
Chapter 29

Before Rain could reply I was dragged away to the local training area. It is a large dome shaped building on the first level of the city. It is located almost directly underneath the local gym. It is also the local gym trainer and gym leader's private apartments. The apartments are located on the third floor of the building.

Michio pulls out a black card with flame shaped highlights. He puts it near the door then a ding comes from it letting the door open.

"Welcome home Mister Igarashi. I do hope you enjoy your stay at the Motostoke gym apartment and practice fields today. Do remember that the third floor along with parts of the second floor are off limits to outsiders. Also Mister Kabu has requested that after your battle to release the gym trainers and staff from the Motostoke gym. He also requested for you to return the master card to him before you continue on your journey." The camera at the entrance blinked off.

Michio walks inside mumbling under his breath. I could not hear what he said but I can image it was him saying something along the lines of not having to listen to Kabu. He lead me through a beautiful decorated secretary area decorated in posters of gym leaders who worked in Motostke along with newspaper clippings showcasing all those people have done in their trainer carriers. Michio stops before the area dedicated to Kabu Igarashi the current gym leader.

Michio hesitates after a second then turns around to face me," Before Kabu became the gym leader here he was the champion for tens years in Hoenn. He threw his champion title to someone who could not beat him so that he could be with his family. He did this knowing that he was ruining his life as a trainer but he did it anyway. Kabu threatened the chairmen of the Hoenn League if they did not allow him to do so. You know what at that point I was happy the man who was my father was finally going to be home for my sixth birthday. Do you know what went wrong the League threatened Kabu to help them with a world ending threat if he did not help them they would do something awful to his family. Kabu decided to go back and help leaving me and my mother behind. Do you know what happened next? Well let me tell you my mother was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer a year after he left. I was alone taking care of her until she died four months ago. Kabu only came home after the funeral to take me with him to Galar because the League asked him to take over as gym leader. I hate him for leaving me and my sick mother with nothing but the fire type breeding farm and money. Did you know that Kabu is actually the richest person in the world right now."

Then Michio walks to the door about to open it," I told you this because when I see your face after you heard my name I felt you knew what was happened and felt guilty. I don't want your pity all I want is for your friendship. I heard so many stories from Henry about how great of a trainer you are how you actually won against pokemon poachers. Rain also told me how you beat your first two gym leaders easily but guess what you are going up against a former champion. I am going to beat into your head with my starter that not everything goes your way so prepare for your defeat."

Then Michio walks down the hall stopping before a room labeled fire type training area," Get ready since this will be a battle between starter pokemon."

We walk into the practice gym. Hot air hits me in the face along with the urge to take off my jacket. That is when I see the battle field is covered in black sand with areas that burst into flames. The walls are covered in black stone. There is a sitting area but it is covered with a protective heat resistant glass with a door leading into the area on the challenger's side of the field. There are also two high rise areas covered in the same glass about fifteen feet above the field on opposite ends. There is also the same standing area for the ref but about five feet off the ground on the spectator side of the field between the line marking the half way point of the field.

Standing in the refs box is a person wearing a black hood. They also have a Yamper sitting at their feet. That is when it struck me is that yam yam guy.

Michio goes to his area climbing up the ladder. I do the same after staring at who I think is yam yam guy.

I'm sorry that this came late. The only excuse I have is that the chapter kept deleting itself until I had enough and just wrote it on my phone.

PhoenixLore4creators' thoughts