
EPISODE 15: An Egg Dropping Discovery!

"K... Kalem! The egg just moved." Riolu spluttered and called me by my name. He kept a close watch on the egg since yesterday when it almost got lost. The headmaster said that it was common for dark type eggs to just randomly teleport out of nowhere. It was a sign that my egg was about to hatch. I was reading the handbook that Kahuna Hala gave me, a handbook that teaches different types of hand and body positioning in order to perform a Z-move.

"Yeah... Yeah... I'll check it later... I'm reading!" I jabbered as the page from the handbook flipped.

"Come on Kalem! Just take a little peak! You've been reading all day! You and I can practice those positionings later.

"Not now Riolu, just protect the egg!" I ordered with a slight increase of tone.

"Fine..." Riolu conceded as he started to observe the egg again.

Knock knock knock!!!

"Riolu can you please open the door." I pleaded as I turned a page on the handbook I was reading.

"But why me? you told me to guard the egg?" Riolu complained.

"Come on Riolu, hurry up open the door!" I heaved while I was reading.

"Fine! I'll open the door!" Riolu hollered.

"Oh hi Riolu, is Kalem there?" Glade and Zhery queried.

"Yeah, he is currently paying attention to the book Kahuna Hala gave him rather than me!" Riolu badgered.

"Oh hi there Glade and Zhery! What brings you here?" I inquired as I stood up to approach them in the door.

"Oh now you're done reading your book!" Riolu murmured softly.

"Well, you owe us something remember?" Glade recalled.

"Me? Owe you guys something? I don't remember." I tried to recall, but nothing popped up in my head.

"We helped you find your egg, now you're going to explain to us word for word, how you got that Pokemon egg!" Zhery pleaded.

"Huh? Alright I'll explain, just come inside."

We all sat in my bed, while Riolu, Roselia, and Luxio were playing around in the matress.

"So Kalem tell us! We are so eager to know!" Zhery blabbered in excitement.

"Alright, just calm down," I dictated.

"When my parents died, and before I met you two in the orphanage, me and Riolu have been hearing noises?"

"Noises what kind of noises?" Glade inquired.

"We heard voices, voices which kept on calling our name all the time. At first, I and Riolu thought that it was normal to hear such a voice calling our name since my parents just died back then.

But then, when we arrived at the orphanage, it never stopped calling my name." I continued to explain my back story.

"I think a ghost type Pokemon is behind this non-sense!" Glade hunched.

"Maybe, or it could be a dark type Pokemon which was calling your name" Zhery guessed.

"But why would it call my name? Anyways back to the topic... A few nights ago, I experienced a horrible nightmare."

"What kind of nightmare?" Glade queried.

"I don't know, but it kept showing me different scenarios... One of them was a white beautiful flower that made a path of lightness which then turned into a black flower."

"Hmm... what kind of nightmare is that? Maybe you should tell my mother about your nightmare, she knows what to do when I experience nightmares, maybe she can do the same for you!" Zhery advised.

"No thanks, I'll figure out the dream by myself." I disregarded Zhery's advice.

"Then, when I woke up from that tremendous nightmare, Riolu and I found a Pokemon egg under my bed. It had a veil of darkness surrounding it."

"Oh, so that's how you saw the egg... But how come you never told us about the egg?" Glade questioned.

"I did tell you yesterday, didn't I?" I teased Glade.

I had a nice time talking with Glade and Zhery, I wonder how the Pokemon got along?

"So Riolu! How did you and Kalem met?" Roselia asked.

"Oh... I was a gift from his dad," Riolu explained.

"Wait you were not caught?" Luxio wondered.

"No, I was raised from an egg! Then when I first saw Kalem's cute eyes, we became friends instantly! Then we became best friends! We grew closer and closer to each other!" Riolu baffled.

"About you Luxio? How did you meet Glade?" Riolu passed the question.

"His dad saw me injured one day, when I was just a tiny Shynx, his dad rescued me and took care of me. When the time was right, he gave me to Glade!" Luxio answered.

"And about you Roselia?" Luxio passed the question.

"I was caught in a Pokèball by Zhery while her mother was teaching her how to catch a Pokemon," Roselia explained.

Crk... Crk...

"Huh? Do you guys hear that?" Riolu asked.

Crk... Crk...

"It's coming from the Pokemon egg!" Roselia pointed out.

"Could it be hatching already?" Luxio asked.

"Hey Kalem! Hey Kalem!" Riolu pulled my shirt.

"What's wrong Riolu?"

"The egg! It's moving and it's cracking!" Riolu told me.

I took a look at the egg and I was in awe!

"Glade! Zhery! Look at that! The egg is hatching!" I exclaimed.

"Woah! This is my first time to see an egg hatch!" Glade was also in awe.

"But look at the veil, it's getting bigger and bigger!" Zhery warned.

It seemed to me like the veil was about to explode, I had to protect the Pokemon.

"Quick, protect your Pokemon!" I ordered as I jumped to cover Riolu. Zhery jumped and covered Roselia, Luxio was blocked by Glade.


A large beam of darkness expanded and turned into a golden ring. The wind was getting strong, it seems like the ring that was formed out of dark beams was trying to suck all the things in like a black hole!

"Riolu! Hold on tight!"

"Roselia return to your Pokemon!"

"You too Luxio!"

