "I am just trying my improve my fishing skills. Waters near here usually have many common water type pokemons like Goldeen and Magikarps. Judging but the way you came from you must be a rookie from pallet right."

"Yes, I am Dai. I am on my way to Viridian"

As she was about to reply, here fishing rod was hooked ans she friend to pull it.

"Oh This is a big Catch!"

"Should I help"

"No Need, I got this"

Saying that she pulled out... Ash.

Well I guess spearrow flocks are behind him, I should remind her to be careful.

But before anything happened Ash just requested Misty her bike and without her counsent rode off it to the distance.

Misty started to yell at him when suddenly I heard the spearrow flock coming towards her. I pulled Misty into the bushes and signalled her to remain quite.

After the flock left us where came out from the bushes.

"Thank you"

"No problem. I guess Ash fled with your bike because if them and his injured pikachu."

"I am now mad at him. He took my bike and even did not remind us about the flock. You said his name was Ash right, I have to talk my bike from him"

"He is probably going towards Viridian. Let's go together"


After that we began to hurry towards Viridian.

About 3 Hours later we reached Viridian, Officer Jenny verified our identities and came to the Pokemon centre.

There we say Ash. Mistyrushed towards him to acquire her bike back when suddenly black smoke began to spread in the building. I saw to silhouette form then, no need to guess it, It is the most popular guys who are not the protagonist, Team Rocket.

"♪ Prepare for trouble! "

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jessie!" "James!"

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" 

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right! ♪"

After that they began to demand all the kemons to steal them but the plot followed as it should nad Pikachu blew up the PokeCentre and 'saved the day'.

I now begin to wonder about who did a bigger & more dangerous act, team Rocket by attempting to steal Pokemon or Ash but blowing up a building can causing financial damage.