I was fighting against the ring. I tried to keep Riolu safe. But the ring kept on pulling Riolu inside.

"Kalem! Put Riolu back to his Pokèball!" Glade shouted.

"Riolu hates Pokèballs!" I shouted.

"What?!" Glade and Zhery were surprised.

"Kalem! Kalem!" Riolu shouted as he was getting closer and closer to the golden ring.

All of a sudden, the golden ring disappeared and the egg cracked slowly by slowly. A gust of wind blew me and Riolu into the wall!

"Are you alright Kalem?!" Zhery asked

"Kalem! Riolu! Can you hear us?"

My eyes were blurred at first, then I started to see things clearly now. I looked at Riolu, he seemed to be ok.

"I'm, I'm ok," I said while I was panting.

"What kind of nonsense gobbledygook just happened?!" Glade asked.

"Where did that golden ring come from?" Zhery inquired.

"No matter what is it, the important thing is that we are safe." I fretted.

"K ... Kalem?" Riolu woke up.

"Hey Riolu, you alright?"

"Y... Yeah!" Riolu replied.

"The egg, it's starting to crack." Zhery pointed.

We three watched the egg crack. We wondered what kind of Pokemon would hatch from the egg. But one thing's for sure, it isn't Darkrai.

Crk... Crk... Crk... Crack!

"The Pokemon was surrounded by a white sphere, and slowly it became clear.

The Pokemon that hatched had red hair with a black body, her ears were like those of a Growlithe, and her face looked mischievous. She has four legs and she cute.

"It looks so cute!" Zhery said with amusement.

"But what kind of Pokèmon is it?" Glade asked.

"Let's bring it to the headmaster, maybe she knows what it is," I suggested.

The little Pokemon laughed and ran around my room.

"Hey no! Don't do that! Stop that!" I told the mischievous Pokemon.

But she didn't listen to me, she just jumped and ruined everything!

"Zhery, Glade, help me catch the Pokemon!" I yelped for help.

"Come here!" Zhery ordered the little Pokemon to stop.

"Stop running around!" Glade said with frustration.

She was about to pounce at my family portrait.

"No ... You can break anything you want but not that!" I ordered as I rushed to protect the portrait.

When the little Pokemon pounced, she landed on top of my hair, I quickly grabbed the Pokemon, she was able to calm down some time later.

The three of us rushed to the headmaster's office while I was holding the Pokemon.

"Come in" The headmaster allowed.

"Oh, it's you three! What a surprise!"

"Ms. Beatrice my Pokemon egg hatched!" I explained.

"The Pokemon is cute but terrible, it destroyed Kalem's room!" Zhery added.

"He nearly gave me a heart attack!" Glade exclaimed.

"Relax... the three of you! May I see the Pokemon?" The headmaster pleaded.

I lifted the Pokemon and showed it to the headmaster. The headmaster was attracted by the cuteness of the Pokemon.

"Hmmm, I know I've seen a Pokemon like this before, when I was in my journey."

"Oh really mother?" Zhery questioned.

"Now what was its name again?... ... Oh I remember now! It's a Zorua!"

"A Zorua!?" The three of us exclaimed.

"Now let's scan it with a Pokèdex shall we?" the headmaster took her Pokèdex from her pocket.

"So that's how a Pokèdex looks like!" I looked in awe.

"Yes, mom used to travel... so she has a Pokèdex, it's an encyclopedia which records or gathers a data of a Pokemon. Pokèdex can be in different shapes and sizes, there's even a thing called a Rotom-Dex!" Zhery explained.

The headmaster scanned the Pokèdex.

{Zorua: The tricky fox Pokemon! A dark type! To protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identity, by transforming into people and Pokemon.

Moves: Zorua currently knows two moves! Scratch and tackle}

"Oh... that's why it's so mischievous!" Glade concurred.

"So Zorua... That's its name" I looked and smiled at it.

"So Kalem, why not catch Zorua?" The headmaster suggested.

"Catch Zorua?" I asked.

"Yeah! Zorua will be yours, forever! Wherever you travel, Zorua will always be with you!" Zhery added.

"So what do you say Zorua, want to come with me and Riolu?" I asked, hoping that Zorua would agree.

Zor Zor Zorua!

"Kalem, Zorua wants to join!" Riolu translated.

"Oh really?" I was so excited, me and Riolu won't be alone anymore! Zorua would be our new addition to the team!"

"Here's a Pokèball Kalem, just throw the ball to Zorua in order to catch it!" Zhery offered.

"Thanks Zhery! So Zorua just tap on the button when I throw the Pokèball ok?"


I haven't thrown the Pokèball yet, when all of a sudden Zorua jumped towards the Pokēball and tapped the button.

The Pokèball shook for three turns then, stars appeared as a sign that Zorua was caught.

"Alright! I just caught a Zorua!" I boasted.

"Wow, such a rare occasion for a Pokèmon that is willing to be caught!" The Headmaster cried of joy.

"Come on out Zorua and meet your new friends!" I released her out of the Pokēball.

"Come on out Roselia and meet Zorua!"

"You too Luxio, take a look at Zorua!"

Zorua greeted Roselia and Luxio, they even played together for a while.

Zorua was indeed a friendly but mischievous Pokemon, and there's still a lot to know about Zorua! Like, what food it likes, and what ability it has! And of course, all of us will be training hard so that we could be closer and closer!